Abhishek Gupta



Abhishek Gupta


Finding True Calling

Finding True Calling

2 mins

Maa, I have heard a lot of people talking about true calling. What does it exactly mean?

It means to know what is it you really love to do and follow it.

But, how to know it?

Sometimes it comes naturally while other times you know it by experimenting different things.

And, what if someone still doesn't find it?

Then you need mental peace.

How to achieve it? I have been trying hard to know my true calling but still confused.

To clear him, she took him to the nearest beach the next morning and said, "For a moment forget everything and just be yourself. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Let the gentle breeze soothe your soul. Let the waves of water wipe out all your fears, scars and wounds and wounds. Drag yourself out from the illusion of past and future

and try to see the reality i.e., present. And again take deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out. Now open your third eye. The eye has the power to look inside your soul. The eye which always knew what is right and what is wrong for you. The eye you have been trying to fool all these years. Ask him, what is it that makes you happy? What is it that makes you feel lively? What is it that brings out the best in you? What is it that you always wanted to do but couldn't gather the courage to do? Yes, the answer lies within. Keep asking till you get the answer to each and every question. Then open your eyes with a broad smile. And go and live your dream! Live your life! Live your life!"

She continued it for the next month and finally, he found his passion of being a "Stand-up comedian" and pursued it fearlessly.

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