Once upon a time there was a boy called Prakash, he had two friends, called Kumar and Nambi were very good in studies they both always scored first rank in all exams, but Nambi was not interested in studies. One day Prakash was going to school when he reaches school the principle of the school was scolding Nambi. Then Prakash asked " why are you scolding him, mam?" Principle replied because he pushed a girl.
Then he told her that he would apologize for that. After assembly started they started singing national anthem pledge etc; Suddenly the principle said the best child award goes to Prakash, Kumar was very happy but Nambi was a jealous fellow. After school ended Prakash, Nambi and Kumar were going home. One the way Nambi pushed and he got
hurt that he couldn't walk. Their exams were after one week. So, Kumar ran to medical shop and buy some medicine. By that time Nambi told to Prakash he won't be able to write the exams and he started moving. Then Kumar came and left Prakash in his house. Then everyday Kumar came to Prakash's house to give him portion's when exam started Prakash and Kumar came together. Prakash finished his paper very quickly in every exam he was the first. After couple of days exam got over. Teacher started distributing the report card's the teacher announced that Prakash was first Kumar is second and Nambi is third. Then Prakash go to Nambi and told don't be jealous and cunning. That is losing everything yourself.
MORAL - "Don't be jealous"