Cradle Of Love..!!
Cradle Of Love..!!

Chapter 1: The Silent Storm Story
Never-ending board meetings were on my schedule like constant. I had a prosaic schedule that included nothing but work and wine.
Many would die for the luxury and money I commanded, but me. A typical daily schedule felt like slow poison, that choked me to death every single day, bit by bit.
One night, a feeling of uneasiness and exigency of fresh air woke me up, at what I think was 4:00 A.M. I got up from bed and had some water.
Sipping on the coffee early in the morning and thinking about the real happy moments of my life really helped me relax and live.
Drunk on day dreaming, it was 6:00 AM in the morning. Zara, my only friend and my personal secretary, came up to the room. I looked at her and said “If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. Just a small spray, and the mind would relax on the happy times without an effort”
She smiled and said “memories can never be bottled up to be cherished again. They can only be created to smile and laugh, while creating more in this short span of life”
Little did I understand those words.
Beep! My phone buzzed. A text message it was. She picked up my phone.
“Who is it?”, I asked.
Zara looked at me, surprised, ”The country code is +91. The text reads- I need you. Only three words are there. No name, no contact details, nothing. Weird it is”.
Before she could say anything further, she looked up at me. My expressions told her that something was not right. My heartbeat had doubled and my face turned pale.
‘Could it be her. But how is it possible. She doesn’t have my number. There are string thin chances that it's her, but chances are still there. I need to know. NOW!’ I thought to myself.
“Any idea who could it be?”, Zara asked.
I was not sure. Just stunned.
Zara continued, “It might be a wrong number. There is no way this is from someone you know. It’s been three years since you last talked to anyone in India. They probably don’t even have your number”.
I kept silent.
The worried look on my face made her anxious. She replied, “Give me some time. I will figure it out.”
Zara was nothing less than a wonder woman. She was intelligent, elegant and gold-hearted. She made a few phone calls and asked for the details of the number.
“The text is from Delhi from some Samaira Kapoor. My contacts tried to call the number, but surprisingly the number is not reachable since that message. Do you know anyone by this name?” She revealed in a while.
The name echoed in my brain like a loud bell, ringing straight in my ear, bursting the eardrums out. My body failed to respond and expressions flew off of my face, leaving me numb and dumbfounded.
She put her hand on my shoulder and asked, “Viraj, are you okay?”
A large drop of tear trickled down my cheek that clearly told her I was not.
After what felt like eternity, I gained my senses back, “I need to leave for India, now.”
Airport was a 30-minute ride. Journey to India felt like an eternity.
As soon as we landed, Zara’s phone buzzed. The text read- ‘I.C.U, Max Hospital, East Delhi. Critical medical condition. Visiting Hours: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. No other contact possible.’
I knew whose description that was... I already had a bad feeling about all this and none of the words in the text made me feel any better.
We moved to a Hotel for the night. I was completely out of my senses. She settled us both and then asked me, “Viraj, do you mind telling me who Ms. Kapoor is?”
The moment I thought of the first time I met Samaira, my long face picked up a broad smile...
I started the narration from the very beginning...
Chapter 2: The Unwanted Meeting Story
It was our final year in college and my friends were chilling at my place.
Lakshay was the last one to arrive and ignored one to be invited. To everyone’s amazement, for the first time ever, he had a girl accompanying him. He was the ‘GEEK GOD’ of the group. Extra studious, extra serious and boring. He was a cousin of one of our friends and hence everyone had a duty to bear his geeky.
What more surprising was, that the girl accompanying him was way too out of his league. She had an oval face cut and a fair complexion. Her thick black her, with neatly done fringes, flowing down to her waist paired beautifully with those green, beautiful, big, pea-shaped eyes. Her lips were naturally red. Her smile made her cheeks form dimples on both sides. I couldn’t think of anything prettier than her in sight.
“Hey guys!”, Lakshay called out from a distance. The girl was walking gracefully, one step behind him. She was a little shy. Somehow, every guy in the room was happy to see Lakshay for the first time ever, eagerly waiting to be introduced to the one accompanying him.
“This is Samaira”, he finally broke the words. The smile on his face seemed to be infinitely wide.
“Samaira. Hmm, the name does match the personality” I thought to myself.
Samaira greeted everyone with a single ‘hello’.
Casual conversations happened and everybody left.
About 2 weeks later, I was out for a drive with Samar when we saw Samaira. She was coming out of a house that seemed pretty old and rusted out.
I steered the car towards her.
Samar called out, “Hey!”
“Hi!!” Samaira greeted us cheerfully in her melodious voice.
‘God! That voice’ I said to myself
“Come on in.” Samar offered to Samaira “Need lift?”
