This was the time when the AVENGERS initiative was taken. After LOKI S’ war. This was the time when the AVENGERS initiative was taken. After LOKI S’ war.
inherited powers from both of them making him one of the most formidable villains of al inherited powers from both of them making him one of the most formidable villain...
People fall in love in mysterious ways... maybe it's a touch of a hand or something else.. People fall in love in mysterious ways... maybe it's a touch of a hand or someth...
Boring and interesting... Boring and interesting...
Sabu’s mouth hung open and Bini covered her mouth in amazement. Sabu’s mouth hung open and Bini covered her mouth in amazement.
They say a woman is equal to a man but a mother is superior in the world. She can do anything for th... They say a woman is equal to a man but a mother is superior in the world. She ca...