You Die; I Die -Love Poems- Part 15

You Die; I Die -Love Poems- Part 15

109 mins

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh

All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.

About The Poetry Book -

This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 15 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ). Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.

























24. BYE


















The clouds were mystically busy; in showering tantalizing globules of rain; upon fathomless territories of agonizingly parched soil,

The Sun was flamingly busy; in magically sizzling every cranny of this boundlessly congenial Universe; with golden beams of its optimistically enchanting light,

The spiders were fabulously busy; in enamoringly weaving silken strands of webs; euphorically bouncing in the threads; fervently anticipating the prey of their choice,

The fires were swelteringly busy; in charring even the most infinitesimal iota of tenacious logwood; to threadbare bits of minuscule ash,

The clowns were ludicrously busy; in tumultuously evoking a festoon of unfathomable smiles; on the faces of all those besieged with cloudbursts of inexplicable gloom,

The eagles were majestically busy; in enshrouding every bit of drearily insipid space; with exuberant draughts of exotic air,

The snakes were ominously busy; in stealthily waiting for innocuously sparkling skin; ebullient chunks of flesh to venomously infiltrate their murderously sinister fangs; in,

The fortresses were invincibly busy; in compassionately sequestering all those disastrously orphaned and dithering; from the acrimoniously mighty onslaught; of the turgidly satanic society,

The clothes were amiably busy; in shielding innocently naked skin from vindictively frozen avalanches of wind; as well as tyrannically ferocious rays of; the uncouthly blistering afternoon,

The cars were boisterously busy; in rhapsodically transporting fatigued battalions of passengers; to the most resplendently placating destination of their supreme choice,

The sharks were diabolically busy; in frantically groping for immaculate prey; metamorphose a profusely robust framework of ravishing flesh and blood; into a

devastatingly transposed curry of sheer nothingness,

The dogs were pertinently busy; in dolefully barking; deluging the trajectory of the gloomily treacherous night; with an incomprehensible number of their ghoulish wails,

The ghosts were insidiously busy; in casting the spell of their gorily sinister doom; devouring blissful civilizations; in the swirl of their hideously obfuscated and grotesque countenances,

The eyes were indefatigably busy; in profoundly discerning and imbibing the fathomlessly glorious beauty of this gregariously mystical Universe; paving

their way ecstatically forward to coin astoundingly new chapters of existence,

The blood was poignantly busy; in spell bindingly imparting fortitude to each arena of the staggeringly bedraggled body; rejuvenating it to unfurl refreshingly emphatic chapters of; a vividly vibrant tomorrow,

The pigs were disdainfully busy; in excoriating through lugubrious piles of garbage at lightening velocities; ruthlessly gobbling even the most worthlessly stinking piece of shit; that sleazily greeted them in their savage way,

The forests were inscrutably busy; in churning tales of unrelenting mysticism; voluptuously kissing the charismatic blanket of the stupendously glittering night; with seductive fireballs of empathy; and life,

The Gods were Omnisciently busy; in proliferating astronomical spurts of sacred life on the boundlessly beautiful planet; articulately maneuvering the destiny of each organism; rich or lecherously poor; alike,

And my Heart was perpetually busy; in incarcerating the beats of her passionately divine heart; assimilating and immortal bonding with the essence of her unparalleled love; uniting with her philanthropic will; to bless all benign mankind .


Stones are lackadaisically worthless,

Gutters are preposterously baseless,

Greed is invidiously senseless,

Depression is devastatingly meaningless,

Mania’s are obsessively weightless,

Enmity is salaciously bottomless,

Traitors are treacherously groundless,

Stagnation is venomously valueless,

Diabolism is vindictively useless,

Manipulation is hideously profitless,

Emptiness is ominously fruitless,

Ghosts are disconcertingly hopeless,

Frigidity is inevitably hapless,

Boredom is lethally purposeless,

Death is despairingly motionless,

Cowardice is ludicrously skulless,

Infidelity is pathetically pointless,

Oceans are bountifully fathomless,

Lies are maliciously soundless,

Fantasies are unrelentingly boundless,

Tangible are rhapsodically countless,

Expressions are poignantly dateless,

Lechery is disastrously voiceless,

Beggars are ridiculously gutless,

Sleazy are bombastically strapless,

Adventurous are exhilaratingly shoeless,

Orphaned are deplorably houseless,

Benevolence is perennially timeless,

Murderers are laughably spineless,

Excitement is incomprehensibly numberless,

Awestruck are unbelievingly speechless,

Imprisoned are brutally expressionless,

Compassion is irrefutably wordless,

Butchers are satanically soulless,

Deserts are ditheringly treeless,

Corpses are insidiously passionless,

Indigenous are rustically mannerless,

Dungeons are insanely windless,

Feathers are fantastically noiseless,

Nonchalant are parsimoniously listless,

Innocent are harmoniously creaseless,

Clouds are inscrutably ceaseless,

Vegetables are celestially boneless,

Terrorists are bizarrely bloodless,

Parasites are staggeringly breathless,

Corruptive are mockingly spiritless,

Dissatisfied are overwhelming restless,

Insipid are invasively rimless,

Doleful are drearily cordless,

Maniacal are profusely airless,

Waterfalls are blissfully hairless,

Silken are immaculately seamless,

Monotonous are turgidly dreamless,

Graveyards are stinkingly toothless,

Blood-sucking are incorrigibly motherless,

Absolution is divinely painless,

Nothingness is indolently aimless,

Pompous are indigently shameless,

Sewers are immutably nameless,

Pigs are greedily brainless,

Assassins are indispensably fatherless,

Vandals are horrifically flowerless,

Cockroaches are disgustingly tuneless,

Philanthropists are unequivocally taintless,

Pretentious are horrendously cultureless,

Gloom is inexplicably colorless,

Skies are unfathomably limitless,

Demons are insidiously starless,

Barbaric are despondently seedless,

Prejudiced are ignominiously friendless,

Relationships are impregnably measureless,

Depression is tyrannically lusterless,

Capricious are staggeringly careless,

Tornado’s are tumultuously gearless,

Afternoons are swelteringly moonless,

Honesty is irrefutably stainless,

Malicious are impoverishedly armless,

Birds are ecstatically footless,

Fairies are ravishingly beardless,

Impeachment is grotesquely faceless,

Entrepreneurs are intrepidly fearless,

Logs are obdurately foamless,

Enigmas are tantalizingly keyless,

Horizons are obliviously clueless,

Hollowness is penalizingly handless,

Dishonest are insatiably penniless,

Lazy are waveringly jobless,

Hell is torturously heartless,

Nature is flirtatiously wireless,

Shadows are diminutively powerless,

Blood-thirsty are wholesomely artless,

Destinies are waveringly mapless,

Dare-devils are snobbishly wreckless,

Pragmatic are prudently cloudless,

Cursed are lamely childless,

Infants are perpetually faultless,

And love is immortally priceless .


A little piquant; tangily bouncing in the aisles of untamed yearning; and a little sweet; profusely deluging the morbidly sullen atmosphere with the ingratiatingly captivating melody in her voice,

A little ecstatic; uninhibitedly philandering amidst the stars of tantalizing fantasy; and a little romantic; compassionately embracing all those disastrously bereaved that; confronted her in her majestic way,

A little vivacious; indefatigably expending her ebullient energy of goodness to the world around; and a little spell binding; incarcerating even the most alien of personality in her mystically divine swirl,

A little doughty; formidably facing the unsurpassable armory of impediments that hindered her in her royal stride; and a little dainty; exotically tingling frigid globules of soil; with her insurmountably titillating caress,

Was my invincibly mesmerizing wife; who not only bestowed upon me a countless births to survive; even in this impoverished singleton birth of mine; but was infact the sole air that I breathed in life; the very reason that I was blissfully alive .

A little shy; magnificently curling her seductive eyelashes under twinkling rays of the pearly Moon; and a little loquacious; cataclysmically divulging her soul out; when she felt the insatiable desire to express herself,

A little crimson; blushing like the blooming lilies when I first sighted her; and a little pink; snoozing and relentlessly fantasizing above the corridors of paradise; when in nostalgically deep sleep,

A little enigmatic; inscrutably wandering through a web of magical enchantment; and a little pragmatic; manipulating her daily routine to survive in this stringently conventional society; with astounding agility,

A little flirtatious; gallivanting in gay abandon behind the hills just as the Sun wholesomely blended with the horizons; and a little sonorous; admonishing unruly urchins for tainting her kitchen floor; in her fervently deep throated voice,

Was my immortally everlasting wife; who was not only my perpetual inspiration to benevolently bond in threads of sacrosanct humanity; but was infact the sole air that I breathed in life; the very reason that I was blissfully alive .

A little dreamer; perennially lost in clouds of euphorically unending fantasy; and a little artistic; fabulously enshrouding barren bits of canvas; with the stupendously radiant artistry in her philanthropic palms,

A little patriotic; unequivocally surging forward to mitigate her motherland from the clutches of diabolically evil; and a little surreal; leaping like a fleet footed fairy; to enlighten gloom all around her; with the rays of Omnipotent mankind,

A little saintly; possessing incomprehensibly magical powers to heal the most bizarre of wounds with the ointment of her impregnable caring; and a little innocent; incessantly reminiscing those exuberant moments of fresh birth; when she was just born,

A little ubiquitous; tirelessly functioning as a benign messiah of all deprived humanity; and a little tantalizing; igniting my every frigidly devastating night with; unrelenting fireballs of tumultuous passion,

Was my unassailably heavenly wife; who not only; magnanimously fulfilled every benevolent desire of my heart; with the melody in her stride; but was infact the sole air that I breathed in life; the very reason that I was blissfully alive .

A little surreptitious; concealing the inexplicable miseries that she was uncouthly subjected to; entirely to herself; and a little volatile; fulminating into an boundless kaleidoscope of resplendently gregarious color; as the Sun gloriously crept up in the sky,

A little flamboyant; blazing a path of irrevocably scintillating triumph on every humanitarian mission she embarked; and a little timid; succumbing to every

innocuous longing that vociferously diffused from my mouth,

A little blissful; marvelously pacifying even the most barbarically frazzled nerves with the river of her fascinating entertainment; and a little ardent; passionately coalescing with every beat of my ferociously palpitating heart; till times immemorial,

A little sporadic; intermittently bursting into spurts of divinely philosophies to holistically survive in the conquest of life; and a little motherly; soothing my unfathomable battalion of anguished tensions; with the aura of her Omnisciently celestial senses,

Was my impregnably Godly wife; who not only showered me with eternally transpiring and contenting happiness; but was infact the sole air that I breathed

in life; the very reason that I was blissfully alive .


She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably gauge the profound sadness enshrouding my countenance; by just ethereally glimpsing at my shielding eyelashes,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably prognosticate the hunger in my stomach; by just sighting me restlessly gnawing at my bohemian nails,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably sense the maniacal desperation in my trembling visage; by just the infinitesimally changed

tone; in the nimble cadence of my voice,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably comprehend the wave of bizarre mortification enveloping my soul; by just the capricious tinge of poignant scarlet; on my impoverished cheeks,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably narrate the experiences of my day; by just feeling the transiently cringed lines; on my diminutively frazzled forehead,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably guess the thunderbolts of tumultuous anger encapsulating my blood; by just witnessing that inconspicuous iota of frantic vacillation in my dwindling stride,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably feel the insatiably nostalgic child in me; by just gently caressing my innocuously vivacious lips,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably soliloquize the first day of my birth; by just kissing my rampantly fluttering and daintily gorgeous eyelashes,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably understand the diabolically obsessive agony in my life; by just sighting the augmented redness in the interiors of my palm; and withering body skin,

She hadn’t give me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably analyze the state of intriguingly inexplicable mind; by just staring for mock seconds; at the ludicrously staggering curvature of my spine,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably construe the vibrant philosopher entrenching my senses from all sides; by just inhaling

the scent that drifted; from my profusely wandering countenance,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably conceive the insurmountable reservoir of fantasy circulating in my blood; by just kneading my pulse a minuscule trifle,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably perceive the tumultuous electricity in my compassionate visage; by just the poignant magnetism that radiated on every step that I gently tread,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably apprehend the unfathomable carpet of dreams in my eyes; by just witnessing the resplendently shimmering twinkle that lay; therein,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably assimilate the unrelenting euphoria in each element of my persona; by just tracing the tiny globules of sweat; that ran down my chest,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably discern the ardent believer in my body; by just witnessing the resiliently unflinching contours of my chin,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably grasp the artist fulminating inexorably in my ecstatic veins; by just feeling the astronomical propensity in my fireballs of passionate breath,

She hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably realize my uncontrollably escalating desire; by just cuddling the fantastically zealous moistness; which engulfed every trajectory of my flesh,

And she hadn’t given me birth from her womb; but could still irrefutably define my immortal love for her divinely grace; by just listening to the marvelously impregnable beats of my small; but perpetually craving heart .


The Sun might inundate every cranny of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe; with fireballs of its blazingly optimistic light; sizzling in the corridors of untamed glory for centuries immemorial,

But it was the rays of Omnipotent hope that poignantly diffused from your eyes; which metamorphosed me from a bundle of orphaned hopelessness; to the most opulently philanthropic man alive .

The flower might perpetuate every iota of this fathomlessly enchanting Universe; with its ingratiatingly voluptuous scent; triggering waves of rhapsody in the lives of those submerged with horrific despair,

But it was the insatiably marvelous fragrance that uninhibitedly disseminated from your visage; which made me rise from the inconspicuously ghastly ashes;

making me impregnably feel that I was blissfully alive .