Samaira accepted the offer and hopped in the back seat. “Nice car Viraj”, she said (or sang, we can say).
‘Love her voice’ I talk to myself a lot.
On the way to her home, we got to know, her parents died when she was 15 and left no relatives, guardians or money to live on. Since then she had been working part time and studying full time on her own. Her parents were not very rich, but they left her 2 houses, out of which, one was being used as a shelter home and in the other, she lived. She was a die-hard animal lover.
Samar got down half way, where Shanaya was waiting for her. Samaira’s place was still 15 minutes away.
When we reached, Lakshay was already waiting for her at the entrance gate. He was clearly stunned to see Samaira with me. Alone with me.
“Hi Lakshay” Samaira waived at him as the car neared. I ignored him as usual.
“Hi Viraj, Hi Sam” Lakshay scooted closer to us. I smirked at him to make him feel insecure. He sure got scared and shivery. I loved it.
Samaira invited both of us inside “Viraj, meet Kiara, my sister, my best friend, my love.”
Kiara was busy munching on her snacks, didn’t even bother to look up. Samaira took her in arms and gave her a kiss on forehead. “She is an avid listener” Samaira continued the praise.
I smiled at both of them. Kiara was extremely cute.
“And since she can’t talk, she never argues” Lakshay tried to be funny.
Samaira didn’t like it at all, her glaring eyes could easily tell. I turned at Lakshay and signaled him to jump up his own ass and die before she kills him.
Samaira went to the kitchen and came back with two three glasses and a tray.
“So you both meet a lot. Huh?” I asked with an evil smile.
Devil mode on.
Me: Ruthless
Samaira: Clueless
Lakshay: Hopeless
“No No.”, Samaira smiled at me while replying “Lakshay needed a book I have and since 2-3 days I am not going to the library as Kiara is not well, I asked him to come and pick it up from my home”
The way she said ‘No No’, it sounded like the best wind chime ever. No doubt anyone could fall for her (including me).
“Coffee tastes brilliant” Lakshay tried to change the topic “Why don’t you open your own café?”
Before Samaira could reply anything, I intercepted “Exaggeration for impression. It tastes just fine. There are so many other things about her you could have actually complimented.” Lakshay looked at me with a ‘spare me please look’.
“Ahhan!, So my coffee tastes JUST FINE? I will consider it as an insult” Samaira looked at me, smiling slyly. She continued “Plus there are so many other things about me that you feel like praising? And they are..?”
‘Woops! Punched my own gut’
I waited for the awkward moment to pass, but she didn’t let it go. She kept staring.
‘Answer something good to cover, fast..............’
‘Damn the tongue, hibernated or what................’
‘Filter out the requirement of good to cover and say something..........’
“I should probably pull my tongue and tie my own mouth shut” I finally broke words. Didn’t think it will help. But it did.
She burst out in laughter. Her laugh was melodious, gracious and infectious. A little later we took off. Lakshay didn’t talk to me or wave me goodbye. I think I made him angry. Did I?
Chapter 3: The Brewing Love Story
“Sir, someone has arrived to see you, shall I allow her in”, the computerized door bell was waiting for my orders.
It was my parents’ death anniversary and it was a ‘do not disturb’ day for me. I switched on the intercom. It was Samaira. I exactly don’t know what I thought, but I allowed her in.
“Hi Viraj” the melodious voice again.
It took her 2 nanoseconds to realize I was crying. I quickly wiped my eyes.
“Hey, what happened” She came closer and sat on my side.
I didn’t look at her, but I replied “This day, 10 years ago, I lost my family in an accident. Our car crashed and I was brutally injured. None but only I survived.”
I choked on the word survived, tears in my eyes again and I could not speak any further.
She got up quickly and got me a glass of water. She wiped my tears and hugged me tightly. I must have cried for a long time. I don’t remember when I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was lying in my bed, and Samaira was sitting on the other side of the bed. Silently.
“Feeling any better?” She asked.
I just smiled. Embarrassed to death. She gave me a glass of water and while drinking it, we walked out of my bedroom to the hall. “You must be pretty strong. Picking up a fat ass like me is no easy task.” I joked. She chuckled and said “Well, learning martial arts comes handy in some way or the other.”
“Well, you definitely didn’t come here to see me crying. Did you?”
“Hehe...Uh! feels weird...but I sort of need help.”
“Say! Say!”
“Actually, I got an internship but it’s quite far away from here. When I talked to Shanaya about this, she told me that you have a vacant property there. I was wondering if I could live there for 2 months. I will pay you rent, as soon as I join my job back here. Promise.”
