Dream Shades

Dream Shades

15 mins

There was a flash of INDIGO filling up my unconscious sight. Soon after the other colours started setting in my sight as I focused on the scenario in front of me. 

The man of my dreams. Literally. 

He stood there as everyone else including the legendary time stopped. I moved forward towards him who had a blank yet mysterious face. As soon as I reached closer I grasped his big, rough and veiny hands in my smaller and softer ones. And just as expected, a flash of RED filled my dreamy sight. I know what is gonna happen but I can't change anything. 

Soon after like before, my sight is filled with colours again but this time something is disappearing. The man. From his toe, he slowly started fading into thin air making me gasp despite I know the events. 

I try to hug him tight to prevent him from running away from me, but who could hold air? Who could change fate? Who? Name them! 

After what felt like an eternity he decimated into the atmosphere around me. And that's when everything goes BLACK. 

Opening my eyes, I took in the harsh sun light storming into my room showing it wasn't 7am. My sleepy eyes shot open as I sat on the bed. Imagine this. My hair was messy, my face was dry and pale, the corners of my mouth cracked with drool drying long back and nose filled with dirt. 

I looked at the fallen alarm clock which miraculously didn't die even after several times being abused by my hand. My eyes widened seeing it was 11 am. Shit, I am late for work! Boss will screw my life harder. 

I rushed to the bathroom as fast as my stumbling legs could carry me. I quickly did my morning routine and chores and looked at myself one last time in the mirror to make sure I look like a human. Yes, I did. 

Reaching the cafe I worked at 12, I was bowing down 90 degrees, trying to show my pissed off boss how sorry I am. Thankfully I wore pants. 

She let me get away this time being the sweet person she is. She still has her strict moments which scare me to my deepest cores. I took place of Jessica who stood at the counter as we switched places.

"Damn girl you are so bad" Jessica whined packing up to leave. I gave her really sorry and pouty look trying to show how apologetic I was. I had to take the shift from 7 am to 12pm today but Jessica took my place after boss begged her because I overslept. Her shift was from 12 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. "I'm really sorry Jess. I will surely make it up to you. You know how heavy of a sleeper I am. One large Americano from my side" I winked at her. 

"I am thankful you don't ever forget your promises, bye Anna. " She said and left but not before giving me a warm hug. "I am thankful I got you girl!" I shouted so she could hear me. 

For the next hour , I spent serving and taking orders from customers. Then it was short break time and I started thinking about my dreams. 

Why...why do I get the same dream. 

It's so implausible that I get the same dream since forever. The same crystal clear dream since my childhood. I have the dream at the back of my hand. It's now like a boring movie that your mind keeps replaying for god knows what reason. 

The face of the man...I could probably describe him better than the mirror itself. 

Want me to prove it...ok 

He has what they call a soft heart or a little triangular-shaped face. His forehead was the widest in his face. The width tapers going down towards his chin.  

His eyes were small but very mesmerising and held seriousness. 

His top lips were a little puckered and full whereas his lower lip was smaller. His lips were like the Cupid's bow. His nose was the beautifully defined Roman nose. Overall he has the capacity to lie about being a Greek god and people would believe him.

But he still held the maturity to be 3 and a half-decade old. 

It's surprising me to a deep extent. Even though I am clearly aware of all of the dreams, I am still curious about the weird colours...indigo, red and black. What does this all have to do with the dream? Why does the dream even play around in my unconscious mind? Does that person even exist? I have no clear idea... probably-


"Excuse me, may I place my order" a deep voice startles me as I turn around in reflex and say 

"Sorry sir, what do-" I stopped midway as I looked at the person. 

My mouth fell wide open as I scanned the person in front of me. 

It's can't be! How is it possible! 

He....he is real?!

The person's blank look started to change as he knitted his brow. 

I heard my boss who said to me to take his order through her vigorous sign language. 

I blinked rapidly as I calmed myself and stuttered. 

"P-please place your order sir" I said gulping down as I saw my hands still shaking. 

The man of my front of me. 

Is this what you call miracles? Coincidence? Magic? 

"One Americano" he replied and I smiled fake as I typed it down in the desktop in front of me trying to convince him I am not a weirdo or psychopath. I slowly passed him a cup of fresh Americano and he grabbed it quickly.

"Thank you" he replied and left with his cup of Americano. As soon as the doors of the cafe shut close I sat on my knees unable to process this information. My boss came running towards me concerned about my weird behaviour. 

"You ok Anna" she asked holding me up. I nodded unable to form words. The effect this dream man has got on me...I am disliking it now. 

Time and tide passed by furiously. Soon enough the moon made a whole rotation around earth. This month had been weird. My silent dreams now had a voice...his voice. 

Whenever he is about to disappear after the red hue he says "if there is life, there is everything. Life is more worthy than riches. " This is all getting so weird. I never heard a single sound during my dreams.

And now I can hear an entire philosophy class. 

It was the 2nd of the new month. 