The mountains might formidably defend every organism on this majestically endless Universe; with the unbelievably Herculean strength in their towering arms,

But it was the overwhelmingly unsurpassable fortitude in your vibrant voice; which engendered me to irrefutably conquer every benign mission; in the tenure of my disastrously impoverished life .

The oceans might boundlessly pacify the thirst of one and all on this exotically gigantic Universe; with the ebulliently tangy water undulating in their timeless


But it was the unfathomable reservoir of golden sweat that profusely dribbled from your divinely skin; which landed me in waves of supremely celestial contentment;

miraculously uplifted me from dungeons of malicious depravation and ominously vicious boredom .

The forests might incomprehensibly deluge every wind on this royally resplendent Universe; with the never-ending mysticism in their; enigmatically swirling persona,

But it was the ravishingly untamed charisma that piquantly unraveled each time you swished your tantalizing hair; which made me romanticize in the aisles of unprecedented desire; for infinite more births of mine; yet to unveil .

The breeze might fantastically envelop every portion of this gorgeously titillating Universe; with magically augmenting exuberance; trapped in even the most minuscule element of its gusty swirl,

But it was the air that gloriously fulminated from your sacrosanct nostrils; which bequeathed upon me the perennial tenacity to exist beyond my times; wonderfully bestowing upon me my ultimate status in; scintillating life .

The bees might beautifully sprinkle every space on this ubiquitously flowering Universe; with insurmountable waterfalls of melodiously appeasing honey,

But it was the heavenly sweetness in your Omnisciently harmonious voice; which granted me the most symbiotically bountiful endowment in my indigently stumbling life; made an invincible winner in every benevolent conquest of survival .

The robust fruits of Nature might tangily enshroud every trajectory on this magnificently euphoric Universe; with an ardor to ebulliently transcend over all despicable hunger and bizarre starvation,

But it was the Omnipresent philosophies of your impeccably glowing soul; which were the eternally placating food; for my lecherously monotonous and satanically rugged life .

And the heavens might endow every tangible and intangible atom on this alluringly embellished Universe; with vivacious spurts of boisterously charming life,

But it was the seeds of love in your immortally throbbing heart; which propelled me to proliferate countless more of my kind; be reborn again and again and again; every time the earth spawned out of obfuscated oblivion; to serve all humanity and living; delightfully alike .


If you indefatigably dream of the radiantly glistening sky; the flamboyantly blistering Sun; will inevitably follow,

If you relentlessly dream to float in the magnificently voluptuous clouds; the astronomically unprecedented summits; will inevitably follow,

If you intransigently dream to irrefutably succeed; thunderbolts of vibrantly mesmerizing prosperity; will inevitably follow,

If you incorrigibly dream of everlasting happiness; the blanket of unconquerably uninhibited philanthropism; will inevitably follow,

If you timelessly dream of invincibly immortal peace; the web of divinely sacrosanct wisdom; will inevitably follow,

If you timelessly dream of the piquantly ravishing ocean; the gloriously impregnable festoon of royal sharks; will inevitably follow,

If you tirelessly dream of the voluptuously majestic night; the garland of exotically glittering and seductive stars; will inevitably follow,

If you unequivocally dream of flirtatiously divine mischief; the realms of stupendously impeccable childhood; will inevitably follow,

If you immutably dream of euphoric poignancy; the incredulously emphatic mirrors of the scintillating eye; will inevitably follow,

If you irrevocably dream of charismatically tantalizing smiles; the marvelously unassailable impressions of innocuous lips; will inevitably follow,

If you incorrigibly dream of perpetual beauty; the celestial lap of your Omnipotent mother; will inevitably follow,

If you endlessly dream of unsurpassably augmenting melody; the voice of the bountifully enthralling nightingale; will inevitably follow,

If you unceasingly dream of perennially Omnipresent fragrance; the flower of astoundingly symbiotic mankind; will inevitably follow,

If you insatiably dream of ingratiatingly exquisite calligraphy; the feather tipped pen dipped in wonderfully scarlet ink; will inevitably follow,

If you intractably dream of vivaciously unraveling compassion; the stupendously incomprehensible wave of humanity; will inevitably follow,

If you uncompromisingly dream of intriguingly enigmatic flirtation; the spell binding hills of boisterously robust youth; will inevitably follow,

If you eternally dream of immaculately glittering triumph; the spirit of overwhelmingly transpiring patriotism; will inevitably follow,

If you boundlessly dream of unflinchingly Omniscient light; the rays of formidably benign hope; will inevitably follow,

If you perpetually dream of ubiquitously bonding brotherhood; the Omnipresent religion of Godly humanity; will inevitably follow,

If you inexhaustibly dream of enamoringly blooming life; the fireballs of tenaciously ardent breath; will inevitably follow,

And if you incessantly dream of fabulously everlasting love; the immortal beats of the sensitively beautiful heart; will inevitably follow .


When I danced on the ultimate summit of the astronomically colossal mountain; initially I felt waves of stupendously ingratiating exhilaration deluge me from all sides,

Although as time rapidly unleashed; and the Sun austerely gleamed to sweltering radiance; my nimble feet trembled uncontrollably upon the treacherous slopes; and I found the conglomerate of my robust bones metamorphose to inconspicuous chowder; as I yelled my last before smashing against the cold-blooded rocks .

When I danced on the fathomlessly tangy ocean; frolicking in the heart of the marvelously poignant waves; initially I felt the gregariously rhapsodic froth transit me into realms of tantalizing heaven,

Although as the minutes crept by; and the Sun commenced to languidly kiss the horizons; an intransigently vicious pain enveloped my entire countenance; as a malicious battalion of pugnacious sharks dragged me barbarically to blend me

with the rock bottom .

When I danced on the ethereally spell-binding clouds; kissing the mesmerizing mists as they floated past my rubicund cheeks; initially I felt as if I had witnessed every iota of enchanting beauty upon the trajectory of the boundlessly bountiful Universe,

Although as the day unfurled itself into hideous night; and the Moon refrained to creep up in the sky; I found myself taking the greatest plunge of my life; sinking down to find devastated refuge with pertinent worms; infinite kilometers beneath soil .

When I danced on a pile of incomprehensible gold coin; feeling an unfathomable barrage of scintillating silver cascade down my neck; initially I felt as if I was the most flamboyantly opulent man alive,

Although a few seconds later; and as vindictive witches of hell descended down on earth; all celestial empathy vanished uncouthly from my disastrously shriveled persona; to ruthlessly snap the eternal chapter of my romantic life .

When I danced on a shimmering garland of blissful sand; ravishingly tickling my soles with the resplendent granules of enthrallment trapped within; initially I felt as if all sorrow had abnegated forever from my life,

Although a few moments later; and as dusk seemed to advance its ominous stranglehold over brilliant light; I ludicrously slipped worse than nine-pins to lick worthless dust; with a cluster of irascibly heinous ant playing hide and seek; with my lame ears .

When I danced on an unfathomable horde of crocodiles; intrepidly caressing my big toe nails in exuberant gusto against their majestically serrated skin; initially I felt the bravest man on earth; applauding my Herculean feat by staring mockingly towards the heavens,

Although as the hour changed its dimensions; and the beasts started to belligerently shrug their afternoon siesta; I found no difference between my brain and feet; disappearing into threadbare oblivion for centuries immemorial .

When I danced on royally flaming fires; trespassing intractably across the sizzling embers all day and murderous night; initially I felt winds of supremely uninhibited compassion enshroud my penuriously dithering visage; for countless more births of mine,

Although as the clock fervently ticked; and as the overwhelmingly traumatized agony of heat proliferated multifold; I soon transformed into ashes of insipid nothingness; to coalesce with corridors of lecherously lambasting hell .

When I danced on the land of nostalgically impeccable souls; ebulliently juxtaposing with their timeless essence; initially I felt all richness and endless grace on this planet being showered upon me in unequivocal plenty,

Although as days sped into painstaking fortnights; and as even the most minuscule beam of hope immutably denied to linger in the devastatedly sinister atmosphere; every iota of my invincibly looming persona; soon evaporated into non-existent trails of the satanic ghost .

When I danced in the heart of my divinely beloved; bonding each beat of my miserably palpitating heart with the insurmountably perennial river of her immortal love; initially I felt an Omnipotent endowment to lead a countless more ecstatic lives,

And I can state it with irrefutable pride this time; that as the moments unfolded into a sparkling tomorrow; I was reborn again and again and again; as the most powerful entity on this marvelously enamoring Universe; the power which was none else but the fragrance of her impregnably unceasing love .


Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like frigidly decrepit chunks of unsolicited manure; but when it came to sequestering you from the clutches of the salaciously marauding devil; my hands suddenly metamorphosed into the most invincibly unshakable power on this fathomless Universe,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like parsimoniously squashed and squalid contours of the pig-stalk; but when it came to enlightening you from the aisles of inexplicable morbidity; my lips suddenly metamorphosed into the most redolently Omnipotent smile on this boundless Universe,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like hopelessly crumbling matchsticks of scurrilous disdain; but when it came to peeling every layer of sugarcane skin for you; my teeth suddenly metamorphosed into a fortress of unbreakably fantastic temerity,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like haplessly cancerous parasites egregiously fretting even in the most brilliant of sunlight; but when it came to compassionately carrying you to your destination; my shoulders suddenly metamorphosed into a rock of unflinchingly Herculean solidarity,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like inconspicuously

mortified ants; but when it came to indefatigably galloping to quench your every dream; my feet suddenly metamorphosed into a dynamite of endlessly springing freshness,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like lugubriously extinguishing horizons; but when it came to searching you in the most blackened of night; my eyes suddenly metamorphosed into a Sun of unceasingly triumphant light,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like lifeless twigs of

dangling uncertainty; but when it came to sketching your benign silhouette; my fingers suddenly metamorphosed into the most artistically bounteous paradise of panoramic beauty,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like a pertinently

evanescent mosquito fluttering every now and again; but when it came to uninhibitedly cavorting with you behind the pristinely rain soaked hills; my

eyelashes suddenly metamorphosed into an undefeatable sky of blissful mischief,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like an apocalypse of

wanton dumbness; but when it came to singing in your divinely praise; my

throat suddenly metamorphosed into a heaven of sensuously mellifluous nightingales,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like a corpse of meaninglessly indolent sleep; but when it came to impregnably safeguarding

you while you celestially slept; my eyelids suddenly metamorphosed into a

volcano of insuperable alacrity,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like a penuriously pulverized ladder of nothingness; but when it came to uprooting even the most infinitesimal trace of evil surrounding you; my spine suddenly metamorphosed into an unassailably majestic cosmos of intrepid strength,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like a desperately flailing flea of bizarre emptiness; but when it came to tranquilly caressing every pore of your estranged persona in the acrimoniously unsparing mid-day Sun; my shadow suddenly metamorphosed into a cistern of magnificently bountiful harmony,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like flaccidly flagrant caterpillars loathing towards fulsome extinction; but when it came to wounding any organism who dared to diabolically tease you; my nails suddenly metamorphosed into the sharpest sword of vindication on this eternal Universe,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like a desolately slavering stream of balderdash jelly; but when it came to withstanding any warrior on earth who tried to ruthlessly snatch you; my bones suddenly metamorphosed into wall of unbreakably peerless determination,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like lividly colorless

and cadaverously cursing saliva; but when it came to coalescing every ingredient of your life with the religion of humanity; my blood suddenly metamorphosed into a heaven of eternally interminable oneness,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like a non-existent gutter of derogatory raunchiness; but when it came to disseminating your voice of everlasting truth to the farthest quarter of this planet; my conscience suddenly metamorphosed into an unstoppable fire of royal righteousness,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem like languidly senseless cockroaches extruding from my diminutive scalp; but when it came to tantalizing every pore of your remorsefully depressed skin; my hair suddenly metamorphosed into a cascade of timelessly silken togetherness,

Don’t you worry O! Beloved; it might otherwise seem like a pugnaciously massacring mirage of death; but when it came to miraculously resuscitating your lifeless form; my breath suddenly metamorphosed into an Omnipresently effulgent caravan of sparkling life,

And don’t you worry O! Beloved; they might otherwise seem infidel palpitations of dismally deteriorating oblivion; but when it came to inimitably inundating every aspect of your life with Immortal friendship; my heartbeats suddenly metamorphosed into the Creator of Omniscient love .