“Sure, no problem, but on one condition. No one ever gets to know that I cried. I have an image to maintain.” I sheepishly smiled. Embarrassed a little again.
“Not a soul would know. You can trust me.”
Chapter 4: The Kiara Story
Since then, Samaira and I got along well. I was surprised how comfortable I was around her, sharing each and every nuke and corner of my life.
One day, when we were on a drive, I said “How come I keep reciting my own tiny tales and I know nothing about you?”
She replied cheerfully “My every chapter starts with Kiara and ends with Kiara. Wanna listen?” I nodded in affirmation.
Samaira excitedly turned towards me and started her tale “I was 5 years old when my dad brought Kiara home. Someone had abandoned her. Since then me and Kiara have been soul sisters. She listened to every problem of mine carefully. Though she never ever gave me a single advice on any of them, but her listening so intently was always something I needed.”
“When I was 15, my mum ran away with a man, cheated all of us. My dad couldn’t bear this shock and went into depression. One day he hung himself and fled the world. Left behind was just responsibilities and hunger. Nothing in pockets to fulfill either of these. Since then, I and Kiara have been each other’s hook and support to live.”
BAM! The story shook my entire world. My head was spinning and the quake got my wits numbed.
I lost track of time in her story. We reached her place. When she got down, I pulled her towards me, in a hug and whispered to her “You are the strongest person I have ever known” She hugged me back. I knew she needed it.
Back at home, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She had no family except Kiara. She lost her parents to an awful situation. She brought up herself by herself. She made decisions for herself. Everything was quite similar to me, except the fact that my parents had left a hell lot of money to live on.
Yet, she grew up to be an epitome of positivity and on the other hand, I was ruled by pure evil thoughts. She was so caring, charming and cheerful even after her struggles and I had complaints with my life to no end. For the first time ever, I was feeling inferior to someone. Insult to injury, the guilt of looking down on her and making perceptions about her since the very beginning, just didn’t subside.
Next few days were usual and boring. Samaira had returned from her internship and now I was spending more time at her home than my own. Being with her felt special. Secure.
Later that weekend, I was with Samar and Shanaya at a restaurant. Samaira had gone to her shelter home. Lakshay joined us a little later. I could feel cold vibes from his side all the time, but was least bothered.
“So, how’s everything between you and Samaira?” Shanaya asked.
“Slept with her yet?” Samar enquired.
“Umm...first, she is just a friend and am not planning to sleep with her. Second, manners people. Respect.” I replied with a straight face, trying to hide a sudden tide of anger.
Both Shanaya and Samar smiled.
“What?” I enquired, a little rudely.
“Nothing much sweetheart, you love Samaira” She replied in a subtle tone.
I denied as strongly as I could, but to no use.
“Okay then, it’s her birthday tomorrow, and since you don’t love her, we are assuming that you won’t be doing anything special for her. Right?” Shanaya threw a question at me.
I ignored the question “What? How do you know that? Did she tell you? I tried finding her birthday but no luck for me there. She doesn’t use any social media platforms and I was too hesitant to ask her directly.” I immediately made a clarification to hide the sudden expression “since I spend a lot of time with her, it will be awkward if I don’t wish her on birthday.”
They definitely didn’t buy it.
Chapter 5: The Proposal Story
It was 12:00 AM. I went to Samaira’s place. I rang her bell, slipped a letter through her door and ran away, to her terrace. The letter read –
“You’ve touched my heart to the core,
I’ve never felt this way before,
For all the feelings I want to show,
Please reach out to your bedroom window.”
When she reached her window, a large trail of fireworks started. Samaira was wide awake by now, and smiling from ear to ear. As soon as the fireworks stopped, a small balloon rose up to her window with a message-
“Hope I could make you smile, please be patient for a little while,
Make it quick to the balcony on the other side,
I feel that smile could go a little even wide.”
In the balcony, as soon as she reached, she was under a spotlight. The balcony was all lit up with aroma candles. She stood there for a moment and then a slow rain of rose petals and cotton balls poured on her.
She stood there in awe, completely amazed and stunned, with her big beautiful smile stretched to the widest possible curve. Even her eyes were smiling by now.
‘Everything is going perfect and she looks extremely happy too. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!’
‘The only problem is: She looks a little confused. Why?’
We all entered her home. Walked up to her in the balcony and stood beside her. She turned towards me. I signaled everyone to take out the cake and wish her birthday.
But everyone stood silent. Not a single word. A few moments later, all of them started laughing loudly. So loud that the grounds must have shaken.
Samaira was still confused. But I realized it. I stood there embarrassed, angry, startled and paralyzed.
“What happened?” Samaira asked me.
