Maruf Hasan

Abstract Tragedy Action


Maruf Hasan

Abstract Tragedy Action

Belajar Dari Bangladesh (Part-6)

Belajar Dari Bangladesh (Part-6)

26 mins


“Together we can make the world better place….”

Iqbal was about to start his writing in library, but he heard the verse from university song. He loves that part, especially the tone. Iqbal felt like laughing inside. The Rector must be boring to listen same song everyday each time he starts any meeting. Iqbal then remember how about prime minister, he needs to listen the national anthem each time he starts any meeting as if it is religious rituals. In fact, nationalism is religion now , Iqbal thought, otherwise how come people die for a country and be considered as martyr. Weather they go to hell or heaven it does not matter but these people will be called as martyr.

Is not people dying for hypocrites? Iqbal asked himself

It is true and it is not true at the same time. Wow Iqbal thought himself as Ibn Arabi and Taoist style of affirmation and negation technique.

Iqbal went to tablig recently. He never joined tablig for 3 days in his life. He used to go to Kakrail mosque in Dhaka to eat delicious food with Tablig people. Tablig is famous for foods and also people feel really peace inside to practice Islamic rituals. First day the address was given by a professor and he said ‘ No political or different doctrine should not be discussed , rather we speak iman and amal only’

A group of 15 people went to one mosque nearby Batu Caves. Batu Caves is famous in Malaysia for tourists. There is a big idle of Hindu God and it is similar to Penang Buddha idle as Iqbal thought. But Buddha is lying down in Penang but Hindu God is standing in Batu Caves and tourists can see from far. These is a staircase to enter in cave but that is like long staircase like in Chennai express Sharukh khan asked Miama “Where is the temple Miama?”. 

Iqbal did all the activities throughout whole day. Afternoon they went to some Malay houses to invite them to join speech session after evening prayer. A young man came out from one Malay house who is preparing to go to his work. He works as a foodpanda rider. He worked whole day and came for a bit rest and he will leave the house. The boy looks very decent and hardworking. He is 5 fit 7 like Iqbal. He used to do exercise perhaps but left recently. No hypocrisy in his innocent face. One old man talked with that boy and the boy politely spoke with old man and later he came back to Iqbal’s. Old man told to other members. They are 7 members in his family and his father died recently and this boy needs to work hard to feed and bear expenses for all of them.

Tablig team came back and till sleeping everything was fine. Iqbal went to sleep near the corner of mosque trying to sleep. One Yemeni man finished his PhD in 2015 and working now somewhere and a professor started to talk contemporary issues and Iqbal could listen while trying to sleep.

Yemeni man said, “You son and daughter got married?’

Prof said, “ No….nowadays young people seem not to get married early. My elder son wants to go to Germany for his master and my daughter is in final year”

“ How is the condition in India why do not you go and settle there ?”

“ Well, the problem with Modi gov is they killed people and said these people slaughtered the cows and nobody can talk about. I do not want my children to die for no reason”

“Where will you settle then as an old man?”

“Obviously every old man has dream to be settled but family seems do not work how I want. The problem you can see if you get citizen in first class country you need to live there as a third-class citizen. If you go back to your country, you can live as first class citizen of third class country, but there is a political issue in India that you need to bear as Muslim minority. Muslims are tortured and brutally killed by BJP members and international news are like blind and they listen whatever Modi talks as true. Killing and torturing Muslims are fake news and they do so just to lose the credibility of my party. Media keep silent after world. Another problem is money recently Modi deal with USA and other western countries after BBC scandal came out. Biden was so happy and went silent. The Election is in January 2024 and now Modi will buy everyone who is against him. In fact, recently he gave billions to opposition members and make them in their party. Modi is good business man and he knows the strategy how to deal with people. There are lot to learn from him. The issue is I can’t go to India now. Sometimes I feel in dilemma if I do not submit my papers of students on time, I will get kicked out from this uni and I may leave the job. I worked in so many countries. I am an old man now and I am tired. The fear of losing job is always. Profs are helpless sometimes with contract and we can not speak even though we see injustice. We have to keep silent and follow what upper level says.”

What about Malaysia?

“Well. If you get citizen here, you will be third class citizen of third-class country”

“Hahahaha” Both laughed.