For the blissfully fructifying trees; it was the astounding festoon of marvelously enchanting green leaves; which did the vividly mesmerizing and sprightly talking,

For the fathomlessly silken skies; it was the handsomely crimson puffs of

untamed clouds; which did the inscrutably reinvigorating and compassionate


For the vividly exuberant oceans; it was the spell bindingly tangy swirl of the frosty waves; which did the uninhibitedly boisterous and triumphant talking,

For the robustly harmonious body; it was the perpetually quintessential streams of scarlet blood; which did the timelessly humanitarian and victorious talking,

For the resplendently enamoring rose; it was the celestially unparalleled fragrance; which did the pricelessly unconquerable and wonderfully divine talking,

For the endlessly virile soil; it was the magically sprouting fruit; which did the unbelievably altruistic and bounteously symbiotic talking,

For the indomitably towering mountain; it was the inimitably fantastic epitome of unity; which did the unsurpassably amiable and intrepidly replenishing talking,

For the intricately nimble palms; it was the astoundingly mystical labyrinth

of destiny lines; which did the inexplicably rhapsodic and ebulliently stupefied talking,

For the limitlessly royal deserts; it were the enchanting undulations of sands; which did the boundlessly surreal and tantalizingly unceasing talking,

For the ingeniously inexhaustible brain; it was the unassailable reservoir of fantasy; which did the effulgently melodious and fearlessly sensuous talking,

For the pristinely sacrosanct cow; it was the impeccably insuperable cistern of milk; which did the righteously untainted and undefeatedly truthful talking,

For the emphatically dancing eye; it was incredulously heartwarming river of

affable moisture; which did the ardently coalescing and uninhibitedly blessed talking,

For the Omnipotently blistering Sun; it was the amazingly unfettered rays of

freedom; which did the brilliantly liberated and timelessly infallible talking,

For the articulately evolving Artist; it was the beautifully honest soul; which did the unfathomably majestic and pricelessly synergistic talking,

For the indefatigably patriotic Soldier; it was the virtue of perennially indomitable fearlessness; which did the victoriously jubilant and peerlessly liberated talking,

For the Omnisciently venerated Mother; it was the freshly born infant; which

did the tirelessly euphoric and everlastingly enchanting talking,

For the inebriated nubile Maiden; it was the torrential cloudburst of sensuousness; which did the seductively captivating and gloriously titillating talking,

For the chapter of unendingly proliferating life; it was unconquerably endowing breath; which did the spell bindingly gracious and philanthropically ameliorating talking,

And for the Omnipresently true love; it was the unabashedly Godly heartbeat;

which did the Immortally victorious and endlessly procreating talking .


She venomously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most ardent of my obsessions for her magnetically vivacious silhouette; the majestic swish of her hair with every puff of exuberant wind,

She raunchily told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most inimitably benign sacrifices that I’d done; to ensure that she perpetually blazed in the heaven

of eternally fructifying prosperity,

She impeachingly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

mellifluously heartfelt songs; that I’d indefatigably penned for her astoundingly mesmerizing grace,

She unforgivably told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

impeccably endless of my prayers to the Almighty Lord; to miraculously alleviate her from the corpses of inexplicably asphyxiating cancer and disease,

She ominously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most blazingly unfettered triumphs; that I had perennially secured to keep her an infinite kilometers away from the hedonistically sodomizing devil,

She truculently told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

wonderfully royal artistry; that I had tirelessly assimilated from the fathomlessly unceasing Universe; to solely blend with the sacred imprints of her feet,

She ruthlessly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

fervent of my palpitations; my every beat which’d throbbed for none other on

this boundless Universe; but her divinely grace,

She uncouthly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

sincere of my efforts to keep awake all treacherously esoteric night; so

that she snored in the aisles of invincibly heavenly paradise,

She brashly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most unlimited of my therapies to magically mollify her brutally estranged existence; with the wings of timelessly liberated sensuousness,

She horrifically told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

philanthropic of my attempts; to forever blend every ingredient of her priceless blood with the unassailable religion of mankind,

She lividly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most undefeatable of my feelings for her wholesome wellness; every tyrannically distraught tear of hers blissfully metamorphosed into a gorge of unshakable happiness,

She pugnaciously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

spell bindingly unparalleled of my infatuations for her; the countless nights of hell in which I’d miserably writhed and grunted; just to ethereally capture a singleton of her enamoring smiles,

She emotionlessly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

unbreakable winds of timeless friendship; which I’d forever wanted to celestially enshroud her with,

She unabashedly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

sacredly potent of my virility; the seeds of everlastingly beautiful compassion that I had unflinchingly sown into her innocuous soul,

She vindictively told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

jubilantly effulgent of my expressions; everytime when I sighted her unconquerably enchanting shadow,

She unsparingly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most earnest of my possessiveness for her; unimaginably strangulating myself every instant with parasitically alien poison; just so that she unchallangably ruled every iota of the environment like the ultimate princess of her time,

She vituperatively told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most supremely optimistic things that I had done; to enlighten every pore of her despairingly bereaved flesh; towards a sky of vivaciously silken ecstasy,

She obnoxiously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most

Omnisciently Immortal covering of my breath for her; when she was haplessly

tottering on the coffins of inevitably squelching death,

And whilst she mercilessly told me that she hated me an infinite times in

her heart for the infinite things of godly goodness that I’d countlessly showered upon her; I humbly asked her as to whether in the first place; she did indeed “Have a Heart at all” .


My brain could perhaps ruthlessly expurgate you out; but what about its every unimaginably tantalizing fantasy; of which you were the most pricelessly ultimate queen,

My fingers could perhaps mercilessly shrug you out; but what about the most

resplendently royal meadow of shapes that they sketched; which constituted

of nothing else but your Omnisciently enchanting grace; which constituted of

nothing else but only you,

My eyes could perhaps disdainfully kick you out; but what about each droplet

of empathy that dribbled from them; of which you were the most Omnisciently

ameliorating messiah,

My blood could perhaps obnoxiously discard you out; but what about what about its invincibly fearless fragrance; which had bonded with each perpetual element of your humanitarian soul,

My shadow could perhaps acrimoniously rule you out; but what about its unparalleled ocean of gloriously untamed seduction; on which you peerlessly danced every redolently enrapturing night,

My signature could perhaps atrociously delete you out; but what about its

inimitable waves of impeccable integrity; which maneuvered solely to your

sky of sacrosanct commands,

My voice could perhaps abominably erase you out; but what about its fervently unceasing cadence; which timelessly reverberated only to the tinkling of

your beautifully Omnipresent feet,

My ears could perhaps endlessly shun you out; but what about their astoundingly undefeatable sensitivity; which perpetuated into a garden of insuperable loveliness an infinite spaces above heaven; at the tiniest insinuation of your sound,

My shoulders could perhaps treacherously discard you out; but what about

their unflinchingly triumphant strength; which tirelessly followed only the strings of your unassailably divine righteousness,

My feet could perhaps mercilessly pulverize you out; but what about their every magnanimous imprint; which was nothing but a manifestation of your miraculously ameliorating selflessness,

My tongue could perhaps salaciously spit you out; but what about its unceasing plethora of tastebuds; which indefatigably breathed only to relish the flavor of your celestially empowering existence,

My skin could perhaps diabolically slander you out; but what about its every ardently aroused pore; which rested in perennially heavenly contentment only after your magically mitigating caress,

My nails could perhaps perniciously scratch you out; but what about their

supreme uninhibitedness; which was solely a ramification of your undauntedly

liberated persona,

My hair could perhaps perfidiously dismantle you out; but what about their incredulously mesmerizing vivaciousness; in which reflected solely your exuberantly unfettered stride,

My bones could perhaps satanically trash you out; but what about their Herculean strength; which possessed only your pristine elixir of unconquerable truthfulness to survive,

My legs could perhaps ignominiously squelch you out; but what about their

tremendously unhindered exhilaration; their ecstatic gallop towards the victory line which was forever sublimed by your Omnipresent smiles,

My conscience could perhaps scurrilously scavenge you out; but what about

its mirror of Omnisciently brilliant truth; in which was profoundly embedded yours and only your immaculately unprejudiced image of life,

My nostrils could perhaps hideously squirm you out; but what about their unlimited gorge of fantastically life-yielding breath; which had perpetually coalesced with every step that you alighted in the chapter of inscrutable life,

And my heart could perhaps unsparingly excoriate you out; but what about its

sky of immortally ubiquitous beats; everyone of them on which you ruled as the ultimate princess for times even beyond an infinite more lifetimes .


When I kissed you on your marvelously rubicund lips; I felt as if floating in the bountifully pristine paradise; with every bit of happiness on this fathomless planet; mine and perpetually mine,

When I kissed you on your ingeniously sculptured forehead; I felt as if even

the most inconspicuously infidel ingredient of my blood; had forever metamorphosed into a lake of insuperably divine righteousness,

When I kissed you on your daintily artistic fingers; I felt as if even the most insidiously diabolical of monotony on this boundless earth; had transformed into a fountain of perennially unhindered rhapsody,

When I kissed you on your sensuously moistened throat; I felt the most blessed organism on this gargantuan Universe; unsurpassably culminating into a fireball

of unceasingly effulgent delight,

When I kissed you on your ebulliently newborn eyelashes; I felt that the entire newness of this miraculously ameliorating planet; was now embedded for times immemorial; profoundly into the dormitories of my soul,

When I kissed you on your tantalizingly nubile belly; I felt as to why was the entire planet unrelentingly engaged in ruthlessly bombarding war; when ultimate victory was just a compassionate caress away,

When I kissed you on your majestically seductive cheeks; I felt as if the most torrentially blessing rainfall was cascading from the Omnipotent skies; magically mitigating me of the most inexplicably cancerous of my disease,

When I kissed you on your astoundingly sensitive ears; I felt as if everything around me had come to an intractable standstill; with the most thunderously demonic screams miserably floundering to have the tiniest of impact on my celestially everlasting reverie,

When I kissed you on your jubilantly ravishing nape; I felt every puff of the atmosphere to be an unbelievably charismatic flower of solidarity; enlightening every aspect of my lugubriously plaintive existence with unlimitedly benign care,

When I kissed you on your optimistically venerated feet; I felt as if my search for the Omniscient divine had ended here itself; with even the most infinitesimally faulty aspect of my survival now replaced with the infallibly invincible armor of eternal truth,

When I kissed you on your affably glistening armpits; I felt even the most ethereal pore of my skin transcend the aisles of infinite infinity; sing in ever-pervading unison with the laws of pricelessly symbiotic existence,

When I kissed you on your eclectically vivacious shadow; I felt as there was

not the most diminutive trace of depression on this limitless planet; as if my body was evolved just to unfathomably fantasize and rest,

When I kissed you on your resplendently enamoring tongue; I felt timelessly philandering in a heaven of incredulously unending enchantment; where my

thirst for every pricelessly panoramic thing of life was quenched to the most unprecedented limits,

When I kissed you on your altruistically philanthropic shoulders; I felt closer than ever to every fraternity of unassailable humanity; synergistically blending with its myriad infinite colors of unshakable togetherness,

When I kissed you on your magnificently inebriating chin; I felt cloudbursts

of unfettered exhilaration ignite in even the most evanescent of my senses; as I intrepidly galloped through the seas of never-ending adventure,

When I kissed you on your freshly bathed bosom; I felt myself to be the most

astoundingly virile man on the trajectory of this unending Universe; proliferating into timelessly endowing newness in just one singularly truncated lifetime,

When I kissed you on your enigmatically euphoric panic-button; I felt the

highest apogee of every source of vibrantly palpitating life; plummeting face-on into such a valley of unparalleled excitement; which had simply no end,

When I kissed you on your fierily breathing nostrils; I felt the most passionately impregnable entity alive; even an infinite feet beneath my morbidly delinquent corpse,

And when I kissed you on your immortally victorious heart; I felt as if the

Omnipresent Creator had granted me a countless more lives in a single lifetime; as if I had freshly arisen from the graveyard of the most ghastliest of death; to be blessedly reborn .


Before two eyes could perpetually meet; it was tirelessly indispensable that their majestically unfettered and symbiotically convivial empathy; should forever and blissfully meet,

Before two lips could perpetually meet; it was boundlessly indispensable that their sensuously proliferating and timelessly igniting passion; should forever and impregnably meet,

Before two palms could perpetually meet; it was insurmountably indispensable

that their beautifully benign and inexhaustibly philanthropic selflessness; should forever and unassailably meet,

Before two bloodstreams could perpetually meet; it was limitlessly indispensable that their celestially unfettered and inimitably brilliant fragrance; should forever and ecstatically meet,

Before two fingers could perpetually meet; it was unceasingly indispensable; that their wonderfully emollient and royally blessing artistry; should forever and triumphantly meet,

Before two skins could perpetually meet; it was irrefutably indispensable; that their pristinely burgeoning and unfathomably astounding mischief; should forever and enchantingly meet,

Before two brains could perpetually meet; it was unconquerably indispensable; that their panoramically liberated and marvelously humanitarian fantasies; should forever and ever-pervadingly meet,

Before two shadows could perpetually meet; it was unsurpassably indispensable; that their fathomlessly mesmerizing and mellifluously mollifying tranquility; should forever and insuperably meet,

Before two shoulders could perpetually meet; it was unlimitedly indispensable; that their magically mitigating and benevolently Herculean strength; should forever and exuberantly meet,

Before two feet could perpetually meet; it was indomitably indispensable; that their spectacularly brazen and uncannily tantalizing adventures; should forever and vividly meet,

Before two ears could perpetually meet; it was poignantly indispensable; that their gloriously untainted and supremely Omnipotent sensitivity; should forever and blessedly meet,

Before two tongues could perpetually meet; it was irrevocably indispensable; that their aristocratically unbridled and jubilantly enlightening melody; should forever and eternally meet,

Before two conscience’s could perpetually meet; it was inexorably indispensable; that their miraculously ameliorating and effulgently optimistic truths; should forever and resplendently meet,

Before two eyelashes could perpetually meet; it was immutably indispensable; that their spell-bindingly nubile and beautifully synergistic flirtations; should forever and victoriously meet,

Before two bellies could perpetually meet; it was immeasurably indispensable; that their unbelievably charismatic and magnificently rhapsodic titillations; should forever and unshakably meet,

Before two bones could perpetually meet; it was wholesomely indispensable; that their ebulliently enamoring and untiringly sacrosanct ambitions; should forever and indisputably meet,

Before two breaths could perpetually meet; it was interminably indispensable; that their passionately Omnipresent and unrestrictedly augmenting sensualities; should forever and undefeatedly meet,

Before two hearts could perpetually meet; it was fundamentally indispensable; that their immortally unstoppable and Omnisciently faithful beats; should forever and heavenly meet,

And before two bodies could perpetually meet; it was infallibly indispensable; that their profoundly impeccable and bountifully emancipating souls; should forever and invincibly meet .