I didn’t reply. I ran towards Shanaya as fast as I could, picked her up from the ground and smashed her into the ground. I sat on her stomach, “Why the hell did you do that? It isn’t her birthday, right?” I asked, though I was pretty sure. She was still laughing.
We both got up. Samar had told everything to Samaira meanwhile.
As I walked towards Samaira in utter embarrassment, she was looking at me like a baby. Innocently and lovingly. I was feeling so shy that I couldn’t even figure out where to keep my arms. I was scratching my head, looking at her, looking away, then looking at her again, folding my arms, then scratching my head again.
“Happy Imaginary Birthday Samaira” I said playfully, hiding my embarrassment to no success. Everyone laughed.
I walked up to her and sat on my knees, took out a ring from my pocket and pushed it in her finger. “Hey, that’s my ring, when the hell did you steal it” Shanaya yelled. Samar hit her in the head lightly and asked her to shut up, “But that’s my ring”.
Samaira was now looking straight into my eyes, while I sat on both my knees, “Samaira, Since the day I’ve met you, I have only adored you and looked up to you. Give me a little place in your heart, and I will limit my world to your happiness and smile. I promise to hold your hand and be by your side for this life and beyond, in all our highs and lows. I love you Samaira. I love you,”
Fireworks in my heart and blood was gushing madly through veins.
Chapter 6: The Love Story
My life had become extremely different now. Somewhat exactly opposite of what it used to be.
Samaira was much more than just a kind hearted girl. Whenever I thought- I know her now completely, she used to surprise me with a new skill or art every time.
And yes! I shared a great bond with Kiara too. Whenever I used to visit her, she would offer me her food often, by pushing her bowl towards me. I would smile at her kind gesture, but never accepted any of the offers.
I learnt to appreciate little things in life. All the stupid love stuff, the romantic movies, beauty of nature, etc. The daily schedule looked somewhat like this:
Wake up, talk to Samaira, talk about Samaira, think about Samaira, spend time with Samaira, eat with Samaira, keep staring at Samaira, keep thinking about Samaira, a little bit more of Samaira, Samaira, Samaira, Samaira....
Chapter 7: The Rough Patch Story
I was extremely happy with the way my life was going on. A perfect life partner, awesome friends and my new positive attitude towards life. I started caring for people, animals, feelings and of course, relationships. Could she make me ambitious now? Nah! I was still lazy.
Then the much-awaited storm arrived, the end of graduation. College was over and we had to separate.
Everyone got jobs. But I was still confused with what to do. I decided to drop a year. Little did I know about the nightmare I was signing up for.
I was sitting back home doing nothing while Samaira was sliding up her career charts like crazy.
My ego deteriorated every single day, bit by bit. Didn’t realize it initially, but only later, after things started getting worse.
I talked to Samaira about this a few times, she always had just one reply “Everything will be fine honey, you need to sit back for just this year, that’s it”. I was never satisfied with her reply.
Ego issues soon turned into trust issues. Samaira got so busy that she hardly had time for me. I was so free that I hardly did anything except craving for her time.
Insult to injury, Lakshay and Samaira got posted in the same company. I didn’t like it but I couldn’t do anything. Samaira got so busy with her work that she didn’t notice my resistance to this. Anytime that we got was all wasted in arguments and altercations. Things worsened with time and nowhere could I see an end to all this.
Things were changing with such a pace that I was not able to keep up with my own self. Samaira gave her work so much priority that I hardly could see her in days.
The time of hers that I craved for, was all eaten up by her work.
But the added issue I couldn’t accept was that Lakshay spent more time with her than I could. My patience took the last breath when I got to know that she had gone to Switzerland with Lakshay without informing me.
Unable to bear, I questioned her loyalty “You work with him, you eat with him, do you even sleep with him?”
I stood before her, with a straight face, ready to hear whatever she says. But she didn’t. Her eyes teared up and she left.
The silence hurt me to the core. The pain was unbearable. I took a knife and pressed it through my palm, till the pain o
f the wound got greater than the pain in the heart. I fell unconscious.
Next morning, I woke up with swollen eyes. I realized my mistake and I decided to apologize to her.
I walked to my door. I saw a diary lying on my doormat. A note was stuck to it- ‘I just hope I will be able to prove my love through this.’
I crippled the note and threw it away. I thought of doing the same with the diary, but then I decided to read it. I deserve a proper explanation of why she cheated me. I flipped through the pages...
Chapter 8: The Other Side of the Story
January 11, 2013
I was sleeping soundly today, when my doorbell rang. I got up and saw a note that Viraj had slipped under by door. I followed the instructions.