I was doing my dishes at home and it was Sunday meaning holiday. 

As I immersed myself in plates and soap, I heard the annoying loud tune of my ringtone cutting into the silent space. 

Damn! Who is calling right now! 

I quickly cleaned my hands with running water and rush towards the source of the noise as I quickly rub my hands dry over my clothes. 

"Hello" I picked up. 

"Anna!" I heard the panicked voice of my best friend. 

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned 

"Anna, please help me! My uncle is in danger and I can't help him on my own! He is locked in a deserted room of a broken building for construction. My parents have locked me up to prevent me from going and saving him! Please help! Help me, save my uncle! He is a good person. " Monica just said those words like the lyrics of rap god. 

"Mons relax, tell me where he is. I will call the police and tell them, don't worr-" she cut my words off quickly like an impatient razor.

"NO! NO Anna! Only you! Don't tell this to anyone! PLEASE! " She begged like a psycho, scaring me. 

"Ok ok, calm down, tell me the address," I said as she started sobbing. 

"Road 23...the broken building of blue Square hotel," she said trying to breathe as her nose must be filled with a snort.

"Ok, I will save him ok, calm down" I said and hung up. I quickly go get dressed and carry my purse and leave in a hurry. 

It took me roughly 20 minutes to reach there via cab. 

Just as I reached there I saw 2 muscular and tall men walk out laughing as they spoke, "thank goodness, our work is done. No one will come here for long! He will starve to death! Boss will pay well for the job" with that they threw off a shiny object somewhere behind and left.

Clearly sounding very suspicious, I made sure to pick up the key and stuff it not my pant pockets. 

I made way upstairs and saw there was only a single room that was locked and I could hear noises. 

I used the key trying to unlock the door and did a victory dance when it worked . 

The key fitted properly into the lock as if they were a match made in heaven. 

I opened the door to expect a middle-aged person looking like Monica's father, but was met with the person whom I would expect the least. 

"You!" I pointed out. Guess who

Yea, cool, the dream guy is the answer. 

"Y-you are Monica's uncle!" I asked shocked. 

"...yes" he replied. That's when I looked at his current state. 

He was tied to a chair roughly so he can't even try to escape. 

No room for escape. I quickly went over and tried to cut the ropes but they wouldn't budge. 

After some tries, I found the knot where the rope was secured. Thankfully I managed to unknot it and open the ropes. I immediately did a victory dance in happiness but when I realised I wasn't alone I stopped and tucked my hair strands behind my ear. 

"So what now?" He asks

"Well...let's first leave this broken misery," I said and dragged him outside the building. 

"So what now"

he repeated again. 

I looked at him and sighed. "Look...this all happened so quickly and weirdly that I am confused as Hell myself. Please stop asking questions. First I will call Monica" I scolded him and called Mons. 

"Hello" I heard her voice after a few rings calming me. I was afraid her parents would have taken her phone. 

"Mons, I found him. Your uncle is safe and healthy" I said. 

"Thanks, thank you so much Anna. I am going to your place right away, I found a way to escape" she replied and hung up.

I sighed and looked at Mr dream man, he looked tired and exhausted. 

"I am sorry" I replied as we started walking towards my house. 

"For what? For the scolding?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Yea...I didn't really want to scold you. I should have been more careful with you. You look weak and tired" I said sadly. 

He softly patted my back in a mature and elderly way. It felt as if he were my older brother. 

After some time we reached my house and I seated him on the sofa of the living room. 

"Do you need anything? Water? " I asked as I didn't know what should I say.

He shook his head making me sigh. I fidgeted with my fingers not knowing what to do. 

I quickly went and sat in front of him on another sofa. He looked at me and I cleared my throat in nervousness. 

" what actually has happened," I asked referring to all that tying up and all. 

I was also concerned about Monica and her parent's sudden change in behaviour. Like locking her up in a room is harsh and bad. 

"Well I am a criminal" he replied and I felt my feet go cold. 

Criminal...I imagined a lot of stuff I should probably not. 

"I 'raped' and murdered a girl" his words struck me like a lightning bolt. I felt shivers run down my spine and fear flooding through my bones and blood. 

I wanted to run away far from this creep. He raped a woman. 

But then I felt anger and sympathy for that poor woman. The fear left my body and anger raged through my bloodstream. 

"How can you be such an insolent and ruthless to hurt a women's pride and ego?! How could you hurt someone so violently!" I screamed feeling my guts telling me to choke him!

"I see, this is why Julie used this method" he replied and chuckled sadly, confusing me. 

"What do you mean?!" I shouted 

"You see there is a difference between being actually forced and felt you were forced...both go under rape," he said making me blink unable to understand what he meant. 

" I never wanted to force or kill her. I didn't even rape her. " He said. 

"What do you even mean? Sometimes you say you raped and the other time you are saying you didn't even rape her! What the hell !" I asked confused. I don't know why I was still refraining myself to call the police, was it because of Monica? 

