Sneha Swadha

Drama Inspirational Others


Sneha Swadha

Drama Inspirational Others

Digital Closeness

Digital Closeness

2 mins

Lockdown locks us physically, restricts us not to visit anyplace.... But this doesn't me you should distance yourself from others be connected digitally.

Earlier before the lockdown, I was unable to find time for myself... I was unable to find ways to showcase my work....I was unable to express my views.

Soon after entering into this situation, I found this platform where I can express my views, I can connect with others, I got opportunities to be part of many events. I feel socially connected with others and this helped me release my lockdown pressure. 

This Covid-19 situation no doubt have taken so much from us but provided us time to find inner self of us... To get connected with others digi

tally... Have made us realize the potential of being digital. 

Lockdown taught us no matter how big you are if you are not respecting the tiny things also then they may create a big problem for you.... So always respect each thing whether its tiny or giant. 

This situation made us realize that no matter what happens, how hardest the time is if u are connected with your roots u will grow high.

This situation will lead Indians to be more digitally advanced which will take India to another level of development. 

So this is the time to be positive.. Be patience... Be more hopeful... And stay strong. 

#SocialDistance#Digital Closeness 

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