There were some who thought an infinite times even before; smelling the most

tantalizingly redolent and supremely pristine of rose,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; adventuring into the most stupendously exhilarating and inscrutably pristine forests,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; tasting the most

majestically sensuous and beautifully replenishing wine,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; sighting the most

panoramically blissful and fathomlessly endowing treasures of this Universe,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; dancing under the

most vivaciously blistering and brilliantly unfettered rays of the enamoring morning Sun,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; uttering the most

pricelessly unconquerable and bountifully blessing elements of truth,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; celebrating the

most sacredly ameliorating and irrefutably benevolent victory to unprecedented limits,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; wholesomely blending even the most infinitesimal pore of their miserably estranged conscience; with the winds of unparalleled righteousness,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; bathing under the

most invincibly celestial and timelessly exuberant of waterfall,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; excoriating every

bit of ruthlessly incorrigible and parasitically delinquent dirt from their nubile skins,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; procreating just

one of their handsome kin; and thereby becoming an integrally indispensable

benefactor of symbiotically godly proliferation,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; indomitably signing with their robust palms; on the chapters of enchantingly emollient and unbelievably ecstatic life,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; transiting their

fretfully beleaguered bodies into heavenly slumber; during the royally twinkling night,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; accepting the fact that they were indeed born from the womb of their Omnisciently compassionate

and eternally sparkling mother,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; enshrouding every bone of their forlornly amorphous bodies; with the fabric of insuperably uniting humanity,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; listening to the most impeccably glorious and undefeatedly replenishing voices of their hearts,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; synergistically plunging into the ocean of unflinchingly pious and ever-pervadingly Omnipotent; fertility,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; inhaling inimitably natural and unconquerably rhapsodic air,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; lighting a parsimoniously singular candle; to magnificently enlighten the complexion of the cadaverously hedonistic and brutally stinging night,

There were some who thought an infinite times even before; accepting the fact that they were harmoniously existent on the periphery of this boundless Universe; although they had the power to explicitly envisage the same in the first place,

But there was none on this impregnably endless earth who thought even an

obfuscated once before falling in love; letting every beat of their heart immortally bond with the soul mate of their destined life; letting every beat of their heart become unshakably one with the most Omnipresent gift of creation; letting every beat of their heart become a perpetual victim of “Love at first sight” .


Appallingly crippling blackness; even in the most Omnipotently blazing of Sunlight; as the most triumphant of Sun unflinchingly blazed upon the trajectory of this fathomlessly enchanting Universe,

Ghoulishly invidious blackness; even in the most everlastingly mesmerizing meadows of brilliantly unfettered freshness and newness,

Criminally stabbing blackness; even in the most triumphantly blistering pathways of freedom and royally magical liberation of the soul,

Hopelessly asphyxiating blackness; even in the most ecstatically vibrant rainbows; dancing in the aisles of unsurpassably unceasing exhilaration,

Deplorably cadaverous blackness; even in the most mellifluously rhapsodic moments of boundlessly spell binding life; even as every iota of bitterness was beautifully metamorphosed into exuberant paradise,

Satanically strangulating blackness; even in the most pricelessly victorious of artistry; even as dewdrops of Omnipotent virility cascaded uninhibitedly from every speck of the limitless sky,

Ominously deteriorating blackness; even in the most innocuously endowing playgrounds of blessed childhood; even as there blossomed nothing else but enthralling innovation in every ingredient of the ebullient atmosphere,

Sinfully sodomizing blackness; even as infinite couples around coalesced into the eternally unbreakable wedlock; even as the winds of symbiotically infallible compassion reigned supreme till times immemorial,

Remorsefully condemning blackness; even as every iota of the most hideously cannibalistic crime on this earth transformed into a paradise of unassailable

friendship and global brotherhood,

Incorrigibly cancerous blackness; even in the heart of the most vivaciously unfettered sea; even as waves timelessly clashed against the rocks to diffuse into an unparalleled gorge of frosty tanginess,

Truculently victimizing blackness; even at the steps of the most sacredly Omniscient temple; church; mosque; monastery; even as countless impregnably replenished themselves with everlasting blessings of the Almighty Lord,

Hopelessly staggering blackness; even as the scepter of Omnipresent truth reigned as the only power on this boundless Universe; forever ending the dismally salacious mortuary of tawdry lies,

Unsurpassably annihilating blackness; even as godly angels magically descended from the miraculously ameliorating heavens; perennially applying the balm of happiness on even the most infinitesimal trace of lambasted misery around,

Forlornly incarcerating blackness; even in the most wonderfully celestial downpour of beautifully effulgent rain; even as an unconquerable blanket of perpetual green spawned from threadbarely lackadaisical soil,

Carnivorously crippling blackness; even as the entire wealth of the unceasing planet lay uninhibitedly in the garden outside; even as there was nothing else but benign goodness in each platelet of the atmosphere,

Acrimoniously knifing blackness; even in the most inscrutably tantalizing forests of sensuousness; even as the elements of poignant romance were the only constituents that were found in crimson blood,

Inconsolably pugnacious blackness; even as the most unstoppably marauding of demons were wholesomely trounced to inconspicuous ash; even as the most

diminutive shadow of the badness transited into the epitomes of insuperable optimism,

Flagrantly whiplashing blackness; even as the Creator blessed every source of life that he’d evolved on this unending planet; with eclectically never-ending life,

Venomously sadistic blackness; even as unlimited skies of divine blissfully wafted from the nostrils; even as the definition of every death had wholesomely disappeared from the dictionary of symbiotic creation,

Yes; there was just blackness and nothing else but deplorably asphyxiating blackness without you O! Beloved; even in the most brilliantly enlightening lights and life; even in the most pricelessly indomitable breaths of existence; even in the most inimitably blessed ingredient of my blood as it gushed all around,

And if you really wanted my blackness to forever end; if you really wanted my blackness to forever embrace the wisps of non-existence; if you really wanted my blackness to fructify into new light; then please come back to me from wherever you are right now; please come back to me and hold my hands which were; are and shall forever remain your ultimate slave; on this terrestrial ground .


It was impossible for me to live without her eyes; as I was tirelessly enamored by their beautifully impeccable whites; the fathomless wonderment of the inscrutable Universe that tirelessly reflected from them,

And it was impossible for me to live with her eyes; as they diffused nothing

else but vindictively treacherous fire for every aspect of my existence; disconsolately sighted me as a piece of infinitesimally frigid shit .

It was impossible for me to live without her lips; as I obsessively wanted to trace their resplendently sensuous contours all night and day; and even as the most decimating apocalypses of hell descended upon planet divine,

And it was impossible for me to live with her lips; as they wafted into nothing else but an unsurpassable ocean of sordid expletives for even the most philanthropic deeds I did; perennially ostracizing me into worthlessly disastrous oblivion .

It was impossible for me to live without her palms; as it was only in their bountifully poignant destiny lines that I found the ultimate fragrance of my impoverished life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her palms; as whenever they did move in her life; it was only to mercilessly thrash the last ounce of exhilaration entrapped in each of my bones; bludgeon me to a pulp more torturous than veritable death in the prime of my life .

It was impossible for me to live without her skin; as I indefatigably wanted to smooch its unfathomably unparalleled sensuality; jubilantly bite through every of its pricelessly igniting goose-bump of sensitivity till centuries even beyond the end of my time,

And it was impossible for me to live with her skin; as it clandestinely betrayed me behind my back; surrendering in timid weakness to every conceivable masculine aroma on the trajectory of this unbelievably unceasing planet .

It was impossible for me to live without her hair; as in their majestically

ravishing swirl I found hidden the entire beauty of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe; sequestered myself forever and ever and ever from the insurmountable animosity of this horrifically robotic world,

And it was impossible to live with her hair; as their sole purpose in life was to uncouthly slap me left; right and center for ostensibly no fault of mine; hedonistically strangulate me like a death rope into the corpses of bizarrely unforgivable extinction .

It was impossible for me to live without her ears; as in their daintily twinkling lobes; I found a sweetness so mellifluously unconquerable; that uninhibitedly liberated me of all my worries for a countless more lifetimes,

And it was impossible to live with her ears; as they were preposterously insensitive to even the most cripplingly hoarse of my cries; wholesomely shunted me even as they heard the most fiercest of thunder gruesomely extraditing me from the chapter of blissful life .

It was impossible for me to live without her voice; as it was solely in it that I found the melody of irrefutably infallible truth; as it was my sole inspiration to fearlessly confront even the most obstinately bellicose impediments in the pathways of enigmatic life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her voice; as whenever it arose

from the solar plexus of her throat; it was just for unendingly ridiculing me infront of the entire globe; it was just for criminally numbing each of my royal senses to egalitarian pleasure and pain; alike .

It was impossible for me to live without her fingers; as it in their inimitably heavenly artistry that I tasted nectar in the heart of the iridescently charismatic night; it was in their invincible grip that I felt possessed by the most impregnably interminable of eternal companionship,

And it was impossible for me to live with her fingers; as all they could sketch whenever they eclectically put paint paper; was nothing else but the most morbidly incarcerated shapes of my unabashedly shriveled carcass and dead form.

It was impossible for me to live without her feet; as it was solely in their benign impressions; that I could find the most gloriously unfettered ideals of this timelessly procreating Universe,

And it was impossible for me to live with her feet; as whenever she alighted them from her state of indolent inertia; it was only to salaciously kick me like a chunk of neglected feces; to the furthermost coffins of diabolically besmirching hell .

It was impossible for me to live without her shoulders; as their altruistically benevolent strength to hoist every deprived orphan; was my undefeated sublimation to timelessly triumph in the odyssey of endowing life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her shoulders; as unrelentingly surged forward at the cost of my desires and pride; ruthlessly massacring my integrity to inconspicuously wanton dust; countless a times .

It was impossible for me to live without her brain; as her ingeniously innovative swirl to evolve insatiably blessing magic out of desperate nothingness; was what had indeed become an indispensable ingredient of my blood,

And it was impossible for me to live with her brain; as I knew that it harbored nothing else but limitless abhorrence for my diminutive form; it dreamt of nothing else but pulverizing me into my venomous grave; alive .

It was impossible for me to live without her conscience; as solely in its spirit of Omnipotent honesty; was I able to explicitly sight and admire God’s panoramic creation to the most unprecedented limits,

And it was impossible for me to live with her conscience; as it relentlessly discarded me as an unceremoniously forlorn speck of meaninglessness; perceived even the most righteous of my deed to be the coffin of ominously disparaging death .

It was impossible for me to live without her blood; as I perpetually wanted

to mélange the elixir of my existence with each of her blessedly unassailable veins; thereby feel the most pricelessly gifted organism alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her blood; as it ferociously expurgated even the most cloistered rudiment of my existence from its exuberant swirl; cognizing it to be the most satanically lambasting venom of its time .

It was impossible for me to live without her shadow; as I transcended every

level of spell binding fantasy in its enchantingly tranquil sheath; attaining the most beautifully unbridled rest of my life in its astoundingly heavenly coolness,

And it was impossible for me to live with her shadow; as from it immorally radiated the images of those innumerable men; whom she’d sadistically utilized to quench her carnal thirst; with whom she’d tawdrily slept .

It was impossible for me to live without her sweat; as solely in its fabulously unhindered scent of perseverance; did I discover my mission to succeed in the journey of bounteously virile life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her sweat; as for it I was just an

unbearably pernicious mosquito; disconsolately perpetuating my cries of ghastly extinction into its marvelously golden persona .

It was impossible for me to live without her belly; as it unceasingly tantalized me till even beyond the corridors of magnificently replenishing paradise; as solely in its incredulously victorious softness did I realize that I was tirelessly proliferating and handsomely virile,

And it was impossible for me to live with her belly; as it wholeheartedly cuddled even the most belligerent dustbin of ghoulish trash; but unstoppably rejected even the remotest of my sight .

It was impossible for me to live without her freshness; as it was my sole reason for being incessantly enlightened in my already desolately depraving life; as it metamorphosed even the most dolorously invidious of my night into brilliantly Omnipresent sunshine,

And it was impossible for me to live with her freshness; as it acrimoniously considered me as the most stagnantly disconcerting dribble of dirt on this Universe; as it considered even the most ebulliently ecstatic smile of mine as

delinquently decrepit and stale .

It was impossible for me to live without her tongue; as it was solely while

nibbling at its untamed tanginess; did I find the kindergartens of mischievously unconquerable childhood; innocuously enshroud me once again till the very end of my time,

And it was impossible for me to live with her tongue; as it libidinously spat on me all night and sweltering day; just as if I was a singular dustpan for cleansing it of all its unsolicited extremities .

It was impossible for me to live without her breath; as it was solely the only thing on earth that could’ve granted me effulgent life even after lurid death; made me feel the most wonderfully richest entity on earth even when I was robustly alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her breath; as it intractably refrained to inhale even when a countless feet near me; as it proclaimed to the entire world that I profusely smelt of nothing else but disgustingly collapsing cowardice .

It was impossible for me to live without her heart; as it was solely in every of its passionately queenly beat; that I felt as if everything around me was God’s amiably bonding paradise; that I felt that I was insuperably and immortally alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her heart; as it raunchily betrayed me right infront of my staring eyes; forever blending with the beats of the fantastically ameliorating Universe; but tirelessly dragging me towards the gory devil’s shrine .

