Kuthadi Rohini

Drama Others


Kuthadi Rohini

Drama Others

Experience Managing

Experience Managing

1 min

Hi, friends I am here to share some of my favorites. I really enjoy watching a movie with popcorn in my tip and on a big screen and that too, not a horrible movie it is a reasonable, message-oriented, and also a suspension of the story is anyone of you experienced the movies oriented in your own life.

Yeah exactly what I am saying is there are some things that movie related to our own life but it is not real-life. In my point of view, it's just an image of another individual attention but in our own life we have to learn each and every stuff, make mistakes and learn from that mistake we have performed.

Life is too short enjoy every single moment. There are so many situations that make us miserable, take a deep breath, and barely try to solve the problem. But don't speak the words when you are in anger it's effect a lot which can't be resolved so think before you express your beliefs.

Yes, I am going very depth. This is the only introduction of my experiencing of life and I am still learning and making a fumble. Let us see what surprise is going to happen in my life.

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