Sometimes an incident can change or shape the way we look at and lead our lives. Sometimes an incident can change or shape the way we look at and lead our lives.
This story narrates how one small incident becomes so critically life-changing and changes the cours... This story narrates how one small incident becomes so critically life-changing a...
The entire tribal villagers are starving, malnutrition is rampant and water is a dream. The entire tribal villagers are starving, malnutrition is rampant and water is a...
I became aware of the soft lights of the dawn. I became aware of the myriad of sounds. I became aware of the soft lights of the dawn. I became aware of the myriad of s...
Nice... Nice...
I woke up to several new worlds only to realize I have been in dream all through out working on my m... I woke up to several new worlds only to realize I have been in dream all through...