“A Arab man having USA citizen went for dawah in New York street and he gave dawah to a white man and the white man listened very attentively and Arab man was so happy that he convinced the man appropriately and then the white man asked, “Amazing your Islam is no doubt great religion as you described , but if your religion is such great why cant you fix your country with such amazing Quran and you came to America as an immigrant for better living?”. Arab man was shocked to listen that but he managed to control himself and said “ well we both are immigrants it is just I came 30 years before and you came 40 years before”. Prof stopped.

“ It is sad that Muslims countries are messed up and the leadership of Muslims are gone and I do not see any possibility of being united any more. See a leader can be angel but if his surroundings are devils , how come he can change the world. In Yemen, it is gone. In Syria it is gone. In Iraq , it is gone. In Egypt , it is gone. By the way what do you think about Mursi?”

“ See Mursi could at least arrest leaders of soldiers after coming to power if they did not want to kill those soldiers and because of one wrong decision , the millions are suffering in Egypt and they are being tortured and the daughter and son of Yosuf al Qardawi are in jail still. They are doing injustice to millions and people are silent. In Malaysia, there are refugees from Myanmar and all the complaints coming against Muslim refugees of Myanmar and there are other refugees and nobody talks against them because if they do so, international organization will talk against them. Muslims education are not good enough. Recently Anwar announced giving access to education for refugees of Myanmar.”

What do you think about Anwar?

“ Anwar is a good leader no doubt on that and majority of the votes he received from none-Muslims. But he is like standing with one leg and he needs to depend on others. Hence, he can not do much even though he is good leader. As I said what can an angel do when surroundings are devils. It is no longer easy to change this fragmented Muslim societies. I see no hope there. We are facing so many issues and we can not do much. It is like frog shouting during rain and snake can hear and attack the snake. Muslims got nothing and they shout and they got killed. Look at the Jihad term and how many people these organizations killed compared to western countries kill in various war in 100 years. Muslims can shout like frog but the fate is death by snake”

“Why do not you go other universities in Malaysia btw?”

“Other universities got more racism since they hold nationalism mentality”

“Quite complex world. I came to University Malaya in 2009 for my master and all of my village members in Yemen were against me saying I am old one and I said I will go do my master and PhD and you will be still here. I came and finish my master and PhD and after one decade they are still there. The jealousy is everywhere wherever you go and it just changes its color sometimes they use religious excuse like women should not outside of home and no job and sometimes they show money and rich and poor and when you come multicultural environment and they make the racism based on races and countries. In Ukraine Zelensky used emotional trick saying I saw white killing white. These are nonsense to get their opportunities. For Malays I think these racial politics is important because they are weak and lazy and government needs to use religion and other technique for the survival of their nation. Every country has that and this is actually Darwinian rule of nature. Survival of the fittest. “

We need to wake up early. We better sleep now”

Iqbal was enjoying their conversations.


Iqbal went to Pulau(island) Pangkor with his friend. His friend Shahid got 3 days off and Iqbal will start class from Monday since new sem begins. From TBS , Kuala Lumpur to Lumut,Perak it took 3 hours for them. They took taxi from lumut station to marina island. It was rm 20 only at 3:00 am. There were two Malay men and they are very friendly and Iqbal took one driver number so that he can use same car when he would return. Their ferry is in 6:45am and security post said not to move around in island now. They let the car entered. There is festival for Hindus in that island and many Tamil families are going there. Iqbal and Shahid get off from car and they found some chair and tables to sit and sleep. Some Tamil young men are shouting and enjoying. They also wait for morning ferry. It is half an hour and they went away. It was silent and one security guard is giving round with his motorbike after 15 minutes. Shahed slept and Iqbal was about to sleep. Two Tamil boys they are tall and thin like having marijuana regularly. They came near to Iqbal area. Iqbal was lying down and about to sleep but he sat suddenly and try not to look at them and acting as if he will be waking up whereas his friend will sleep. Two Tamil boys went to map and saw something and came and stood up again in front of Iqbal and they try to talk among themselves. Weird thoughts came to Iqbal’s mind. “Will they attack and grab the things from us? There are 3 cameras and whatever they do all will be recorded and we are safe and security is here as well and we can shout at least.”

