Nikhil Maturi

Children Stories Comedy Drama


Nikhil Maturi

Children Stories Comedy Drama

An Odd Christmas Present

An Odd Christmas Present

4 mins

In the cold town of Cleveland, Ohio lived an ordinary kid named Sammy. He was like any other 5th grader, he went to school, loved to skateboard, eat ice-cream, etc. He always wanted a pet too. Each day he prayed that he could get a pet. He worked really hard and behaved so he could get a pet for Christmas. Christmas was soon and Sammy was excited. He got what he wanted but it was a bit out of the ordinary... 

On the day of Christmas Sammy woke up and found that there were no presents under the tree. Soon they his parents came holding a cage behind their backs. Sammy was excited as he thought it might be a dog or a cat, then they showed him what was inside the cage. Sammy's lips spread up his face and his eyes widened. It was a MONKEY ! Sammy was speechless. When he asked his parents why they got him a monkey instead of a cat or a dog they didn't say a thing. Sammy was a bit disappointed, but he decided to be optimistic. He thought that he could get some fun. He got a lot of that...

On the first day Sammy woke up to the sound of crashing and banging. He woke up in a hurry and looked for his monkey but he wasn't there. Then he saw his monkey on top of a chandelier. Oh No ! Sammy sighed and went to grab his monkey. His monkey jumped with agility, and swung away. Sammy started running after him. His monkey took him on a tour around his house from the kitchen to the bedroom to the bathroom. Then he went out of the house. He swung on top of a branch then was about to move on when Sammy collapsed. The monkey stuck his tongue out . It was like rubbing salt in a wound. Seriously ! Then took a leaf and went back inside. All of that for just a simple leaf. UGH !

A Week later Sammy ran into an another Problem. This time Sammy went downstairs to get himself some cereal, and when he went to go see who rang the doorbell. His monkey wrecked havoc. It scooped up his bowl and poured the cereal on top of himself

leaving a dark and wet stain on the carpet in the living room. When Sammy turned around he saw his monkey snoring as if he didn't do anything. Sammy was furious, but he had to clean this up before his parents came home from an overnight party. He tried his best but he couldn't do anything so he went upstairs and shoved his monkey back into its cage.

Soon he heard a clicking sound. His parents were home ! He ran out his bedrooms door to find his parents staring at the stain. They looked irritated, he went down to greet them. His father asked what happened and Sammy narrated what had happened. They understood, however they needed him to do something. They asked him to go get vegetables from the vegetable vendor 10 blocks away. They gave him money to rent a Taxi, they asked him to take the monkey with him as they had to leave again.

Sammy spent a whole lot of time trying to find a Taxi that was fine with monkeys. When he finally found one an hour had passed, he hopped into the taxi and told the driver where he needed to go. Sammy was casually looking out the window when his monkey went a bit crazy. He got out of his cage somehow then bonked the driver on his head then pushed him out of the car. Unsure what to do Sammy climbed into the driver's seat and tried to stay on course. However his monkey kept on bumping into to him and trying to take control of the car. He had to veer to the left and right to avoid hitting people. During all of this people were screaming in outrage and throwing whatever they had at them. They crashed into flag poles, water fountains, garbage cans, etc. When he reached the vegetable vendor the car was in a very bad shape and covered with trash and garbage. He handed the vendor a wad of cash and he tossed him some veggies. He went home covered in garbage. Once he arrived home his parents got rid of the monkey and helped in resolving the issue.

Sammy vowed to never get a pet again...

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