Sathvik Santhanam

Children Stories Drama


Sathvik Santhanam

Children Stories Drama

The Attitude Boy

The Attitude Boy

2 mins

Once upon a time in Chennai, a boy lived named Barhat. He had an attitude, he will not learn his school books and he just read Tamil storybooks. In the same place a boy lived named Bheem, he was a well behaved and obedient boy and he will score A+ in every exam and he was the monitor of the school. Barhat and Bheem were studying in the same class.  Bheem will always help others but Barhat will beat others and scold them in bad words, the teachers also warned him but he will not even take it seriously.

One day Mam appreciates Bheem but seeing that Bharat felt so jealous. In the lunch break, the Correspondent gave a very important file to Bheem saying, give this file to a librarian, by seeing that Barhat thought in his mind that "i am going to hide this file" (hehehe). The second last period is principal's class, after the class started Bheem answered every question and sir scolded Barhat. This made Barhat more jealous and Bheem asked sir that, 'I want to go to restroom' and sir let him go. Before he comes the correspondent called the principal for a meeting and he went. In that time Barhat executes his plan.

After both came, Bheem checked whet

her the file is there, but it's not there. Bheem started crying,' sir asked' "what happened Bheem". Bheem said, the file was lost which you gave sir, Bheem said sadly! Sir angrily told, that's an important file. By tomorrow 3:30, you should find and submit the file to the librarian. OK! sir. In last period Barhat fell faint, everyone in the class rounded Barhat and Bheem helped him sprinkling water on his face. Barhat slowly got up and Bheem bought the food from canteen,telling Barhat, eat it first and then you will feel better. After Barhat ate the food he felt bad and realised his mistake and told sorry Bheem, "I stole that file". What! Why did you do that?,asked Bheem. I did like that because every teacher is only appreciating you and you're scoring A+ in every exam. Hmm, if you study well for the exam you can also score A+ in the exam Barhat,told Bheem.

MORAL: "OVER ATTITUDE IS NOT GOOD"                                


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