Two Tamil boys left and Iqbal noticed there are Tamil girls also cheering and Iqbal noticed these boys joined with them.

“Damn…why am I so stupid to think like that. Is it like because of taboo that Malaysia has for Tamil. Tamils are scary”

Iqbal worked with Tamil for 5 months in Johor and he went different temples during Covid lockdown. They even arrange marriage ceremony during lockdown without any permission from police. One time Iqbal went one temple that is inside palm garden. No police can notice there. It was smart gathering and they enjoyed. Festival should be stopped. In Indian subcontinent also they could not control. Anyway, the Tamil phobia because of lack of communication and due to their scary face? Actually, Iqbal got attacked also when he was working in EPSON company in Kepong in the cafeteria. He was coming from his job and going to Kepong Central by walking. Two Tamil men came and asked in Malay if Iqbal had something. They found only 2 rm in his pocket and then they asked for phone and he said “No”, then they went to bring a stone and they even did not have knife and Iqbal just gave that without fighting. Iqbal went to Police station and one police officer knew Iqbal as he did GD for losing his student rapid KL card recently. Iqbal wrote and gave his passport for photocopy. After that incident, Iqbal does not buy expensive phone so that he does not need lose.

Iqbal and Shahed reached at Pangkor Island at 7:00 am morning. They walked to long beach that Iqbal came last time. In morning they found some snorkeling package poster and they took numbers and tried to call but most of them perhaps still sleeping. They found one Chinese man with Shappoo(groom) and trying to clean up his area. Iqbal asked him and he said today we are booked due to festivals and some companies are going for snorkeling. There are few left . You can ask them. Iqbal went to one Malay man and they start talking. The man is very friendly and he advised Iqbal to go to Nipah beach where there is small boat for 2 persons for snorkeling. Iqbal and Shahed started to walk along mountainous road. What a wonderful and peaceful island it is. So many international tourists Iqbal noticed. They reached Nipah beach and discussed with one Malay man. He is mixed. Like his mother side from China and father side from Philippine and he does not look Malay but he is Muslim. He was very friendly as well and spoke.

“ I try to avoid being friends because many try to get advantage of being friends.”

It was rm100 for snorkeling. They prepare with lifejacket and snorkeling glass. They were introduced different small island and its especial features and at last they were dropped in one small island for snorkeling. There are different color of fishes and got beautiful coral reefs. Iqbal saw sea cucumber as well. They were given bread for fishes. They give bread and so many fishes came towards Iqbal to eat that bread. Iqbal loves Malaysia due to islands. Most of the islands in Malaysia are very beautiful. Pulau Redang, Pulau Perhentian and Pulau Tioman must be first choice for any visitors. The marine life there is really outstanding. These islands are in south china sea. Iqbal can see big turtles and Shark there as he did scuba diving in Tioman Island. Redang island is famous for sandy beaches. Iqbal thought he came to heaven when he reached in Redang Island. He never observed such sandy beach with crystal-clear blue water in any island. Perhentian got critical clear blue water but not sandy beach like Redang, Iqbal always put no 1 island in Malaysia is Redang. Pulau Pangkor, Perak, is best for short visit from KL . Iqbal had limited time and he enjoyed the island. Nipah beach got so many restaurants and full of tourists.

Iqbal took Kaya boat for 1 hour and rode both of them. It was different fun and they went deep inside sea. They sang song and shouting like crazy with amazement. Other boats made distance from them so that wave can not drop them in water. They had life jacket and so many boats are going. Even if the kaya sank, they can get help easily. Amazing experience Iqbal got here.

They came back to main island and took shower with sweet water and had local dishes and drink. They got local transportation and it was so cheap like 18rm only to main jetty. They went to Dutch fort in after noon and they found a big masjid with sea. The windy weather is amazing there. Iqbal returned Mulut at Night and enjoyed food in night market at night. So many local people came with their kids to spend time next to sea. They are playing and some are catching fishes t night. They left Mulut at night and reached KL late in night.


Iqbal came out from central Mosque of International Islamic University Malaysia. He is rushing towards library. A man from New Zealand converted to Islam after Jummah. Thousand of students were observing and making video. Imam from Turkey was appointed to make the man recite Shahadah. It was in English first then followed by Arabic. Then, Imam prayed lifting two hands among thousands of Musolli. Iqbal attended discussion for Tablig group after that and they are making plan to go for 3 days. They made talim and Imam(leader) discussed how dawah is important to keep

>iman giving example of refrigerator and vegetables. Refrigerator of iman is dawah.