Woah! The fireworks, the petal rain, the air balloon, the bonfire, everything was so so so amazingg. Although Viraj was extremely embarrassed in the end (hehe..!!), but it was my best birthday celebration ever. I always found him cute and charming. But what he did today was so special. I felt so much attracted to him. And then he proposed to me, the butterflies in my stomach just multiplied to double.
He made me feel so special and that too just for my birthday. I have never been treated so well before. I am sure he loves me truly. Everyone around was so sure. So, I decided to say ‘yes’ to him. No one ever in this world could be more caring than him. I know that badass image is just a show-off. He hides a big heart and a lot of love behind that image.
It felt so perfect when I sat on my knees with him and looked him in the eyes. I could feel the depth of his feelings for me. I could see them in his eyes.
It was the best night ever. I have decided to keep this diary separately, for our moments.
Gunnyt Viraj,
Can’t live without you!
I smiled for the first time in weeks. I remembered my side of the memories of that day. I smiled like an idiot. I read each and every single page of the diary. I knew everything that was written there. I had lived those moments with her. Still, I wanted to read them. I was strangely happy reading them.
But I was reading it for a purpose. I needed to know something. Soon I reached to the pages where I would get my answers....
September 20, 2014
Things just don’t seem to settle down for us. I can see Viraj losing faith in himself. I feel helpless. I tried to cheer him up a little today, but I failed miserably. He has lost his natural smile and confidence. He nowadays just smiles and laughs to make me feel comfortable. I can see it.
Today I planned a romantic dinner for us, but he was too disinterested. He didn’t even respond to me properly. I myself work 14 hours a day, I am stressed and worried and Viraj is not supportive at all. I am a banker, unlimited work and impossible deadlines are my daily routine. When I can be normal when we are together, why can’t he be.
I am a little annoyed today by his behaviour. I wish all gets fine soon.
Gunnyt Viraj,
Can’t live without you!
Yeah right, I was the at fault here, I said to myself sarcastically and continued reading in anger.
September 22, 2014
Woohoo..!! Our days in the dark are finally over. Finally I can see light at the end of the tunnel. So happy I am. Viraj’s application to the University of Switzerland has been accepted. The session starts this November. I hid his admission letter though. I am planning a surprise for him. I will make all the arrangements for our stay in Swiss first, and then, take him to Switzerland and reveal the secret there. I have already given an application to the administration department in office to transfer me to their Zermatt Branch. I will leave tomorrow morning for all the arrangements. Viraj was quite sad to know that I am going to Swiss, but sorry I can’t reveal the secret now. I didn’t want Lakshay to accompany me though. But he forced that this will be an excuse for him to have a trip. I agreed. I know Viraj would be a little upset when I tell him this, but this makes it even better. I want to see that ultimately cute shy face again, which I saw on the day he proposed to me. Hehe..!! I lovve him madly. Actually, his jealous face is super cute too. The way he is possessive about me, the way he wants to keep me away from everyone for my own safety, it makes me feel special. No one can love me more than he does. No worries Viraj, I’ll turn your frown face in smiling curves. Forever.
Gunnyt Viraj,
Can’t live without you!
A big ball of fire went down the throat, straight to my gut. My entire body was burning now.
I was losing my temper. I was angry with myself. I felt like killing myself for not trusting the one soul that could die for me. I made perceptions, I made judgements, I declared her disloyal and I punished her. The question that I shot to her was coming back to me “In return of all the love and care, what did I pay back to her?”
But no lesson, no guilt, no realization, nothing was going to get her back. I was lost in dark. My hands were trembling at the thought of turning the page. The next page had to be about last night.
She was so sure that the coming day would change everything. But little did she know, what surprise the day holds for her. Everything did change, but definitely not the way she wanted...
September 25, 2014
I don’t know what has happened while I was not around. Viraj for the first time ever, questioned my loyalty.
I give up.
Nothing in this world can fix trust, once broken. No love can sprout without a seed of faith in it. He questioned my loyalty and character. I don’t even know what I have done to deserve this. All I know is, nothing can be back to normal, ever again.
I wish I could do something about it. I wish. I am sorry Viraj.
Now, when we are parting ways, I wish that he takes good care of himself. He has a very bad habit of skipping meals over sleep. It makes him sick. I hope he now takes care of himself. I also hope he finds someone who deserves him, understands him and never hurts him. I failed at it. Maybe I am not good enough for a person like him. I remember how much I waited for my birthdays after he came in my life, because he was unbelievable in planning them. I still remember how my every single day was full of surprises and happiness, because he used to make it special. Every single day. I still remember how he would pick me up in his arms as soon as I reached back from office and would roam everywhere with me in his arms all the time, till we would go to bed. I remember how he would try to cook special things for me and end up messing his whole kitchen. I will miss everything. Every single minute of us together.
