Toastmaster Grace Sitharaman



Toastmaster Grace Sitharaman




4 mins

COVID- 19 has arrested every possible human activity and modified social norms. 

There is a death threat looming over each one of us and we actually do not know when we shall be royally taken away by uniformed people those who to a common man resemble a space man. We would be declared COVID19 and our near and dear ones would have no idea where would we be! 

Corona has arrived with its pards. It has affected people latitudinally and longitudinally sparing none. The bubble mankind was living in has burst. Social hyrarchy has stumbled down like a pack of cards and literally speaking 'Size does not matter! '

In such state of fear gripping Pandemic I have experienced Miracles and they have been performed by common people. So what is so great about it? Why do I wish to share few of my own and some which I have read and heard? 

I call them Miracles because the ring of good intentions were so amicably met without having met people or knowing them before these pressing days. 

The first miracle happened when there was a need to supply food and medicine to an elderly helpless lady and her challenged daughter. Living in the downtrodden quarters of Kolkata in the shambles of an abandoned garage. 

 From a school mate's time line I learnt about the request. I live in Bangalore and had no means to satisfy this immediate need.All that I could do is post the request to Caremongers India on social media. 

Many responses were there but to me one Mr. Neelanjan Citizen Bardhan seemed reliable. On connecting with him, Neelanjan agreed with a drop of a hat. He took up the Cause on a personal capacity. He met those people and brought them food and groceries. He later told me about their appalling state. Nilanjan left his visiting card with them so they may fall back on him SOS. 

Here there was no familiar factor but a humanitarian bond ,so it was a quarantine in a different way. 

The next one or the ones that followed were also driven by the power of intention and the Chain of service is turning out to give enough goosebumps; 

I wish to mention with gratitude the real names of the real people I have come across. They have been fairy God fathers with a magic wand. 

Dr. Srinivas Vasudev , Mr. Sriram Subramaniyan I know them by name through common groups on WhatsApp not interacted at all, Mr. CV Ramanan I know by person. 

These gentlemen busy and involved in their own fields of social relief have been caringly instrumental in supporting the Causes that I identified during this lockdown. Migrant Workers, Transgender community, Sex workers and street children shelters. 

The Corona empaths would ask, enquire and wait for me to share with them details of real people in distress . Food, groceries, medicine reached the desearving in no time. We could reach out to thousands this way. 

It was all happening through the belief of the figure of 8. All that goes up comes around. 

. To this chain of good intentions joined another doer Mr. Prashanth Rudramurthy, he too was very contributing and trusted in the act of passing on positive vibes. 

Many stories of encouragement I read. House owners waiving rent and also buying groceries for tenants. Senior citizens contributing their meager saving for feeding staranded people. Communities erasing all differences and making food in community kitchens. 

This COVIT-19 has brought in a realization of all things temporary; and through my experiences I can only say people who have stood by me and have made things happen have urged me to redifine Isolation and Social Distancing. 

I still have not met my Good Samaritans of this wonderful universe but in Isolation all our minds and hearts in different parts of the city worked towards a common purpose. 

I have used the real names of the people as I believe that their compassion towards all the Causes I put across is sure a divine intervention and I they need no masks even though it is the need of the day! 

Gratitude Good Universe! 


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