Minarva Priyadarshini

Drama Romance Tragedy


Minarva Priyadarshini

Drama Romance Tragedy

A Lost Diary

A Lost Diary

3 mins

I opened my eyes. It's already morning. The train was moving at its maximum speed where I could see the shadows of greenery outside through the window. It seemed like everyone needs few hours more nap. There was snooring and swirling around in the compartment. I stepped towards wash room rubbing my eyes. Something my left leg had trapped. I checked what was that and found the string of a sling bag. I removed it and picked. It was half opened where something I found was so colourful. I opened it and saw a small diary but had locked in a tiny lock. I searched inside the bag for the key and fortunately I got that. 

Before unlocking it, my conscience didn't allow me to open it, because it's not good to read someone's diary. But, I was more curious to open it whether I can be able to return to the person who had lost it. After getting freshen up, I returned to my seat. I thought shall I ask someone in the compartment about the lost bag? But, later I realised I may face many useless counter questions instead. Then I decided to keep quiet.

I opened it in guilt and begging forgiveness to the person to whom it belongs. 

In a very beautiful handwriting, it was written "Sriyaa"

I opened the next page. There was a date mentioned in the right corner.'s just a few days back. It was a love note.

My love, 

Do you know how it feels? It's like I am traveling to the heaven holding your hands. I am stepping to the higher laddar. Just a few moments left to touch the heaven. It's so so so cold. Can I hug you tight? did it before I do. The weather is so colourful and bright. Chill wind is blowing, just like I am living a new life. T

hank you for being with me. Lots of love for you darling.

Today went very amazingly with you Armaan.

There was the next day's date in the right corner of next page.

My love,

It is really a very beautiful place. I could not express how beautiful it was. You lifted me today to the mountain, it was really very sweet of you dear. I am really debtor for you love and care. That place was another heaven like it was waiting for us. Could you feel the songs of woods? I am not joking...I talked with them. The food was too delicious. Why you ate my leftover???

I turned to the next page. I was fully engrossing in reading those pages. I was living a hill station trip in this. There was 11 pages regarding the whole journey. And when I reached in the 11th page, my excitement turned into tears. This time I really wanted to return this diary to Sherya. In the 11th page it was written,

The world is bright and beautiful. You never let me feel my world is full of darkness with blindness. I could feel the beauty in your eyes, in your words and your touch. I know I will not forget the memory, but I want you to know the priceless moments I added in my frail life just because of you.

I had lost my eyes. I know life is uncertain for me. After a few days, I would lost my breath and very soon this disease will kill me. I had lived a thousand lives in these days. Forgive me for not letting you read this diary now. But, I promise you will get it one day...

I closed the diary with a heavy heart and chocked throat. I had so many questions to the destiny which were unanswered. It left me blank.

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