But trust me, I tried my level best to keep him happy. But maybe I am just not capable to love him.
Take good care of yourself Viraj
Wish you a happy life
Will try to live without you!!
On the last page, my joining letter of University of Switzerland was attached along with a note, that Samaira wrote:
“In exchange of all the love and care we shared, I beg you to please join the university and move on with your career. Sorry for all the pain I caused to you, I promise to never show you my face again, at least till am alive. I will try to move on in life, if I could, I promise. Please don’t feel guilty, it was all my fault that we fell apart.”
Chapter 9: The End of the Love Story
My heartbeat stopped. I couldn’t breathe. I was choking, tears rolling, a lump formed in my throat that seemed to burst my neck. Numbed. Couldn’t gain my senses. I was in a state of shock.
All this time, she was trying to keep our relationship close and I on the other hand was the one alone reason behind the destruction of it. I had started thinking negative about her, I started over thinking over small issues, I made illogical perceptions and I was the one who listened to someone else instead of her. I ruined it with my own hands. My point of view, my feelings, my ego, my life. Every single thought was self-centered.
I immediately called her; not reachable.
I picked up the diary and drove straight to her place. No luck there. Next stop I could think of was her shelter home.
I saw some workers renovating the place.
‘Phew! I found her.’
I ran inside, calling out her name viciously. But no one answered. A man in blue suit, logo of PETA on his pocket came up to me “May I help you” he asked.
“Where is Samaira, I need to talk to her” I said to him, not bothering to know who the man was. The man saw the seriousness and urgency on my face. He replied “Ms. Samaira has donated this place to the PETA now. I am the manager of Delhi branch. May I know who are you?”
“Do you have any idea where she is?” I shot another question without answering his. He said to me “No, but she told me that she has been transferred abroad by her office department and she will be leaving this country today itself and hence she donated the house”
He mumbled a few more sentences which I didn’t bother to listen. I called her office to enquire about her, but they said that she has resigned in the morning. Although the man at the shelter home told me something else, but I was too much in a hurry to investigate whether Samaira lied to him or was the office department was lying to me.
I searched her everywhere, but to no luck. Days turned into weeks, but I could not get a single clue of hers. The went through her note over and again. I finally decided to fulfill her wish of moving to Switzerland.
I left my contact details with every single person, at every single place, where she could ask for me, if she ever decided to come back to my life.
Chapter 10: The Swiss Story
Slowly the vibes of Switzerland took over. I got busy with work and the memories of past started fading away. I stopped calling everyone in India. I even cut off from my friends. I was too scared to connect to even the slightest hope of hearing the name ‘Samaira’.
I was in total control of my life and I did not want to lose that. It took almost a year to adopt to new life.
‘In life, you can’t always have things you love...but you can of course learn to love things you have.’
I never knew that there was still more to come.
Chapter 11: The Return of the Dead Story
My narration of the past to Zara stunned her. She felt lost on words.
In the morning, we headed towards the hospital.
It felt like a light year long journey to the hospital. We both rushed to the elevator. Zara pressed ‘3’ and my heart started thumping like a bass tube on full volume. Adrenaline was gushing in my veins. I had to put all my energy to hold back my tears. We reached the ICU, our visiting arrangements were already made. We headed straight away to the room where Samaira was. I literally started running as we neared the chamber. I slammed the door open and there she was. SAMAIRA.
Lying on the bed, in blue coloured patient dress, she looked quite pale yet beautiful.
I slowly walked towards Samaira. As I neared her, horror started to take place of happiness on my face. She had become skinny, her cheeks were dug in her jaw, dark circles were darker than the kajal she used to wear. And there were bruises all over her hands, and neck. I wondered if she still had those beautiful dimples. Her naturally red lips were dark now, dried up. She had a big scar under her left earlobe, stretching down to her collarbone.
Zara could clearly see the horror in my eyes. We both waited for her to wake up.
Samaira slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me and smiled as widely as she could. I was relieved that at least she was happy to see me. She almost chuckled out of happiness. My god! She still had that melodious voice. Her eyes and mine, like synced to each other’s, shed tears together, at the same time.
Suddenly Samaira stopped smiling and turned her face away. She said “I don’t deserve to be with you Viraj. I am not your old Samaira anymore”
Zara held her hand. Samaira turned towards Zara and started crying. I don’t know what it was about Zara, but her aura was so positive that even strangers could understand how trustworthy she was. This was something common in Samaira and Zara.