Iqbal entered in library and started to write for storymirror. First day when Iqbal went to mahallah Bilal surau to go for tablig. He found himself among group of Bangladeshi students. A student from IRK named Raju said,

‘There is a lady in international division. She is very bad to approach and her words hit the heart’

Shakil asked,

‘ Why?’

‘ The lady plays with emotions like country and father’s low economy. All of our country students are same with financial difficulties. In interview, they insult a lot and it does not matter if we receive scholarship. I had CGPA 3.5 and I was asked to apply scholarship from finance and I applied and I had to get signature from that lady. I met her and she start to talk about country and our nature of poverty. One day I was in program in ISTAC and she called me to come and submit that day and I spend grab 40rm and thought maybe my scholarship will be approved. I went 4:40 pm and she said you are late for today and we can not proceed. She called and brought me and now she refused and I requested and submitted doc at last minute. I went for interview and I did everything and during the result I saw my name is not there. The lady such a bad one if I wish to slap on her face’ Raju said.

‘ I faced also the issue with that lady. Actually, there is another problem among all international students out of 100, 80 applicants are from Bangladesh. That’s why they formulate that bad mentality towards Bangladeshi students said another student.

‘ I understand why do not they make balance than taking different countries students or maybe to formulate new one. One Malay lecturer once told that we should not take international students because if we graduates Malays we can use them for Malaysia but bringing international students our country got no benefit. She is right for nationalist point of view but International Islamic university was not built for that mentality rather to educate and formulate Muslim intellectual leaders across the world so that they can do counter attack to western thoughts. Some Profs were discussing among themselves and I heard their discussion and one prof went to senate meeting with a letter saying this is fine to keep the name international university since this university is just like other Malay universities and just remove the word Islam. Then, it is fine to do all corruptions that you do in other universities. Senate got so angry on that prof and later they found that the professor is holding UK passport and they can not do anything to him’.

Iqbal found funny thing in discussion among these students.


Iqbal and Rashed were standing in front of IIUM Library. A student was passing by

‘Hey…did you unblock your account for registration of subject?’ Iqbal asked

‘ No…brother….I could not do. I requested them by paying rm1000 as that is my capability now but they asked for some more since my debt is around 4 k rm. In front of me there were two other Malay students and they were unblocked with some amount but I could not’

‘ Do not think about them. The tuition fee is so low compared to Monash and other universities and it is like 40k per year tuition fee and here is so less. This is your fault’

‘ I understand but this is religious subject and I will have no value at all even if I get this degree in Bangladesh.’

‘Whatever you can not give any excuse rather you just try it out and the same religious subject if you go Australia it cost 200k Doller.’

‘ Sorry brother I do understand but I will have a scholarship and I have been waiting for that one that’s why I need to delay’

‘ They deal with so many excuses and they know how to deal. Imagine you put there Bangladeshi or African staffs and all can do nothing because the problem is you do not pay tuition fee that university deserve and they do not ask you for this sem rather they are asking for previous sem tuition fee. This is our fault. We need to consider. The skin color and race the poverty we got all are our fault. Hence, we are the one who must be responsible for this’

‘True brother. I am sorry and I will try to unblock the account and request them like dog. Students are not like dogs rather they are real dogs and we must not have no shame in trying.’

‘ Good …at least you do not get ragging in Malaysia and no student leader bully here and put bottle into pussy here like Bangladeshi universities. This country got no killing and the most peaceful politics happens in entire Asia. Otherwise, we had to live like Syria now. No people died in elections here whereas we kill 100 people in Bangladesh for normal district election. That’s how dirty is Bangladeshi politics’

‘Sorry brother never mind but it comes to my mind that’s why I can not avoid making complain because it seems bias and racist to me’

