Adrija Poddar



Adrija Poddar




4 mins

What is a trust? This question has triggered me since forever. The word should not even exist in the 21st century, where no one belongs to anyone, where life is a race, a race where the contestants who cheat are not penalized. But when I think of it deeply it is much better than the olden days, the times when people considered what was wrong to be right. For instance, the Sati Pratha was considered to be auspicious, something which destroyed the lives of young girls was considered to be auspicious. Surprising right? Even the caste system was supposed to “organize” the society in an “ideal way”, wasn’t it? But all it did was segregate the people and restrict them, crash down the unity of the mass. Another instance is that of the wars. The 1st and 2nd World Wars took away the lives of the innocent, the ones with no-fault, the ones with a soul, friends, and family. War was a destroyer of humanity. Even though it has not completely been removed from this planet, the horror, the deaths, the number of wars, in general, has been reduced. The intensity of cruelty against people’s lives has been toned down. Or is it otherwise? Even today dictatorship has been the form of government in a few countries. But after so many cruel activities we, the supreme power of all creatures have attained a world free of the things talked about in the previous section, or at least we have reduced it. Then why do we still talk of improvement? First of all, how have we assumed the word ‘’improvement’‘? What is it to us? It feels like improvement these days for us is more of like a form of revision where the person is repeating the same mistake. All that Pandora’s Box has left is hope, and what hope needs to survive is trust. But where is trust?

Well, let’s answer all those questions one at a time.

1st question- what is trust?

Well, trust is something that if you don’t have in yourself, you’ll never find in others. If you can’t trust yourself to speak, you can’t trust other’s words. Sounds weird? Well, let me explain. When you speak about something, about anything, whose words come out of your mouth? Maybe you’re saying something said by someone else, but you still trust your own words more than anyone’s words when you speak. After saying your words you wait for your listener’s reply, his or her review. You will notice that you consider their words even for a second before eliminating them or storing them in your brain, based on how you judge their words if you consider them worthy or not. But that second, when you considered their words, is because you trusted your own words to speak and because you trusted your own words to be reviewed.

2nd question-Where is trust?

I, like the other people, would not say it is in our hearts. I believe trust is like a fever. It is not good, it is dangerous. We are scared of the consequences of trusting someone, just the way we are scared of the consequences of a fever. But trust is also like a scratch if it is deep, it leaves a mark, just like you always trust the person who knows and respects what is deep inside your heart and keeps his or her promise. The whereabouts of trust are unknown, but I strongly believe it is something that appears in our mind, when we need it, not in our heart. It is an instinct, it is a feeling, and it is something beyond the exploration of the human brain to date.

3rd question-How to define cruelty?

It is best not defined. It better not to be registered in the human brain. It better not be thought of or felt. But it must be fought against. For that, the definition of cruelty is what destroys humanity and builds tyranny.

4th question-What is improvement?

It is simply trying out the same thing you failed at in different ways. It is another word for the phrase – Never Give Up.

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