Zara then asked about her condition. She replied “There is nothing that went right since September 25, 2014” Zara put her hand on Samaira’s shoulder. Samaira continued…
Chapter 12: The Dark Story
“After leaving Viraj’s place, I left my diary at his place and went back home. I waited a whole night for his call, in a hope that he would. But my hopes never became a reality.
The pain was unbearable. Questions were many, but answers were none. I was in complete shock and my senses were falling apart. I couldn’t think or do anything.
Next morning, my doorbell rang. I was wide awake and ready to forgive Viraj. I literally ran to the door in hopes of seeing him. But little did I know what horror awaited me.”
Three masked men forced themselves inside and sprayed me with something. I fell unconscious.
I woke up to a neat and tidy room. I realized that I was lying on a bed and my headache was unfathomable. I sat up and saw through the window of the room. All I could see was trees and water droplets on the glass of the window. I was tied to the bed with a rope. I tried breaking the ropes, untying the ropes, calling out for help and everything else I could, but nothing helped. It was a secluded jungle. I didn’t even know where I was.
To my horror, Lakshay walked in through the door. He was the one who got me abducted. he came with some food and sat by my side. The sad thing was that my hands were tied otherwise he would have died. He asked me to have dinner and then kissed me on the cheek forcefully and said goodnight.
Next morning, he came again with food.
“Why didn’t you have dinner? That is not good for health you see.”
I was not in a condition to answer. I was so scared and worried.
He continued “See, listen to me before I stop caring for you.”
Then he forcefully pushed the food down my throat.
The only thing that made me feel good was the screen in front of my bed that projected Kiara’s footage. He had a CCTV installed in the whole house and he put a screen in my room to assure me that Kiara was alright. Kiara was tied too and she was also being subjected to gavages every day, but I was happy that she was alive. My heartfelt relief looking at the screen all day.
Soon he caught up a new way to torture me - Marriage Proposals. Not a single day passed without him proposing me for marriage. Every day I would ignore everything and just request him to let me go. He was losing his cool and I was losing my desire to live.
3 months had passed since then and I couldn’t figure out any way to escape. The thoughts of disgust were now replaced by the feeling of despair. Every time when I felt that I am close to happiness, something or the other pulled me back.
I almost forgot how the world outside looked like. The daily routine was to get up and eat and request Lakshay to leave me. He would every time smile at me and refuse.
First few days passed in memories. Just memories. Soon Lakshay lost his patience.
Later that evening, he came home drunk. “So now Sam, since you are stubborn enough to not to let your past go, I would ruin your past entirely that you are even scared to think of it.”
Those dark words made me shiver. Before I could react, he forced himself on me. He raped me. Over and again. Kiara was tied to a rope and thrown away in a separate room. She probably didn’t even know that my soul was being murdered in here. I cried out loud, loud enough to shake the city, but no one listened to me. I was tied. No matter how much I struggle, it was of no use.
Next morning, he didn’t even bother to cover me up. He left me there, just like that, naked, ashamed and crying. I could hear Kiara crying in the other room, but she was tied too. She was as helpless as I was.
The animal had no mercy at all. He raped me every single day. When I refused to eat or anything that he would command me to do, he would take his anger out on Kiara, beating her till she fainted. I could bear anything but her cries. I had no option but to agree to whatever he asked me to do.
I thought my life was being subjected to the worst and nothing could be scarier than this. But I was wrong. The worst was yet to come. Soon I was no longer a toy of his interest.
One day, I was lying in the room, unconscious (or dead), when Lakshay came in, with two men. I was mortified. I was crying, trembling and begging. But none of it helped.
He used me as a bargain to obtain tenders for his business. I was a prostitute now. A piece of meat, that was subjected to all breeds of ruthless animals (including ministers and governments officials), as a treat to their burning sexual desires.
Years passed by and there seemed no end to the evil. No ray of hope. Until one day, when he had to leave for Italy. He left me and Kiara tied, in separate rooms. He allotted an assistant to us who would feed us two times a day.
He used to come down twice a day, feed us and leave. On the third day, as soon as the assistant left, Kiara came running to me, out of nowhere. I was so happy. It was about a year ago when I saw her. But how did Kiara come out of there? I was wondering that only, when Kiara came up to me and started nibbling on the rope, quickly. Probably this was how she got herself out of there.
It took her 2 hours to cut the thick ropes. I took all the money I could find in the house and fled. Too scared and too injured, me and Kiara ran to the road as fast as we could. We both even tripped a few times, but we didn’t stop. When we reached the road, luckily a bus was passing by. We asked for lift and climbed.
I took a sigh of relief when the bus crossed the city border. I must have slept after that.
“Madam, Madam” the conductor woke me up “We are in Delhi, where do you want to go?”