And to top all of this it was even impossible for me to end my own life; as I didn’t want to trespass the laws of his symbiotically kingly creation; ardently desired that the last iota of my breath be solely controlled by the Omniscient divine,

So eventually I adopted one more impossible to end it all; and that was to pragmatically metamorphose each of my impossibly “Impossibles” aboveinto an

impossible “Possible”; till the time I dreamt and breathed; till the time I was bustling with impossibly unshakable life .


On surface you might see me wholeheartedly laughing the corners of my mouth

out; but that was just to hide the inexplicable germs of agony indefatigably encircling my soul,

On surface you might see me triumphantly gyrating even the most inconspicuous bone of my body; but that was just to hide the perennial blows of flagrant defeat that had just mercilessly bludgeoned me from all sides,

On surface you might see me exuberantly slurping unsurpassable sips of pristinely victorious Alp water; but that was just to hide the unfathomably despicable dryness that had circumscribed every of my veins; since centuries immemorial,

On surface you might see me incessantly chattering like the boisterously untamed bumble bee; but that was just to hide the ghoulishly crucifying solitariness that unrelentingly stabbed every ingredient of my scarlet blood,

On surface you might see me passionately kissing even the most infinitesimal

draught of air; but that was just to hide tears of inevitably strangulating disease transcending every other thing in my body,

On surface you might see me timelessly involved in one philanthropic mission

or another; but that was just to hide the insurmountably treacherous lacklusterness parasitically eviscerating every ounce of my enthusiasm from the fabric of my life,

On surface you might see me mellifluously humming the most unbelievably blessed of tunes; but that was just to hide the corpses of disdainfully cacophonic cynicism which had incarcerated me since many a lifetime,

On surface you might see me uninhibitedly blessing countless a humanity; but

that was just to hide the uncontrollably raving devil; salaciously slandering every conceivably naked pore of my impoverished flesh,

On surface you might see me beautifully cleansing every wound of my body

with the balm of rhapsodically unfettered Mother Nature; but that was just

to hide the limitless mortuaries of inane artificiality; which had haplessly hollowed every cranny of my existence,

On surface you might see me earnestly promising in every sphere of life; but that was just to hide the mercilessly robotic falseness; which had unfortunately become the very solar plexus of my survival,

On surface you might see me surreally closing my eyes as if forever fantasizing in the mists of brilliantly unhindered paradise; but that was just to hide the insidiously delirious mania that had ruthless estranged every iota of my unsparingly crippled brain,

On surface you might see me tirelessly evolving into an invincible entrenchment of mesmerizing newness; but that was just to hide the venom of ghastily pulverizing infertility bizarrely lambasting the complexion of my existence,

On surface you might see me like a magically charismatic prince gallivanting in the corridors of eternal freedom; but that was just to hide the egregiously sadistic whiplashes of unsolicited trauma that inexhaustibly disintegrated me into an infinite bits of meaninglessness,

On surface you might see me blazing like the most undauntedly sizzling Sun;

but that was just to hide the countless nights of appallingly criminal darkness; that had besieged me since the very first cry of virgin birth,

On surface you might see me profoundly engrossed in the canvas of miraculously ameliorating artistry; but that was just to hide the horrifically untouchable staleness; that lugubriously trailed alongwith every incorrigible shadow of mine,

On surface you might see me robustly bouncing in the prime of celestial youth; but that was just to hide the fathomless gallons of sinful liquor that had already vaporized my liver in its wholesome entirety,

On surface you might see me chanting the rhymes of symbiotically priceless

existence; but that was just to hide the tornados of inexorably massacring vindication; restlessly brewing up in every crevice of my conscience,

On surface you might see me fierily breathing like the most intrepidly ebullient of adventurer; but that was just to hide the hell of unlimitedly penalizing death that had already imprisoned me; an infinite births ago,

And On surface you might see me embracing every living being in the swirl of

Immortal friendship; but that was just to hide the poison of satanically asphyxiating betrayal that had irrevocably infiltrated every nerve of my persona; as the ultimate gift from the girl I’d once upon a time unstoppably loved; the girl to whom I’d selflessly dedicated every instant of my life once upon a time; but the very girl whom I today proclaim as my brutally devastating Devil .


It might indefatigably roam in a countless directions on this fathomless Universe; but in the end the mellifluously bumble bee came back only to its resplendently harmonious hive,

It might unendingly roam in a countless directions on this boundless Universe; but in the end the scepter of altruistically fearless truth came back only to the cradle

of unflinchingly eternal righteousness,

It might unnervingly roam in a countless directions on this gargantuan Universe; but in the end the victoriously unhindered lion came back only to the peerlessly snuggled den in the forests,

It might unceasingly roam in a countless directions on this colossal Universe; but in the end the poignantly undulating wave came back only to the heart of the choppily untamed sea,

It might tirelessly roam in a countless directions on this unbelievable Universe; but in the end the granule of obliviously invisible sand came back only to the bed of the royally glistening desert,

It might unstoppably roam in a countless directions on this celestial Universe; but in the end the beautifully uninhibited butterfly came back only to the brilliantly sunlit petals of the incredibly aristocratic sunflower,

It might uncontrollably roam in a countless directions on this enchanting Universe; but in the end the penuriously slithering worm came back only to the cocoons of zealously passionate and mysteriously darkened soil,

It might frenetically roam in a countless directions on this spell-binding Universe; but in the end the mischievously cavorting infant came back only to the lap of its convivially caring and divinely mother,

It might incessantly roam in a countless directions on this blessing Universe; but in the end the fantastically adventuring bird came back only to the recesses of the heart-warmingly cozy and sequestered nest,

It might zanily roam in a countless directions on this fascinating Universe;

but in the end the ecstatically unparalleled fantasy came back only to the

dormitories of the superbly intriguing and innovative brain,

It might limitlessly roam in a countless directions on this unconquerable

Universe; but in the end the chapter of triumphantly unshakable humanity

came back only to the palms of benign simplicity,

It might unrestrictedly roam in a countless directions on this boundless

Universe; but in the end the exhilaratingly beautiful smile came back only to the periphery of the sensuously rubicund lips,

It might irretrievably roam in a countless directions on this enigmatic Universe; but in the end the irrefutably faithful wag came back only to the dog’s gregariously curved tail,

It might impudently roam in a countless directions on this jolly Universe; but in the end the uncannily surreptitious spider came back only to the strands of the gloriously satiny and royally pristine web,

It might unendingly roam in a countless directions on this euphoric Universe; but in the end the mist of unadulterated peace came back only to the soul of majestically unbridled innocence,

It might randomly roam in a countless directions on this uninterruptible

Universe; but in the end the droplet of quintessential blood came back only

to the robustly burgeoning network of veins,

It might undauntedly roam in a countless directions on this spectacular Universe; but in the end the rainbow of profound sensitivity came back only to the poignantly trembling poet,

It might frivolously roam in a countless directions on this Omnipotent Universe; but in the end the puff of inevitably vibrant breath came back only to the lifelessly choking nostrils,

And it might unstoppably roam in a countless directions on this Omnipresent

Universe; but in the end the beat of Immortal Love came back only to the caverns of the perpetually throbbing and unassailably Godly heart .


She was infact the most exuberantly tireless half of your voice; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a loudspeaker of acridly penalizing balderdash and atrociously dumb ?

She was infact the most blissfully ravishing half of your appetite; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a lavatory of criminal cockroaches and pathetically lame?

She was infact the most insuperably compassionate half of your fertility; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a thorn of disdainfully crippling infertility and diabolically impotent ?

She was infact the most gloriously unconquerable half of your consanguinity;

how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but an inferno of infidelity and hedonistically betraying ?

She was infact the most irrefutably unflinching half of your conscience; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a slandering gutter of lies and vituperatively ghoulish?

She was infact the most dazzlingly vibrant half of your success; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a morass of treacherous defeat and hopelessly asphyxiated ?

She was infact the most unbelievably impeccable half of your integrity; how

dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a parasite sucking blood in sadistic delight and lecherously wastrel ?

She was infact the most brilliantly optimistic half of your eyes; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a graveyard of blindness and hideously stuttering?

She was infact the most resplendently bountiful half of your skin; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a debilitatingly diseased trash can and perniciously impaired ?

She was infact the most enchantingly celestial half of your smile; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing but a remorsefully ghoulish pool of stench and ghastily aggrieved ?

She was infact the most blazingly unfettered half of your personality; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a haplessly subjugated tomato hurled towards the coffins of nothingness and miserably incarcerated ?

She was infact the most ingeniously spe

ll binding half of your brain; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a rotting mortuary of worthless stones and deliriously ill ?

She was infact the most vivaciously infallible half of your strength; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a germ of deathly cancer and heinously enslaved ?

She was infact the most effulgently sparkling half of your fair color; how dare did you ever thing that she was nothing else but a pigstalk of dolorously satanic meaninglessness and ghoulish black ?

She was infact the most sensuously untamed half of your adventure; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a dungeon of ignominiously sleazy expletives and inanely robotic ?

She was infact the most redolently honest half of your perspiration; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a ditch of rebuking foolishness and perverted blasphemy ?

She was infact the most timelessly fructifying half of your blood; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but a slurry of amorphous feces and evastatingly diminishing ?

She was infact the most symbiotically harmonious half of your survival; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but an unsurpassable debauchery of existence and salaciously distorted ?

She was infact the most inextricably majestic half of your signature; how dare did you ever think that she was nothing else but sinful insect of illiteracy and egregiously failed ?

And she was infact the most inevitably immortal half of the chapter of your life; your blessed wife; then how dare did you ever think that she nothing else but a hell of nonsensical lifelessness and eccentrically dead ?


She could either indiscriminately slap me; or could embrace me more invincibly than the first rays of dawn could ever dream of embracing the fabric of hopelessly castrated darkness; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either brutally bury me an infinite feet beneath earth; or could worship me as the ultimate savior of her inimitably priceless identity; every unfurling instant

of her destined lifetime,

She could either torturously stab me a countless times on my chest; or could

apply the balm of miraculously mitigating companionship on even the most

infinitesimal pore of my impoverished skin; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either ruthlessly spit on my persona; or could unflinchingly drink every globule of golden sweat that sprouted uninhibitedly from my armpits; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either diabolically blind both the whites of my eyes; or could make me the undisputed crown of her vivaciously fluttering eyelids; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either suck every ingredient of my blood to feed it to her dogs; or could sacrifice every meal of her existence to even the most infidel of my demands; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either ghastily excoriate every speck of my skin to use as the doormat of her dingy abode; or could ardently cleanse every pore of her olive complexioned skin with the acridly gratuitous dirt stuck between my toes; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either lasciviously snap the buds of my tongue into a boundless billion halves; or could inexhaustibly tremble and slaver for even the slightest trace of her persona to emanate from my fervent breath; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either discard me from every aspect of her survival; or could triumphantly sleep with every cranny of her body impregnably intermingled with mine; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either unabashedly ostracize me infront of the entire planet; or

could tirelessly consecrate even the most devilishly sacrilegious thing that

I did; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either unsparingly use every bone of my body to spice up her inanely colorless soup; or could fall on my feet as my ultimate slave even though I kicked her till infinite infinity; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either wholesomely ignore even the most passionately reverberating of my screams; or could kiss me with such an untamed ardor in her lips that even the most blazing of fires would plummet to shame; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either incessantly ridicule me as the most impotent organism ever on this fathomless Universe; or could be a fecund mother to an endless battalion of my children for a countless lives; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either cadaverously incarcerate me in whiplashes of fetid monotony; or could be the most tantalizingly sensuous woman of my dreams; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either devastated even the most evanescent trace of my happiness to raw ash; or could be every tear of victoriously effulgent happiness that cascaded from my eyes; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either treat me as a bawdily lecherous male mascot to the demands

of her nubile flesh; or could forever bond with me in threads of triumphantly holy matrimony; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either scurrilously abhor me like no one else did on the planet; or could Immortally love me as the sole messiah of her every dream; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

And she could either devilishly assassinate the chapter of my existence from

planet divine; or could make every breath that I exhaled as the sole and most unassailable elixir of her life; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

But the infallible truth of the matter is; that no matter whether the earth

ceases to exist; no matter whether every bit of devastating hell perpetually blends with lackadaisical ground; no matter whether every ounce of unconquerable breath was forever snatched from the atmosphere; she would always be associated with me; she would always remember and remain with me in some form or the other; she would never ever leave me and would always be mine; mine and none other’s but mine .


I didn’t know whether she was a tantalizing fairy; or whether she bounced like an impeccable angel; in the corridors of my horrendously devastated life,

I didn’t know whether she was an ingratiatingly redolent flower; or whether she was voluptuously resplendent moonshine; that enshrouded every iota of my despicable existence; with unparalleled mysticism and charm,

I didn’t know whether she was a gorgeously titillating waterfall; or whether she was the rustling leaves of the forest; that triggered me to envisage; beyond the realms of ultimate paradise,

I didn’t know whether she was an ocean of tangy froth; or whether she incessantly shimmered like a fabulous pearl; illuminating the morbidly saddened arenas of my pathetically stumbling existence,

But what I did know was that I was fanatically in love with her immortal eyes as each instant unleashed itself into a wholesome minute; profoundly blending with their marvelously impeccable whites .

