Shlesha Chawla

Drama Horror Children


Shlesha Chawla

Drama Horror Children

A Horror Night

A Horror Night

3 mins

I got up in the middle of the night, I was sweating profusely. No, it wasn't a dream. Let me give the introduction. It was my sister's wedding the other day. I had my exams the next day so I did not go while my parents went. The day time was fine for me but I was really afraid of the dark. 

I actually don't believe in ghosts to tell you the truth so I went to my room to sleep. A little afraid...But I somehow started to believe in the ghosts as I was alone. I tried to console myself that nothing will happen. I kept a torchlight next to me for precautions and also a lighter( I don't know why I kept it..but yeah I did). So keeping my alarm of 6 a.m., I went for a goodnight sleep. It was somewhat 2 a.m. and the light of the other room fell with a clang. I got up with a start, quickly turned on the lights, and took my torchlight to check the room where the light fell. I shouted, "Who's there?", but no reply. I somehow encouraged myself and went back to sleep...this time keeping my eyes half-open. It was 2:30 a.m. and I didn't sleep. But after half an hour or so, I managed to sleep. At exactly 4 a.m., the cup on my table started to clutter, the curtains fell. 

I got up and I was sweating profusely. I switched on the lights to see if someone was there. But there was no one. I pinched myself to check if I was hallucinating but I wasn't. I was wet because of so much sweating, so I decided to get a shower. I came back and switched on the T.V. to watch something cool. After surfing all the channels, I did not find anything interesting and I was pretty tired. I took a nap of 5 minutes. That five minutes seemed to be hours. 

I started reading a book and in no time, it was morning. I looked out of my window to see the sunrise up. Well, I have a habit of watching the news in the morning. So I turned on the news channel and the reporter said, "Yesterday, at night, Delhi experienced an earthquake of 2.5 on Richter scale. People in the interior have not........". I was in shock. I could not believe what he said. My fate was a bad one. I could not sleep well and did not write well in the exams. You don't worry about the marks, I have passed, but not with flying colors. My parents were back the next day and I told them my horrifying tale on the breakfast table. My dad actually let the food out from his mouth. Tears ran down his cheek. HE WAS LAUGHING! Well, my story ends here...What about you?

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