‘See Malays what they do for us much better than others. If this country would be dominated by Tamil Hindus or Chinese or any none-Muslim races, we even did not see this university existing here. Whatever they have done, they did excellent so far. What Bangladeshi Islamic university is producing? The ruling gov party is giving ragging to innocent students brutally. Students are harassed everywhere if they do not support ruling government weather ruling gov activities are right or wrong. At least , in west government only interfere if the quality is maintained after graduation and they give university full credibility how they will teach the students. Government should not interfere in teaching in universities but what Muslim countries government is doing is they impose revised curriculum that is extremely harmful for education. My point is whatever you call Malays as lazy, racist, weak, what they do for Islam and education in Muslim world, what have you done? In Saudi Arabia if anyone speaks good, he will be jailed and if any Muslim leaders talk about government, he would be hung. Malaysia got education and they understand and they develop international relations in the best manner compared to any other Muslim countries. Why should not we praise for this appreciation? The multicultural environment that we see in west can be observed within Muslim country as well. You can criticize and call for improvement but you cannot ask them stop and let them destroy like middle eastern countries.’

‘Sorry…brother you are saying truth perhaps. Thank you for your insight’

‘Never mind lol …I just love to discuss’

All left for their own destination


Iqbal and Motin came out from class. They were walking with a professor

‘ Did you not any scholarship Motin?’

‘ No Sir’

What about Iqbal?

‘No Sir, I applied to IIIT with the recommendation of my supervisor and they said they do not have any fund for this. They are exclusively giving scholarship to ISTAC and other students but not our department.’

‘I sent an email for another PhD student but I got no reply also. Maybe I will discuss this issue with dean of ISTAC. This departments are like brothers and sisters.’

‘ Not sure Prof but I feel like this kind of scholarship only for political leaders those who have good link or sons and daughters of scholarship committees. They take the amount from donor to serve Islam by the name of Allah but they use only for their close relatives. I am sorry but sometimes I feel like these are absolutely hypocrisy. I saw some of them receive and their wives also receive while studying in language course. I have done my bachelor, master and now doing PhD . I got publications at least and got good CGPA and it has no value but I saw students with no publication and even they do not understand what they talk about. Millions are given to produce trash and all things are happening by the name of Allah. Allah name got good financial value.’

‘ I understand your distorted mind Iqbal but management is like that and we can not do anything. I would ask someone who I know. Actually, the person supposed to reply the email and now his son is dealing those emails. That’s why maybe we do not get reply and the son is my student actually but when it comes to money they just keep silent’

Iqbal gave fare well to Prof and went for coffee with Motin in Evoke Café. They ordered Nescafe and Nescafe C and they sat together.

Iqbal was still angry inside and scolding this scholarship committee in his mind. Fucking bastards….these professors use and play all the smart linguistic drama like west academics done and grow fat their asses and their family members asses. Motherfucking cunts. Astagfirullah what am I saying. Am I not hypocrite also since I justify themselves because I do not receive scholarship. I would never speak even a word if I did not feel injustice or I got scholarship opportunities from some other sources but WAMY is for only Arab students to promote Arab nationalism. Turkish scholarship for Turkish and so on. There is common wealth scholarship, Malaysia International scholarship and so on . Why do I fucking scold these old professors. Anwar is also there and Ismail Raji Al Faruqi established this for great vision and middle east countries gave millions funding for this. Why am I uttering such rude words just because I do not receive scholarship that I think deserve. What a motherfucking bastard am I?’

Iqbal scolded himself inside in his mind.

Motin starts speaking

‘ We would not receive scholarship ‘

‘ brother many Bangladeshi students receive scholarship for IIIT as well in ISTAC and that’s why some got angry and complained all seem Bangladeshi students receiving IIIT scholarship as they see Bangladeshi students attending monthly programs and we are always outside the counting since we are not the students of ISTAC. We should not be jealous at that and perhaps Allah would open a new way. I saw some Bangladeshi lecturers and government officials do PhD here with full funding by gov and they got 4 years governmental off. They lead life in luxury and actually aristocrat never feels racism and nothing touch them and all the sufferings for sincere and poor people. Yet we develop slave mentality that Nietzsche approach hoping maybe God will give justice but in reality God will never appear for justice as for Nietzsche, but lets die with home that a dead God might be there to be alive on the day of judgement. Not sure if Muhammad spoke true when he talked about Allah but what alternative hope we can go for now at this devastating century. We are helpless for sure waiting for death’