I didn’t know whether she was a majestically perennial dewdrop; or whether she rained indefatigably as nectar from the fathomless sky; flooding my despicably

frazzled senses with the harmony of vibrant life,

I didn’t know whether she was a cloudburst of unfettered desire; or whether she blossomed into a fountain of royal beauty as the night descended; suppressing my suicidal tendencies with her web of unsurpassable yearning,

I didn’t know whether she was a magnificently glistening shore; or whether she was the handsomely princely sunset; that placidly tingled me into ecstatic submission,

I didn’t know whether she was a vivaciously leaping zebra; or whether she flamed beyond the walls of eternal eternity; blazing an irrefutable path of optimism through my every ludicrously shivering midnight,

But what I did know that I was fanatically in love with her seductively fluttering shadow; coalesced for infinite more births of mine; with its exotically silken and profuse caress .

I didn’t know whether she was a vividly striped butterfly; or whether she rolled incessantly on the meadows of fascinating enchantment; to spice up each

moment of my drearily lackadaisical life,

I didn’t know whether she was a candidly scintillating mirror; or whether she was the unequivocal queen of my mind; body and soul; casting her unbreakable spell upon devastatingly penurious life,

I didn’t know whether she was a candle of unending imagery; or whether she healed every hopeless wound on my nimble body; with the perpetual ointment of ebulliently blooming romance,

I didn’t know whether she was an emolliently boisterous hive; or whether she surreptitiously seduced every cranny of my extinguishing visage; to clamber the fortress of ebullient compassion,

But what I did know that I was fanatically in love with her ravishingly glorious fragrance; immortally bonding with the gorgeous stream of golden perspiration that wafted bountifully from her sacrosanct arms .

I didn’t know whether she was a wildly gyrating dance; or whether she swirled above the skies in the winds of incomprehensible fantasy; to bless me on every acrimonious step that I tread on,

I didn’t know whether she was a celestially united civilization; or whether her impregnable chest; harbored my ridiculously disappearing and mockingly afraid countenance,

I didn’t know whether she was a wonderfully blooming morning; or whether harnessed each sprouting bone of my deflated visage; with the poignantly crimson blood that eternally ran through her blessed veins,

I didn’t know whether she was the Omnipotent Goddess of passion and enigma; or whether she was an invincible flavor; that each element of my bedraggled demeanor; wanted to relish all its life,

But what I did know was that I was fanatically in love with her unrelentingly Omnipresent mountain of godly heartbeats; uniting all that I possessed by God’s

grace and all what I was about to proudly have; with her philanthropically benevolent life .


Our love was that summit of the astronomically impregnable mountain; which immortally kissed the island of Sun,

Our love was that cloud in the fathomlessly vivacious cosmos; which immortally showered thunderbolts of seductively compassionate rain,

Our love was that flower protruding from majestic soil; which immortally blossomed into a countless petals of enigma; diffusing its scent to the most remotest cranny of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe,

Our love was that royal scalp; which immortally kept blooming into perennial youth and ravishing majesty,

Our love was that ocean frolicking on mundane land; which immortally undulated into a cloudburst of everlasting fantasy and desire; disseminating the froth of humanity to every quarter of this planet besieged with venomous malice,

Our love was that branch of the gregarious tree; which immortally flowered into countless more; standing unflinchingly like an invincible fortress in the mightiest of rain and storm,

Our love was that harmoniously captivating song; which immortally escalated beyond the skies; even as the hideously blood sucking civilization came to a veritable end,

Our love was that vibrantly pulsating dance; which immortally cast its spell upon one and all; alike,

Our love was that marvelous souvenir of art; which immortally portrayed truth; benevolence; humanity; in the most unfathomable of its stupendously grandiloquent forms,

Our love was that writing on the unconquerable walls; which immortally showed way to the path of unflinching righteousness; even in the most heinously perilous dark,

Our love was that wind of exuberant compassion; which immortally kept augmenting irrespective of any season that unleashed; any diabolical catastrophe; that dared tried come and stop it in its way,

Our love was that ray of optimistically Omnipotent light; which immortally filtered a valley of sacrosanct newness; scrapping the very essence of abominable violence from its very roots,

Our love was that jewel in the embellished king’s crown; which immortally glistened in the corridors of bountiful enthrallment and irrefutable solidarity,

Our love was that dimension of uninhibited sharing; which immortally expanded even as sinister hell pelted on soil; embracing all irrespective of caste; creed; color; in the religion of humanity; alike,

Our love was that destiny line of the intricate palm; which immortally prospered into a garden of inevitably fabulous attraction; enveloping every iota of the devastated atmosphere with magnetic happiness,

Our love was that door of success; which immortally unveiled into a festoon of sacredly Omniscient learning; indefatigably exploring the endlessly glorious shapes of ecstatic life,

Our love was that principle of triumph; which immortally enlightened more ferociously than the flaming Sun; charring even the most infinitesimal bit of betrayal; with the swords of undeterred unity,

Our love was that rainbow of overwhelmingly insatiable vivacity; which immortally bloomed in the aisles of emollient belonging; even after rain and blistering shine; had wholesomely disappeared from the sky,

And our love was that spirit of unshakeable passion; which immortally took birth as a single breath; as a single divinely heart; every time the Creator bestowed upon it a chance; to be born and blissfully spawn; once again .


The marvelously impeccable eyes were hers; while the unprecedented excitement that shimmered relentlessly in them; was solely and immortally mine,

The immaculately divine palms were hers; while the enigmatically inscrutable lines profusely incarcerated within; were solely and immortally mine,

The intricately voluptuous feet were hers; while the seductively gorgeous trail of footprints that they left; were solely and immortally mine,

The majestically tantalizing belly was hers; while the unparalleled titillation that it triggered all night and day; was solely and immortally mine,

The gregariously heavenly lips were hers; while the smile that they celestially generated; was solely and immortally mine,

The enarmoringly ravishing hair were hers; while the mesmerizing trail of rhapsodic fantasy that they swirled into; was solely and immortally mine,

The gorgeously charismatic earlobes were hers; while the unfathomable repertoire of mystical reverberations that they evolved; were solely and immortally mine,

The spotlessly sacrosanct conscience was hers; while the rainbow of irrefutably unflinching ideals that they radiated; were solely and immortally mine,

The conglomerate of impregnably convivial teeth were hers; while the ebullient tenacity with which they ardently masticated; was solely and immortally mine,

The alluringly resplendent cheeks were hers; while the compassionate flurry of poignant blushes that they erupted into; were solely and immortally mine,

The ecstatically princely fingers were hers; while the royal artistry that they fulminated into every unleashing minute of the day; was solely and immortally mine,

The passionately crimson and volatile blood was hers; while the perennially new life that it bestowed upon whomsoever it cascaded; was solely and immortally mine,

The ingratiatingly golden dew drops of perspiration were hers; while the incomprehensibly ebullient scent that they culminated into; was solely and immortally mine,

The boisterously bouncing adams apple was hers; while the insurmountable melody that it bloomed into; was solely and immortally mine,

The philanthropically intrepid shoulders were hers; while the unimaginable benevolence that they hoisted; was solely and immortally mine,

The majestically shimmering shadow was hers; while the tale of indefatigable nostalgia that it eternally weaved; was solely and immortally mine,

The invincibly euphoric soul was hers; while the fabulously emphatic triumph that it disseminated; was solely and immortally mine,

The delectably innocuous nostrils were hers; while the perpetually passionate breath that they blissfully exhaled; was solely and immortally mine,

And the fervently throbbing heart was hers; while the heavenly beats that it magnetically expelled to blend with the rising Sun; were solely and immortally mine .

24. BYE

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to shatter me beyond realms of pragmatic imagination; making me the most horrendously penurious man on this boundless Universe,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to engender me to slither like profusely maim on cold ground; although I proudly possessed; blissful pairs of robust palms and feet,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to ruthlessly extricate every iota of happiness from my vibrant life; rendering me to worthlessly stagger in disdainful winds of disappearing oblivion,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to treacherously freeze all celestial streams of blood in my poignant veins; diabolically paralyzing every part of my

body; till my death,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make all harmoniously sparkling food entrapped in my bowels; metamorphose into heinously preposterously

skeletons beneath the corpse,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me relinquish even the most infinitesimal iota of my splendid sight; groping in a sea of despairing darkness for centuries immemorial,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to slit my throat into an infinite bits of incoherently threadbare chowder; snapping the very essence of melodious sound; from the inner most recesses of my mouth,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me lecherously stumble in a bedraggled heap towards sleazy cocoons of soil; lick pathetically devastating dust; as breakfast for the morning; the sole supper to lead the invidiously threatening night,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me indefatigably sulk in the aisles of perpetual solitude; with the contours of the extraneous world; evaporating in an obfuscated blur; far away from my overwhelmingly staggering vision,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to slash satanically through my conglomerate of divine veins; ripping my entire caricature apart into non-existent wisps degradable nothingness,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to bombard the unfathomable repertoire of royal fantasies in my brain; to insipidly ominous pulp and fetid gutter water,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to cremate me alive in a dungeon insurmountably brimming with venomous scorpion; shrug me to a ridiculous stage; where I lost all count of my incongruously decimated bones,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to trigger me to indefatigably cry; weep more than a countless deaths; in just a single lifetime of mine,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to scrap all my fame and opulence in a single shot; as acerbically wild hell rained in traumatized agony from the blankets of scarlet sky,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to starve me for infinite more births yet to unveil; tottering towards the corridors of despondent extinction; although the conventionally murderous society sighted me; with a spurious smile uncompromisingly lingering on my face,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to impregnate my wonderfully resplendent existence; with the inexplicable ghost of profound sorrow and

abominably cacophonic wailing,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to capsize me in chains of insatiable depravation; incarcerating each of my enthralling mind; body and senses in perilously pernicious; prisons of bloodshed,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to asphyxiate my breath to veritably sinister nothingness; as I inhaled the last puff of exhilarated air into my dying lungs,

Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to lambaste my heart with whirpools of loneliness; annihilating each of its beats with swords of murderously uncouth diabolism,

O! yes it was indeed unbelievable but irrefutably true; that just three minuscule alphabets ; made me instantaneously blend with winds of abhorrent hell; as she slipped from my invincible grip; to bid me a final good bye .


If the eyes danced out of their sockets for times immemorial; morbidly bouncing in the untamed wilderness; with a ominous juggernaut of pugnacious snakes,

The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but frantically groping in a whirlpool of meaninglessly threatening; and sinister darkness .

If the teeth danced out of their sockets for decades unfathomable; insipidly blending with pathetically lambasted chunks of flattened soil,

The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but starving to an unprecedentedly murderous extinction every instant; remorsefully missing

tantalizing morsels of nature’s priceless fruit .

If the fingers danced out of their sockets for centuries unsurpassable; resting in disdainful contentment; within the interiors of the horrifically abominable pigs stomach,

The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but ludicrously slaving on brutally tyrannized ground; without the tiniest of ability to defend itself .

If the hair danced out of their sockets for times unfathomable; taking perfidious pride in becoming the witch’s morning breakfast; as well as supper for the perilously invidious night,

The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but ridiculously castigated and ignominiously looked down upon; as a battalion of white mice feasted on the; scintillatingly barren scalp .

If the blood danced out of its sockets for countless years; satanically hosting an insurmountable fleet of lecherous parasites,

Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but only as a infinitesimally diminutive skeleton; tottering towards the brink of extinction; even in the heart of vivaciously vibrant life .

If the legs danced out of their sockets for unimaginable moments; to melt like frigidly opprobrious pulp; even as the most minuscule beam of sunshine; filtered its way through the crimson clouds,

Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without any ambition to wholesomely succeed; disastrously staggering to juxtapose with

deplorable despair; even before it could alight a nimble foot .

If the brain danced out of its sockets for fathomless fortnights; to be consumed timidly by grazing goats and sporadically loitering tiny worms,

Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without even an inconspicuous iota of fantasy and desire; witnessing each little part of its being insidiously massacred; in hopelessly dumb submission .

If the conscience danced out of its sockets for infinite millennium’s; to reside with the savage scorpions; as they diabolically feasted upon its irrefutably righteous visage,

Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without the most remotest element of truth; miserably succumbing to the web of disgustingly capricious lies .

Paradoxically to all of the above; if the Heart danced out of its sockets for infinite more births to unveil; philandering indefatigably behind the handsome hills; as the golden Sun kissed the evanescent horizons,

Then the impoverished body would not only continue to exist; but would immortally continue to exist and evolve; into an invincibly romantic cloud of everlasting love; love; and only passionate love .


When I sighted her from the absolute summit of the densely foliated tree; initially she appeared like the most magnificent fruit of Almighty’s creation; nimbly swishing her arms under the gloriously fading light,

Although the ungainly distance subdued her brilliantly royal features an inconspicuous trifle; and her divinely contours; soon faded from my vision into an alluring mirage; as she disappeared in entirety behind the ethereal horizons .

When I sighted her from the resplendently milky island of moon; initially she appeared to be a tantalizing seductress; dancing uninhibitedly under the mystically gorgeous shine,

Although the murky light obfuscated her perpetual imagery an inconspicuous trifle; and her magnanimous visage; soon faded from my vision into a seductive shadow; as she inscrutably vanished in the wilderness of the rampant night .

When I sighted her from the flamboyantly scintillating mountaintop; initially she appeared to be a blazing fireball of magnetism; inevitably attracting even the

most remotely alien in her spell binding swirl,

Although the austerely stringent glare overshadowed her marvelous trajectory an inconspicuous trifle; and her marvelous march towards triumph; soon faded from my vision into a languid siesta; as the sun transiently went behind the crimson clouds .

When I sighted her from the fabulously sandy whirlpools; initially she appeared to be a princess freshly descended from the heavens; aristocratically inundating the pathetic atmosphere around with the insatiable artistry in her voluptuous eyes,

Although the dust surpassed her piquantly poignant body an inconspicuous trifle; and her stupendously invincible aura; soon faded from my vision into a rapidly fleeting image; as winds of murkiness overtook the fiery light .

