Arani Acharjee

Abstract Horror Fantasy


Arani Acharjee

Abstract Horror Fantasy

Et Vindicta

Et Vindicta

7 mins



“Hmm?” she softly turned over with her big emerald eyes glazing all over my face.

A big grin broadened out my mouth. Even under this gloomy landscape- which is our master bedroom,those appealing eyes can never fail my sight.

“There she is!” 

Sometimes I can't believe my luck,to have such an ethereal,unearthly, quintessential ornament in my life.

I can't really remember how or when I met Lilith; it's all fuzzy right in..but the way her sole existence-made me feel like no other in this entire planet.That sculpted ivory figurine,alluring smile, porcelain skin and those big lascivious eyes…

My infatuation for that hypnotic visage— No dictionary has enough words to describe the surreality that is of my most prized possession.

Lilith came to my life like a sudden out-worldly miracle and enraptured my mere existence.

“Evanna could have never….”


Lilith's still staring at me,with her curious emerald eyes focused on my lips. Her blooming skin that of one is expecting soon, I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

This is all I've ever dreamt of, in exchange for anything literally.And I couldn't be prouder.

“How am I supposed to be a good father Lil? I can never love someone more than you…”

“Love me then…” her velvet voice sent a sense of shiver down my spine.

I felt her silk fingers sliding over my neck to shoulder and down.

I closed my eyes and breathed the slowest I could. No power in the world can stop me from taking a bite of this heaven of sins.

I peeped once through my window and exchanged glances with the blackest landscape,which is the new moon sky.

Then I sighed at the only silver in my room. A rather lustrous one.


“So tell me,are you seeing someone?”

“Erm.. that's.. private?” I frowned.

Dr. Maloney can act funny at times. Since the day Evanna left, he's playing quite the guardian on me and does enjoy a bit of snooping himself.

“Well…if anything..” his raspy tone got politer.. “I only wish the best for you… I can understand,it's been hard..since Evanna's gone ….”

And did I mention? His new quest is to find my perfect match. That's the best medicine he has prescribed,to get over my previous relationship.

Dr. Maloney has been our family physician for past three decades.

Now that no one else left from either of our lineage,his concern for me isn't just like a doctor has for his patients. I'm more of a son to him. He knows everything about me. 

Except one.

That is Lilith.

Yes, I haven't told him about the greatest secret of my life. Everything has its time. He'll know, eventually.

“I gotta go,doctor. It's getting late.” I sighed.

“Oh right…take care… off you go.” Dr. Maloney blinked like a spectacled ancient owl, “Take my words in you know…”

Before he could finish,I rushed out like a bolt of lightning. It's way past the golden hour and the thought of an ethereal nymph is beckoning me hard like an enthralled shepard…

The moon on the other hand is bleeding like an enchanting sylph.You don't forget such elaborate plot of seduction.

It's driving me insane.


It's hard to tell,but I'm home at least.

There's no light except the moon here.

And there's something about this bloody moon up there tonight,

It's….. it's drowning me in.

But,“there she is!”

Her big emerald eyes are now glowing,like some nocturnal predator—waiting patiently for the poor, inattentive prey.

Her womb has grown the size of tonight's moon,full & content.

As I'm saying, I'm gazing at her shell pink silhouette—has she got even more attractive? What am I missing?

Or am I too drunk of my obsession?

“Ravish me,witch..” I murmured.

And there's a sudden blinding darkness filled the room.

“Lilit…??”my voice all choked within.

A blood-red halo with sinister odour poured inside.

And—“there she is..” 

Now stood perhaps seven feets tall,with black colourless wings— her curled serpent hair brushing against porcelain cheeks; as from bottom down,an ancient basilisk cuddling her warmth out.

Her bright,crimson crystal irises are swallowing me from top to bottom. Her lips that of some permanent shade of scarlet red; portraying the perfect backdrop against those pearly white fangs.

This was quite not the end of how the terrific hag altered herself.

My blackest nightmare was yet to begin.

Beings spawned like quivering slime out of this haunting Gorgon;that was once mine.

Those vermins,too hideous for reality- sprung straight from the flaming pits of hell.

The pestering devils that can strike mortal terror to the stablest & sanest of men,those things of filth and obscenity—can't emerge out of my seed!

…… My mind has lost count,for how long my last crumbs of sanity has to encounter this dreadful pythoness feasting on her festering litter like a voracious beast, licking their last drops of murky manifestation..

Now, stooped to a half-crouch that brought her horned head four & half feets from the ground, this giant behemoth turned at me…

The visage that was screaming madness to me, wasn't of this demoness from the stygian interior of the earth anymore…

It was Evanna's.

My Eva's.

Even though my sanity has left me wrecked insane; another fuzz is clearing up itself.

All of a sudden,I remembered the day I met Lilith… and the day Evanna left.

“It was really hard since the day Evanna left.” Dr. Maloney reminded me of this umpteenth time.

But little did he know,“Evanna never left.”

“Or she kinda did,in tiny chunks..”

Oh yes! I can remember now, it was me.

It was me who decided to terminate my dearest bride.. just a little pressure down her fragile swan neck—my beautiful better half and both of our best halves,inside her,slept peacefully.

But I left no stone unturned to bid them goodbye. With utmost care & efficiency,I separated them,limb by limb..let them rest inside my refrigerator for days.

My Evanna left as canine's delight all over the neighborhood.

“Because I longed for a perfect,unearthly nymph from my dreams,in exchange of vital force. That ravishing witch is called Lilith.”

Evanna's progressing towards me.Her dreading facade is altering again in a calmer, elegant version. The one,that was mine.

And the bonny lass against the blood-red moon canvas– feels like salvation.

“oh Eva! Come closer...take me outta this foul alley of inferno!

yes....take my hand,pull me out…”

“Ah,take me somewhere…. somewhere calmer, somewhere cooler….”

“Wai-t! I... I'm…I'm co-ming….” he gasped.

Now that Eva dragging Adam out of— what was the breeding ground of unspeakable horror & madness—one giant horned figurine of an ancient sorcereress and debris of menace; dazzling with scarlet halo gradually getting smaller… Only his stoned eyes stared without seeing— a silhouettic screeching owl with fiery copper eyes growled vindictively, it soared high outta window and blended with the bleeding moon.

“Slam!” the closing refrigerator sighed.

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