Guru Nanak and measuring grains
Guru Nanak and measuring grains

Nanaki was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's elder sister. She was living with her husband in a city called Sultanpur. She convinced her father to let Guru Nanak Dev Ji come over and live with her in Sultanpur. There she found him a nice girl to marry, and married him and found him a job too.
In the city of Sultanpur everyone really liked Guru Nanak Dev Ji as he always spoke the Truth. Many times Guru Nanak Dev Ji would suddenly start singing, and all the listeners were inspired by him as there was Truth even in the songs that he sung and it inspired and uplifted everyone!
His job was to give out wheat to people in exchange of money. His boss liked him because he was a hard worker and very honest. When people came to buy wheat, his job was to weigh it and give it to them. It was a nice and simple job!
One day a customer noticed something unusual. As Guru Nanak Dev Ji weighed out the wheat, he counted 1-2-3-4-5... And when he came to 13 he just repeated it over and over again!
In Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s language the number13 is ‘teraa’. But ‘Teraa’ also means ‘Yours’. So when he would count up to ‘teraa’ he would start to think about how he belonged to God! “Everything is Yours, everything is Yours, everything is Yours... Yours, Yours, teraa, teraa, teraa...” he would say it over and over again!
Closing his eyes, a
nd with a smile on his face, he would take out much more wheat than the required amount to be given and give it to the customer!
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was completely lost in thinking “Yours Oh God... Yours, Yours, Yours.” Somebody told Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s boss that he was giving away wheat for free!
So Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s boss came over to see it for himself. When he got there everything seemed normal. The wheat was all there. So he sat down and counted all the money that Guru Nanak Dev Ji had collected. He looked at the record book and weighed all the wheat. Then he looked at the numbers to see exactly how much wheat there should be!
His boss was really surprised with what he found out. There was actually more wheat then he had expected! Everyone was shocked, a miracle must have happened! They had seen him giving much more wheat than people paid for, and now there was more than there should be!
God protected Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Every time Guru Nanak Dev Ji was about to get in trouble, he was protected! This is because he was completely honest and he was thinking completely about God at all times. People in the city began to love Guru Nanak Dev Ji a lot. They loved his singing and everyone knew that he was very holy. Those were very happy times in the city of Sultanpur and the people were overjoyed to have Guru Nanak Dev Ji living amongst them!