When I sighted her from the heart of the ravishing ocean; initially she appeared to be the most boisterous tangy soul on this Universe; gyrating in untamed ecstasy under a cloud cover of exuberant happiness,

Although the surreptitious froth camouflaged her charming smiles an inconspicuous trifle; and her celestially delectable aura; soon faded from my vision into a frigid layer of nothingness; as the tumblers of water crashed against the coldblooded rocks .

When I sighted her from the fathomless expanse of rhapsodic sky; initially she appeared to float like an overwhelmingly charismatic fairy; enchanting even the

most dreariest of dying life; with the supreme Omnipotence in her benign stride,

Although the pertinently hovering mists obliterated her philanthropic goodness an inconspicuous trifle; and her formidably relentless fantasy; soon faded from my vision into a hazy fog; as cloudbursts of rain started to ferociously pelt down .

When I sighted her from beneath an avalanche of scintillating ice; initially she appeared to be an intricately alluring doll; harmoniously singing the most melodious tunes of holistic survival,

Although the enshrouding whiteness sequestered her wholesome beauty an inconspicuous trifle; and her captivatingly compassionate embrace; soon faded from my vision into a whirlwind of inscrutable baselessness; as snow melted in sweltering afternoon sunshine .

When I sighted her from amidst the garden of incredulously titillating roses; initially she appeared to disseminate the fragrance of humanity; peace and impregnable brotherhood; to the most fathomless quarter of this boundlessly unending Universe,

Although the blanket of invidiously extruding thorns shielded her ingratiating charm an inconspicuous trifle; and her immaculately divine destiny; soon faded from my vision into an ephemerally tingling memory; as the winds of intransigently unrelenting autumn tumultuously took over; with their excoriating toll .

But eventually when I sighted her from the inner most dormitories of my heart; initially she appeared to be the sole queen of my impoverishedly devastated heart,

And this time she remained immortally blended as my breath; my body; my conscience; my soul; even as I indefatigably kept walking an infinite times between corridors of blissful life; and diabolically ghastly death .


The sky had a perpetual liaisoning with the satiny conglomerate of silken clouds; harboring a festoon of marvelously voluptuous mists in its profusely azure belly,

The ocean had a perpetual liaisoning with the ravishingly undulating waves; watching in profound pride as they disseminated into majestic froth; after clashing against the royal rocks,

The forests had a perpetual liaisoning with inscrutably tingling wilderness; rustling in vivaciously rampant fervor; as the Moon cast upon its impeccably milky shine,

The dog had a perpetual liaisoning with the overwhelmingly meaty bone; insatiably groping in the brilliant daylight; as well as well past after the heart of treacherous night; till the time he capsized his jaws on it,

The cow had a perpetually liaisoning with glistening grass; relentlessly munching it; feasting upon its tantalizing blanket of dewdrops as every ethereal dawn; transcended poignantly over the starry skies,

The fortress had a perpetual liaisoning with handsomely burnt bricks; standing unflinchingly to even the most acrimoniously ghastly attack; upon its formidable foundations of raw conviction and strength,

The oyster had a perpetual liaisoning with stupendously shimmering pearls; clinging tightly to their magnanimously scintillating persona; for centuries immemorial,

The artist had a perpetual liaisoning with the boundlessly ingratiating canvas; inundating its fathomlessly barren contours; with vibrant strokes of resplendently tinkling color and astounding charm,

The pig had a perpetual liaisoning with the unsurpassable pile of hideously stinking garbage; rummaging its way indefatigably through the filth; even after veritably relinquishing every iota of its contaminated breath,

The bird had a perpetual liaisoning with the seductively enthralling carpets of blissful air; flapping its wings unrelentingly as it crept boisterously towards; the ebulliently enchanting horizons,

The Sun had a perpetual liaisoning with the flamboyantly blistering afternoon; as it ferociously blazed a trail of uninhibited freedom through the rambunctiously sweltering atmosphere,

The palm had a perpetual liaisoning with the romantically domineering destiny lines; encapsulating every instant of unfathomably exuberant life as the each instant unveiled into a wholesomely celestial minute,

The writer had a perpetual liaisoning with the enamoringly feather tipped pen; dipping it in passionate whirlpools of scarlet ink; before he spun an oligarchic web of supreme artistry; with his fragrant garden of words,

The teacher had a perpetual liaisoning with his battalion of innocuously sacrosanct students; showering upon them a lake of sagaciously divine philosophies; propelling them to blossom wholesomely into the chapter called precious life,

The finger had a perpetual liaisoning with its lanky army of nails; dexterously manipulating its slender contours; even through the most acridly treacherous

oceans of dithering discomfort,

The poem had a perpetual liaisoning with enigmatically esoteric verse; culminating superbly into unfettered rhyme; as it fabulously weaved its way through a mountain of enchantingly augmenting fantasy,

The leaves had a perpetual liaisoning with the euphorically rhapsodic breeze; fluttering ardently like an untamed king every minute; tirelessly desirous to be caressed on their magnificently alluring trajectory,

The soul had a perpetual liaisoning with unfinished yearning; intransigently lingering around the skeleton; until it irrefutably catapulted to the most astronomical summit of its belonging,

The nose had a perpetual liaisoning with compassionate thunderbolts of breath; existing in harmonious unison with the planet outside; as each godly puff of air

exhaled out in synergistically symbiotic tandem,

And the heartbeat had a perpetual liaisoning with the immortal chapter of love; unconquerably evolving into life; invincibly proliferating into the everlasting bloom of existence; impregnably marching ahead to commence a whole new chapter of heavenly survival .


Gregarious morsels of ravishing clouds; to feed the lap of the fathomlessly spell binding sky; inundate its barren persona with satiny charm and compassionate


Heavenly morsels of mesmerizing scent; to feed the overwhelmingly sullen atmosphere; enshroud it withwaves of unparalleled enlightenment,

Indispensable morsels of robust food; to feed the impoverished walls of the treacherously famished intestines; flood the stomach with beams of blissful


Patriotic morsels of vibrant energy; to feed the unsurpassably exhausted soldier; fighting relentlessly; to free his motherland; from the corridors of diabolical captivity,

Impeccable morsels of boisterous rhyme; to feed the incessantly wailing child; embed a twinkle on his dreary face; as he commenced his first hours of the brilliant day,

Irrefutable morsels of sacrosanct truth; to feed the indiscriminately blood sucking parasites; consecrate their abominably castigated lives with celestial joy,

Philanthropic morsels of benign peace; to feed the lecherously satanic enshrouded by whirlpools of manipulation; trigger them to wholesomely blossom in the supremely ecstatic spirit of vivacious life,

Immaculate morsels of placid grass; to feed the divinely cow mother; as she pacified the thirst of millions with her marvelously revered milk,

Mystical morsels of esoteric enchantment; to feed the fanatically groping magician; tickle his unsurpassable armory of tricks with overwhelmingly new found excitement,

Bountiful morsels of melodious honey; to feed the garrulously quarreling insipid politicians; profoundly illuminate their miserably shivering lives; with the ointment of majestic happiness,

Immutably morsels of holistic non-violence; to feed the murderously vicious terrorists; entrench their despicably horrendous countenances; with the Omnipotent light of symbiotic existence,

Inscrutable morsels of bewildering effulgence; to feed the voluptuously tantalizing night; perpetually fulfill its thirst for the unknown; till decades immemorial,

Unconquerable morsels of unflinching courage; to feed the disastrously orphaned and maimed; propel them to surge forward exuberantly in every aspect of their ditheringly devastated lives; to eventually kiss the ultimate dormitories of sparkling success,

Embellished morsels of stupendous charisma; to feed the unrelentingly tossing bride; grant her every philanthropic desire; to blend with the clouds of marvelously proliferating eternity,

Flamboyant morsels of blistering sunshine; to feed the astronomically wonderful summit of the gargantuan mountain; perennially ensure that it bathed in glorious fountains of; princely light,

Eclectic strokes of ingratiating paint; to feed the trajectory of the hopelessly barren canvas; profusely emboss every iota of its pathetically trembling visage; with unprecedented hope and ebullient cheer,

Enamoring morsels of innocuous leaves; to feed the army of aimlessly wandering squirrels and scarlet striped parrots; engendering them to vividly incinerate the abysmal stillness of the staggering night,

Inevitable morsels of Omniscient breath; to feed the caverns of stupefying nostrils; flood them with the impregnable elixir; to handsomely lead every moment of bestowing life,

Blossoming morsels of fascinating newness; to feed the disastrously stale arenas of frenziedly extinguishing life; sprinkle its parasitically fatigued contours; with the exuberant color to exist; beyond its destined times,

And invincible morsels of immortal love; to feed the tumultuously throbbing blankets of the sensuous heart; granting it the most divinely reprieve from its inadvertently committed sins; of past; present; and future life; rendering it as eternally alive .


Without you; the most tantalizing morsels of robustly sparkling food; seemed to me worse than threadbare chunks of inconspicuously insipid stone; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to wholeheartedly eat,

Without you; the most opulently woven clothes; seemed to me worse than dead leaves loitering invidiously on the morbid corpses; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to fabulously dress,

Without you; the most grandiloquent of embellished castles; seemed to me worse than miserably dwindling mosquitoes; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to compassionately exist,

Without you; the most rhapsodically crimson clouds; seemed to me worse than pathetically sweltering deserts; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to exuberantly gallop,

Without you; the most ravishingly enchanting crystalline streams; seemed to me worse than uncouthly clattering stones; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to ebulliently bathe,

Without you; the most stupendously ecstatic aircrafts; seemed to me worse than a languid ocean of remorsefully sulking tortoise; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to euphorically fly,

Without you; the most vivaciously resplendent rainbows; seemed to me worse than ludicrously pathetic wisps of distantly disappearing oblivion; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to majestically sight,

Without you; the most enchantingly spell binding literature; seemed to me worse than a rotten tomato being squelched to a ghastly death; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to poignantly read,

Without you; the most wonderfully dancing fairies; seemed to me worse than a dilapidated trench of rotten cowdung plaster; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to profoundly admire,

Without you; the most passionately thunderous thunderbolts of lightening; seemed to me worse than inconspicuously soggy matchsticks deteriorating on obdurately cold ground; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to perspicaciously discern sound,

Without you; the most overwhelmingly fragrant roses; seemed to me worse than garbage spewed out abundantly from the gory gutters; as I relinquished even the

tiniest of desire; to artistically inhale,

Without you; the most divinely tufts of astonishingly warm wool; seemed to me worse than infinitesimal specks of disastrously shivering ice; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to gregariously relish,

Without you; the most impeccably gallivanting and boisterous children; seemed to me worse than despondently crestfallen chunks of worthless soil; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to uninhibitedly embrace,

Without you; the most handsomely flaming rays of the glorious Sun; seemed to me worse than a capriciously frigid whisker dipped in ridiculous boredom; as I

relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to royally enlighten,

Without you; the most unfathomably overflowing treasuries of glittering gold; seemed to me worse than disdainfully lackluster chalk; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to bountifully posses,

Without you; the most charismatically voluptuous smiles; seemed to me worse than an unimaginably morbid well of deplorable tears; as I relinquished even the

tiniest of desire; to uncontrollably laugh,

Without you; the most mystically ardent forests; seemed to me worse than manipulatively monotonous offices inundated with blood sucking tycoons; as I

relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to ecstatically dream,

Without you; the most fervently cascading and perennial breaths; seemed to me worse than a boundlessly shattered carcass of bones decaying since centuries immemorial beneath soil; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to irrefutably belong,

Without you; the most immortally passionate heartbeats; seemed to me worse than meaningless feathers of spuriously fading fascination; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to unequivocally love,

And without you O! Beloved; the most invincible chapters of vibrant life; seemed to me worse than a countless gruesome deaths; as I relinquished even the tiniest of desire; to blissfully live .


Without you; I was no doubt able to hold the bouquet of redolently mesmerizing flowers in my palms; capsizing them forcefully with my tiny fists,

But try as hard as I could; I miserably failed; every time I probed to smell; even an inconspicuous iota of their wonderfully enchanting and exotically tingling essence .

Without you; I was no doubt able to uplift my diminutively impoverished body from cold ground; formidably ensuring the grip of my soles with loose chunks of orphaned soil,

But try as hard as I could; I pathetically failed; every time I attempted to walk; collapsing worse than a pack of soggy cards to lick dust; even before I could alight an infinitesimal bit of foot .

Without you; I was no doubt able to put food in the interiors of my miserably slavering mouth; vehemently pushing it from all sides,

But try as hard as I could; I indefatigably failed; every time I endeavored to swallow; vomiting every morsel with ignominious castigation out of my belly; even before it could venture a lackadaisical trifle down my famished throat .

Without you; I was no doubt able to witness the passionately singing nightingale; using the most contemporarily robotic contraptions to keep my eyes wide open,

But try as hard as I could; I ludicrously failed; every time I insatiably craved to hear; with all rhapsody metamorphosing into dumb nothingness; fathomless kilometers before it reached my ears .

Without you; I was no doubt able to sleep; inundating my withering bloodstream; with an unsurpassable battalion of profusely sedating drugs,

But try as hard as I could; I penuriously failed; every time I maneuvered my mind to fantasize; with each dream of mine transiting into nightmares more diabolical than what hell could be; stabbing me to a ghastly absolution .

Without you; I was no doubt able to march amidst overwhelmingly bustling crowds; trudging my insidiously lackluster countenance past them at snails pace,

But try as hard as I could; I irrevocably failed; every time I wanted to discerningly acknowledge; with the planet outside seeming a devastatingly crippled blur; eventually disappearing into the aisles of obsolete nothingness .