‘ I quit my governmental job due to this PhD degree and I had to fight for 3 years off but they did not approve and then I quit my job . I maybe received pension money a lot but I just left with fighting. Bangladesh is very corrupted now. Since election is near government is trying to expel some officers if they find opposition party mentality. They will not receive their pension also like millions. My friend got fired with conspiracy and he did not get his pension. The lecturers from ruling gov made conspiracy against him and forced him to leave the job without pension. You must have lobby and bribery in every sector. Without money nothing will move forward. Money is everything. Corruption is all time high now. Alhamdulillah Allah did not kill me and I get provision. A Hindu teacher went for some task in office and he was asked bribery and the teacher came to me and told the story and said if I need to wait next 10 years, I would wait but I would not give bribery. Good people do exist in every place regardless of religious background’

Magrib Azan approaching Iqbal and Motin went to central mosque for Solat


Iqbal joined KL towerthon. This was morning. Nobody is talking among each other and international and national athletes there. Iqbal went to a Malay man for one question and the first thing Malay man asked.

‘Are you Muslim?’


Iqbal felt sense of belongingness in this one sentence the way the old Malay man asked. Iqbal remembered this happened another time in the state of Terrenganu when Iqbal was dealing with one Old Malay man. The man said ‘You can go and stay Perhentian Island for one night and the very next day morning our fisherman boat is going to Redang island. You can join with them and the total cost is rm 150 only.’

Iqbal asked,’ do I need to give money now or tomorrow?’


‘What if you do not bring me Redang tomorrow and just took my money with false promise’

‘ I never lie because I am a Muslim’

Iqbal did not utter a single word after that and he gave him the money. Iqbal grew up in village and he knows how village people care about religion. Not everyone but as Iqbal can read mentality of people from his years of experience. The next day the boat came and Iqbal travelled in blue water with big dark waves. What an amazing journey it was Iqbal can not forget the pleasure of that travel. As if he is watching any Hollywood adventure movie in reality. The boat got problem at the middle of sea and Iqbal thought it would be mind-blowing if the boat stuck for whole day. Such a blue heaven at the middle of South China sea and no where you can see any island apart form blue sky, son and blue waters. It was so lovely. Most of them were western tourists and Iqbal was only one from Bangladesh. Boat reached some of the private jetty in Redang to drop off tourists and Iqbal dropped off in marine park. That park is for tourists and he spent the rest of the day there before he approached mainland.

Iqbal finished towerthon climbing 100 floors equivalent and it was insane to cross staircases and went to KLCC and he paid rm70 with student discount. He went to see the view from 45th floor. There is a bridge connecting two building. Then they went 110th floor that’s the highest view and it was magnificent. He came down and went to KLCC park and then went to Pavilion to meet his friends who are working there. From Bukit Bintang MRT station he went to Pasar Seni and had his lunch at Kotaraya. The Bengali foods are there and Iqbal love Bangladeshi desert. He felt he comes to his country. After finishing lunch , he went to pray at national mosque to pray Johor. Then, he went to park and museum for walking and he also visited KL bird park. Then he took LRT Kelanajaya line and went to KL central. He bought 100 plus from 7 eleven and entered in KLIA express to go to Putrajaya. He reached Putrajaya bridge before evening. He walked in Putrajaya bridge and went to Mosque near Prime minister office. He prayed and came to Steel Mosque and he had dinner first in Macdonald and then he went another big restaurant just near lake to see the night view. Iqbal loves Putrajaya. Iqbal never have been to any western country but he feels he is in West when he come here. After all , it is all about feeling. Iqbal prayed isha at steel mosque and started walking along the lake to reach the next bridge. There was time when Iqbal climbed these 3 bridges. The best one was climbing the Abandoned bridge. From the top of that bridge Iqbal observed night view of Putrajaya, that’s astounding and gave Iqbal a different feeling that can’t be expressed by words. There are somethings in the world you need to experience like Sufism mentions. No Logic works there. Iqbal took grab at night and went to Gombak campus of UIA. It was 12:15 and grab was not allowed to enter. Iqbal said sorry for his delay since he was coming back from Putrajaya. Security asked which mahallah?

‘ Mahallah faruq’

‘ Ok…Go….’

Iqbal started to walk towards his mahallah.

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