I looked at Kiara, she was injured badly. Mutilated. I looked at the conductor and said “Please take us to a vet”
They dropped me to the hospital. I got Kiara admitted. The doctor said she will recover in a week’s time, “She is one of the strongest dogs I have ever seen” (Oh! Didn’t I mention, Kiara is a dog. But Samaira gets angry if you call her a dog, that’s why nobody calls her that).
“Please don’t call her a dog, nobody does that” I said.
The doctor smiled at me and left. I fainted there. When I woke up, I was here. In the hospital.
I gathered up all my courage to call you. But I didn’t have your number, so I called the University of Switzerland, shooting a blind arrow. Luckily it hit the bull’s eye. I got your number from there. Now that I recall it, I realise, I am so dumb that I didn’t even mention anything about me there. Not even the address. How did you know it was me? And how did you find me?
Samaira was looking at me, when she asked the question.
Chapter 13: The Ray of Hope Story
I stood there, mortified. Blank expression. Blank mind. Dejected. Downhearted. My inner self was shattered and my even my soul was bleeding. My veins were gushing adrenaline out of anger.
My love, my very own life, suffered through all the pain and sorrow while I was busy having fun in Zermatt. I was having the privilege to choose the color of my next Mercedes, and she couldn’t even choose death, when she wanted.
I fall on my knees. I was dumbfounded. Focussing my whole energy on my tongue, I spoke “I am sorry Samaira, am sorry for everything. I can’t change your past, but an I promise you the best of future. Please forgive me. Please come with me”
“You are already forgiven Viraj” Samaira spoke out “But...” her voice trailed off.
“But what,” I enquired.
“I can’t live anymore” She said that, dropping her head, looking at the ground.
I was shocked. The most positive girl I knew ever, had come to this point in life, and the reason was nobody but me. I tried to break words “Don’t say that, plea.....”
She cut me off “It has been 5 days since I am lying here. Not a single moment passed where I could resist the flashbacks of the nightmare I have been through. I will never be able to overcome the past. Merely eating and breathing does not amount to life. I can never be happy, ever again in my life. Killing myself will be much easier than dying bit by bit, every day.” Saying that, she fell back on bed, eyes closed, tears coming out of them.
I could understand what she was talking about. But hell no, I can’t leave her like that. I signaled to Zara. She came up to me. I whispered my plan to her. She smiled and walked out of the room.
A little later, Samaira opened her eyes. “Where is Zara” She asked. “She will come back in a short while” I replied.
Samaira again started talking to me “You know Viraj, I didn’t call you here to convince me to live. I called you here for a favour. Can you please take care of Kiara when I am gone? You are the only one I can trust. Please don’t say no”
“We both will Samaira, we both will” I replied with a smile on my face.
“Trust me Viraj, I want to live. Live with you. My soul knows I want to. But I can’t give you a normal life...”
Before Samaira could complete the sentence, marching sound of footsteps, running, could be heard now. I smiled. Samaira wondered what it was. The sound slowly got louder…
In a few moments, Zara opened the door. A heavy furred Beagle came running in. Samaira looked at the Beagle and called out, “Bruno?”
She was surprised to the very core. A sudden smile came over her face. Before she could say any other word, Bruno jumped on her bed, straight into her lap. He started licking her. He barked twice at Samaira. He looked extremely happy too see Samaira too.
The marching sound did not cease yet. Samaira was barely gulping in, the happiness of seeing Bruno, when a large group of animals- cows, dogs, cats, rabbits and even hamsters flooded in the room. Every single animal came as close to Samaira as they could. She could name each one of them, without a pause.
Without a doubt, every single one of them missed Samaira a lot. They all were so happy to see Samaira again.
These all were the residents of the shelter house that Samaira owned. She gave all of them a roof to live under and food to live on, when they were rejected by the entire world. They all loved Samaira.
Samaira finally smiled. Wiped her tears. She chuckled out of happiness.
God! She still had that melody in her voice. The surprise wasn’t over yet. A man came in the room, holding Kiara in his arms. Kiara has become extremely skinny but her white fur still had that perfectly pretty shine.
Kiara jumped out of his arms, straight in Samaira’s lap. Angel and Kate, the two cats who were already sitting in her lap, fell down.
We all laughed. Out loud. Samaira hugged Kiara and kissed her forehead. Then looked up at me in pure happiness. Her all questions were answered now. I hugged Samaira and Kiara both.
Zara stood there, wiping her tears.
Chapter 14: The End of the Story
Samaira turned to me and asked, if she will ever be able to forget the trauma and relive her life with the memories of our love.
I simply had one answer, “Memories can never be bottled up to be cherished again. They can only be created to smile and laugh, while creating more in this short span of life.”