First Impression

First Impression

3 mins

We all have heard the famous quote- “ First impression is the last impression.” Based on my personal observation, I may or may not agree with it 100%. When we meet a person for the first time, we create a personal opinion about them based on their physical appearance, their conversing skills and their body language. We gauge if the person is confident, smart, intelligent or shy. Within 2-3 minutes, we create our own assumptions about someone whom we practically know nothing about. The first few minutes of meeting a new person are always pivotal in order to create a good impact.

The location or place doesn’t really matter. It could be a job interview, a private party or a social gathering of common friends. The way you walk, the way you speak, the tone of your voice, your ability to speak on various topics are some factors which are judged. In a span of a few minutes, you either create a good impression, a mediocre one or a bad one. A good first impression helps you earn brownie points in the eyes of the other. But can a few minutes help you analyze the character or qualities of a person? Absolutely not.

I met someone a few years ago and my first impression about her was that she was sweet, lively and friendly. Probably she was successful in showing me a picture of herself too perfect to describe in words. In reality, she was far from being friendly and easy to talk to. She was cold, selfish and insensitive. Days and ho

urs spent with her made me discover the ugly personality hiding behind a beautiful face.

On the other hand, a dear friend of mine rarely smiled. She seemed quiet and sincere. She had the attitude to fight for the right and the courage to speak up for the truth. She never smiled as she faced a lot of adversities in her life since a young age. She became mature way before the right age and had to take the responsibility of earning for her family. Only when I became her friend, did I realize that she could crack jokes and pull pranks on people, simultaneously being someone you aren’t supposed to mess around with. My dear friend in today’s world is a true gem, worth being cherished.

The point that I want to make here is : Please don’t judge a person based on the first impression you have about them. They may or may not always be true. There are reasons why people behave differently with different people in different situations. You never really know what the other person has been through. Not everyone is talkative and confident as you are. Some may be shy and lack confidence or maybe have trust issues. Try to understand people and only then come to a conclusion. Some things which look pretty and sweet from the outside may be bitter and sour from the inside. You can never discover a person’s true intentions unless and until you spend some time with them. In some cases, first impression may not always be the last impression.

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