This shook me from the inside. Even something broke inside me. I was cursing myself. Ev This shook me from the inside. Even something broke inside me. I was cursing mys...
They were just her shadows wanting to be a part of the attention she received... They were just her shadows wanting to be a part of the attention she received...
Though everyone say that it is a bad habit, I am happy here, feeling better!! Though everyone say that it is a bad habit, I am happy here, feeling better!!
I do not know you, girl, but in a way I sort of do know you... I do not know you, girl, but in a way I sort of do know you...
We, try to find sometimes real things but fail to discover them because of illusions. I We, try to find sometimes real things but fail to discover them because of illus...
Vivek was a strong porn addict. Vivek was a strong porn addict.