"It all started 11 years ago when I was 25" he replied. 

I quietened myself giving him a chance to speak. If Monica cared about him so much there surely must be some good in him. 

"I was young and reckless. I had anger issues and never got along well with my older brother. He wanted me to be a good doctor like him. But no...I wanted to be an entrepreneur! Open an enterprise and a cool company that generates cool stuff. What a fool was I. Things like this will just make you feel like a boss. Nothing more. I should've known I didn't have the clever and intellectual ability to be a boss. I took my share of the property and sold it to have millions. I used it as capital and joined hands with a small company. Who would have known that was gonna be my worst decision ever. The company was ruled by 2 friends, Julie and Adam. I really liked Julie. She was beautiful and pretty, her personality was soft and nerdy. I really went crazy for her. I invested all my money for them. They told me they will give me 50 percent shares. Alas, I didn't document it believing they will never betray me.

But they did. They didn't even give me 1 percent control over their rising company. They got fame and fortune because of my money! I felt my anger rise to its peak when they married and lived happy. I couldn't take it and one day broke into their house. Adam was not there. Julie was there, siting like the princess she thinks she is. She is a betrayer! She betrayed me with Adam! I threatened her! I will ruin her reputation by enclosing their promise! Then she laughed. She said, "will it be just me...?" As she slid down her sleeves and tore it into pieces with her bare hands, shocking me. I felt disgusted! She was a woman! How could she behave like this! My anger took over me! I pushed her harshly making her lose her balance and fall, what I didn't know was there was a glass window and she fell across it hitting it with great force and fell all the way to the ground. I was devastated, I couldn't think straight. I left the house quickly and went to the police station. I confessed everything truthfully and after certain interrogation, they believed me and I was jailed for murder, for 11 years I stayed in jail. Adam was seeing red. He was Hella angry and told me he would kill me to avenge his wife's murder. And now here I am running from Adam for my life. But soon I will give up" he said 

I felt my heart clench at his life story. He faced so much unfair stuff, why can't people like Adam go jail?! Money is always protecting bad guys like him! That also money which doesn't belong with them. 

"I am...very sorry, I should have heard you before judging you," I said 

"It's ok, I guess I would have reacted like you. " He said forgetting with a small mole on his neck. I chuckled sadly catching his attention. "They say people with a mole in the neck region turn out to be killers...I never believed it before" he focused his gaze on me for a moment and said "if you have life never measure it and trade it for something else. Live it to your fullest" he said shocking me. 

His similar to my dreams. 

"May I ask for some Americano" he requested. 

"Um yeah, I will get it for you from the store, stay safe" I replied and grabbed my purse and keys. 

I gave him one last glance before closing the door.  

I made my way to the supermarket and bought some essentials with a cup of Americano , when I was returning I saw Monica and called out to her. 

She came running towards me and hugged me. "Thanks Anna " she mumbled and cried. 

As we made our way back I told her everything. She nodded and said " he is actually a good guy, in fact he even started to control his anger because I started going to the jail and talk to him , you see my counselling practices helped me well. It's just Adam who has been behind his life. Dad supports Adam because uncle didn't listen to him and told everything about uncle since he has been discharged from jail. Uncle trusts only me and now you " 

But the last line confused me "why would your uncle trust me? " I asked 

"He has always found you very calming and sweet. " She replied shocking me even more. "You don't remember, uncle used to always come at your garden and watch you. You would try to talk to him but he never responded. He just felt at calm watching you play and grow up. You reminded him of me. After fights with father he would storm out and try to control his anger by watching you. He never knew why you fascinated him so much , but he never spoke to you" she said and I could vaguely remember. My parents were afraid he would hurt me so they never allowed him in the house alone . 

Was that the reason for the dreams? 

I still can't imagine he was the person, I just kinda forgot him. 

We didn't speak anymore until we reached home . 

As soon as the door of my house was in view me and Monica gasped. 

The door was broken! 

We both ran in and the sight in front of us horrified us. 

Uncle...was shot brutally. 

His body was loaded with guns disrespectfully. 

His face showed a a calm feature contradictory to his state of condition. 

Monica quickly held his lifeless body in her bloody arms and wailed in agony. 

I didn't cry. . 

I felt a deep sadness take over my body as I slumped down beside my friend. 

They killed him. 

That's when I observed something I didn't earlier. The mole on his neck....wasn't a mole. 

It was now a destroyed chip, they knew his location all this time! 

But why didn't he remove it when he could do so easily? 

That's when I realised the true meaning of his words. He was lifeless. His friends and big brother betrayed him. He lived in hell for 11 years. What more sadness could a person endure? He knew Adam wouldn't leave him be! 

I also understood the mystery of the dream shades or the colours in my dreams. 

Indigo signified the mysterious relationship I had with him. 

Red signified death and blood which I am facing currently. 

And black is the colour I will face soon when my life becomes empty without his dreams in my mind. 

Sleep in peace. 

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