
Everyone is very busy in this big and busy life. One of them, there was a busy boy; his name was Ayush. He is a very hardworking boy. Initially, after studying, he was not able to get it, but after that when he got it, it had been two or three months since he went to a job.
Due to his hardworking nature and good behaviour, everyone in the office treated him very well, and everyone loved him very much as if he had no enemy there. He was so good that he helped others a lot along with his own work.
After that job, he had money, friends, a house, and everything, but he regretted that his mother was not with him.
One day a party is organized in his office because of the New Year. Everyone was very excited about the party, but Ayush refused to let him come to the party. Everyone wanted to know the reason for Ayush not coming to the party. After searching, everyone came to know that he had lost his mother that day and hence he did not want to come to the party. He wants to stay in the room alone.
After knowing all this, his office friends thought that if he stayed alone in the room, he would feel sad, so they tried to convince him to come to the party, and lastly, Ayush agreed to come to the party.
Another reason for him not going to the party was that on the day his mother died, whatever he said or thought became true. That's why he feels scared. If he goes to the party and says something or thinks something, if it turns out to be true, it will create a huge mess in his life.
Because of this one date of the year, he was very scared that something might go wrong.
But this year he had no option because he had
promised his friends that he would go to the party.
During the day, Ayush goes to the party and sits quietly in one place. After some time, some of his office friends force him to have a drink. But Ayush did not like doing these drinks, etc., at all. During this, a glass broke in the hands of Ayush.
That time one of his office friends scolded Ayush for breaking the glass; he also responded to him by saying that due to this behaviour, you should maybe be thrown out of the office one day.
After saying this, Ayush himself started thinking in his mind that this must definitely be true. Perhaps it would be better for him to remain silent at this time. But now he can't even do anything. Seeing that the two were quarrelling, everyone pacified them and started enjoying the party.
The very next day, the person who had misbehaved with Ayush was thrown out of the office by his boss because for a long time, there was tampering in the accountant's file in the office, but no one knew how it happened, but today he was caught. Seeing this, there is nothing in anyone's mind, but Ayush knew that this was the reason for the consequences of what he said.
After a few days, Ayush went to a temple. He met a Pandit ji and asked about these reasons. Pandit Ji said something after looking at his hand that there is a date in a year that changes your life, and the reason for this happening is that you are the son of a person who was very powerful. If she touched someone, their health would get better. So even after your mother dies, some powers still remain within you.
That's why one day of the year you will get the power to do whatever you want.