Without you; I was no doubt able to witness glorious sunlight shimmering on my dreary skin; as I lay curled like an aimless serpent; waiting to be treacherously

squelched by all mankind,

But try as hard as I could; I immutably failed; every time I desired to enjoy the sensuous warmth; shivering in devastated submission; although it was now

well past mid-afternoon .

Without you; I was no doubt able to lackadaisically breathe; with an unsurpassable battalion of conventional equipment pricking each of my bleary nerve; a hostile fleet of antiseptic needle finding their way in; well beneath my ridiculously shriveled veins,

But try as hard as I could; I embarrassingly failed; every time I wanted to exuberantly soar; with the brilliantly shimmering world outside; transforming for me into a black wall; of despicably barbaric worthlessness .

And without you O! Beloved; I was no doubt pulsating with fragile heartbeats; taking fathomless gallons of air in my hopelessly punctured lungs; enshrouded with a boundless army of life support systems from all sides,

But try as hard as I could; I irrefutably failed; every time I wanted to love and live; embedding my entire visage deeper and deeper beneath my gory grave; with each unveiling instant of my artificially vibrant life .


When truculent cloudbursts of rain pelted violently from crimson blankets of sky; treacherously flooding immaculately nimble earth with viciously stormy water,

And acrimonious rays of the devastatingly sweltering Sun; scorched everything blissful on the trajectory of this boundless Universe,

When demons ruled in uninhibited tandem; insidiously casting their spell of unsurpassably diabolical doom upon every cranny of this wonderful earth; that they satanically trespassed,

And uncouth avalanches of freezing ice; crushed countless innocent in their ferociously ghastly swirl,

Your mesmerizing voice was the only power O! priceless Beloved; that made me wholesomely oblivious to all sinister hell raining around me; profoundly drowning

me into a world of exotically voluptuous enchantment and supreme peace .

When dungeons of hideously venomous scorpions ran in torrential frenzy; to spread inexplicably shivering terror; and savagely sting,

And barbarically horrific fires augmented to vindictive glory every unleashing minute; disastrously charring everything blissful; in natures bountiful vicinity,

When winds of bizarre nothingness profusely enveloped every harmonious dwelling; perpetuating fangs of doomsday in entities synergistically alive,

And lecherously tumultuous gutter waters; gushed in frenziedly; to drown immaculate children in their deadly swirl,

Your incomprehensibly enchanting smile was the only entrenchment O ! sacrosanct Beloved; that sequestered me impregnably in its charismatic waves; propelling me to take a countless more births once again; even as crippling debilitation cascaded gorily from every quarter of the sky .

When unsparingly ominous earthquakes rattled celestial civilizations like a pack of deteriorated matchsticks; mercilessly pulverizing even the most formidable of fortresses to juxtapose with raw ash,

And unfathomable battalions of lethally prejudiced snakes danced in uncanny excitement at midnight; asphyxiating boundless innocuous to death; under cold

rays of the Moon;

When fathomlessly sprawling oceans of tangy water; ruthlessly evaporated to a capriciously inconspicuous globule of saw dust;

And an endless sky of heinously perilous vultures descended down; to pluck out robust flesh from bodies divinely alive,

Your heavenly eyes were the only rays O! Omniscient Beloved; that deluged each cranny of my impoverished life with Omnipotent light; an unparalleled optimism to emerge perpetually victorious in every philanthropic act of mine; even as jails of the devil had incarcerated one and all; alike .

When fireballs of breath seemed to be miserably dwindling from my body; every symbiotically blessed space around me; metamorphosing into a land of perennially stinking cowardice,

And an unfathomable barricade of hurdles confronted me in my way; triggering me to collapse countless kilometers beneath the ground; even before I commenced my holistically handsome walk;

When all food on this marvelously royal planet; transformed into threadbare chunks of ludicrously dumb stone,

And life on the majestically endowed sphere of land; was brutally tyrannized to gruesome submission; by abominably oppressed traitors of hell,

Your immortal love was the only gift O! divinely Beloved; which bonded my despicably trembling beats with the spirit to unflinchingly survive; take birth

an infinite more times; as the ultimate harbinger of benign humanity .


When she was with me; incorrigibly adhering to every element of my disastrously shivering countenance; I had taken her immaculately divine ears for granted; feeling no formality to whisper in them; all the time,

However it was only after she left for the heavens; that I relentlessly spoke about her; insatiably longed all day and night; to make every element of her benevolent soul; forever as mine .

When she was with me; irrevocably clinging to my diminutively stumbling body; I had taken her robustly sparkling lips for granted; feeling no formality to kiss them; all the time,

However it was only after she extinguished for eternity like a timid shadow; that I tumultuously yearned to caress each pore of her marvelously scintillating persona; unrelentingly admire her charismatic grace; till times beyond infinite infinity .

When she was with me; intransigently following me like an irrefutable shadow; I had taken her heavenly palms for granted; feeling no formality in augmenting my grip on them; all the time,

However it was only after she melted in perpetual mind; body and spirit; from the trajectory of this boundless planet; that I inexorably felt like dancing with her tantalizing visage till countless more births descended by; witnessing her magnanimous grace in every object that flooded my hopelessly despairing vision .

When she was with me; compassionately embracing me in whatever situation I confronted; I had taken her compassionately innocuous breath for granted; feeling no formality to relish the same; all the time,

However it was only after she had wholesomely coalesced with inconspicuous ash; that I incessantly lamented her philanthropically astounding presence; incessantly prayed to the Almighty Lord; to bestow her back in my devastatingly shattered life .

When she was with me; immutably staring into my eyes; whether they horrifically wept or blossomed into a festoon of profoundly transpiring enchantment; I had taken her poignantly protruding nose for granted; feeling no formality to peck her on the same; all the time,

However it was only after she had disappeared like a dying mirage; well beyond the horizons of non-existent oblivion; that I overwhelmingly missed her ecstatically exuberant stride; kept indefatigably pondering over and over again; upon the words that she had enamoringly spoken; when we had last met .

When she was with me; standing by my unfathomable repertoire of ideals; supporting me wholeheartedly in every pursuit of my famished life; I had taken her melodiously ravishing voice for granted; feeling no formality to listen to it; all the time,

However it was only after she had vanished completely above the crescendo of worthless nothingness; that I frantically searched for her tantalizingly inscrutable trail even in the wilderness of the sinister night; oblivious to the dungeon of unsurpassable scorpions on my body; as she became the heart of my every fantasy .

When she was with me; invincibly perched upon my staggering shoulders; boisterously accompanying me even as I transgressed across the most treacherous of mountains; I had taken her ingratiating warmth for granted; feeling no formality to fondle her skin; all the time,

However it was only after she perpetually evaporated like a droplet of water from soil; that I perennially desired for her spell binding charisma; the insurmountable empathy for mankind; that lingered uninhibitedly in her sacrosanct eyes .

When she was with me; escalating like an untamed thunderbolt of sensuous desire; to passionately trigger off my every dreary dusk; I had taken her celestially magical shadow for granted; feeling no formality to blend with it; all the time,

However it was only after her corpse was covered with an impregnable layer of black mud; that I nostalgically reminisced all those pricelessly golden moments that we had rejoiced together; fanatically longing for her to smooch me on my shriveled; put me to sleep for the remainder of the lecherously unsuspecting night .

And when she was with me; incomprehensibly love my dejectedly despondent persona; for all the goodness that it inevitably possessed; I had taken her immortally everlasting love for granted; feeling no formality of acknowledging it; all the time,

However it was only after she had abnegated her last iota of wonderful breath; that I died an infinite times every minute; even though handsomely alive; pledged to Almighty Lord; to grant me every birth hereafter; with her never-ending heartbeats; bonded perpetually with mine .


Call me lame; treacherously incapacitated to hoist even a frigidly floating whisker; in my venomously devastated palms,

Call me dumb; irrevocably shunning all quarters of conventionally bombastic society; spending my life like a wholesome recluse; in cocoons of pathetically rustic wilderness,

Call me blind; not able to sight even my own reflection in the most brilliantly sweltering sunlight; and after possessing handsome pairs of immaculately shimmering eyes,

Call me deaf; sleeping like an uncouth devil even in the most tumultuously lambasting sound; languidly crawling towards the caverns of inexplicable doom,

But come what may; I will keep loving her till countless more births yet to unfurl; irrespective of what the spuriously monotonous society said and although the clouds blended with threadbare soil; as she was irrefutably and immortally mine .

Call me stupid; not possessing even the most infinitesimal of tenacity to fantasize beyond my voice; stumbling like a pack of bizarre cards; at the tiniest stroke of intelligence,

Call me lackadaisical; relinquishing every iota of exuberance to wholesomely blend with the winds of gruesome nothingness; snoozing worse than a capriciously stinking pig even as the first rays of Sun; flamboyantly caressed the ground,

Call me venomous; inflicting astronomical misery and horrific pain upon every cranny of soil that I tread; poisoning the fathomless fabric of celestial mankind with the satanic hostility in my deleterious blood,

Call me manipulative; ominously epitomizing the deplorably ghastly chapter of give and take; enviously plotting behind my very own kin’s back,

But come what may; I will keep loving her till the last droplet of blood circulated in my impoverished veins; irrespective of what the murderously rigid society said and although hell rained uninhibitedly from colossal skies; as she was unassailably and immortally mine .

Call me esoteric; a sleazily withering entity abstrusely hard to comprehend; rotting profusely towards the aisles of abominable condemnation,

Call me diminutive; even more disastrously inconspicuous than parasitic white mice; whiling away my entire lifetime sucking innocent blood from this mesmerizing planet,

Call me insane; aimlessly wandering like a diabolical lunatic through an endless labyrinth of meaninglessly dusty streets; diffusing unprecedented terror in innocuous households with my devilish deeds,

Call me fanatic; obsessively chanting just a single mantra all day and sinister night; excoriating even the slightest of relation with the extraneous world,

But come what may; I will keep loving her each time God bequeathed upon me a chance to philanthropically survive; irrespective of what the lecherously corrupt society said and although the earth heinously split even before I could alight a single foot; as she was unequivocally and immortally mine .

Call me shy; astoundingly mortified by even the most infidel speck of breeze that dared blow my side; indefatigably licking dust for breakfast; lunch and dinner; due to my extreme inhibition to melange with the eclectic world outside,

Call me a mosquito; incessantly buzzing my unfathomable repertoire of pertinently cacophonic rhyme; before I was eventually exonerated to boundless bits; with the descending hands of my master,

Call me far-fetched; perceiving the most unsurpassably worthless things in the tenure of my destined life; trying to clamber upon a mountain of dreams; that never did exist,

Call me beggar; inexorable spreading my fingers for decades immemorial; and yet not able to pacify the astronomical pangs of hunger in my miserably bedraggled stomach,

But come what may; I will keep loving her till the last puff of air; till the last heartbeat ebulliently lingered in my chest and although the witches of doomsday vindictively augmented their stranglehold upon all mankind; as she was perennially and immortally mine .


I could perhaps snap her photograph into a countless halves of inane nothingness; screaming the last breath out of my lungs to express my unlimited exasperation,

I could perhaps pulverize her engagement ring into the furthermost realms of

the trash can; happily adorning my fingers with bucolic cow-dung instead,

I could perhaps feed every morsel of tantalizing food that she’d prepared for me; to the frigidly wastrel pigs near the fetid lavatory seat,

I could perhaps ruthlessly excoriate all the compassionate sweaters that’d she’d spun for me; incessantly imploring me to wear the same; everytime we met in

our flirtatiously clandestine days,

I could perhaps abjectly spit on every nimble footprint that she made; dismissing it into inconspicuous oblivion and far away from my sight; that very instant when she left,

I could perhaps brutally ransack her delectably punctilious wardrobe; ominously staining every impeccable fabric that she wore; with atrociously disillusioning rust,

I could perhaps hide her spectacles at a corner where she’d never be able to

discover; leaving her groping in the asphyxiating dark; for cynically condemning the artistic profession that I had undertook,

I could perhaps curse her to the most unprecedented limits of hell; for eloping at the slightest opportunity that she could conceive; to her parent’s place,

I could perhaps make the most hideously distorted face of the morbid devil in her bathroom mirror; uninhibitedly using her favorite bar of tawdrily crimson lipstick,

I could perhaps astutely lay a feckless banana skin on every path that she would traverse upon; so that she plunged head-on towards cold floor; even before she could alight a single foot,

I could perhaps lay a surreptitious handful of red ants beneath the very mattress that she slept; so that her entire night went in vituperatively groaning and scratching raw; whilst I celestially snored,

I could perhaps give her the tightest of slap on her pristine cheek; for impudently pestering upon me to buy every beautiful thing on the limitless Universe; when infact all that rattled in my pockets were infinitesimally worthless stones,

I could perhaps solely pinpoint upon her molehill of ludicrously staggering

deficiencies; making her indefatigably feel the most depressed entity on earth alive,

I could perhaps proclaim her as the most perfidiously nonchalant girl on this Universe; to the entire society where we lived; for making ostensible passes at every handsome hunk that passed her step,

I could perhaps pay a deaf ear to even the most of her hoarsely anguished cries; as she was the one who’d started it all; by baselessly poisoning the mind of my child towards my every decision in vibrant life,

I could perhaps blend sleeping pills into her morning milk; so that she peacefully slept all day; and I remained wholesomely bereft of the tiniest of her perniciously slandering sarcasms; for apparently no fault of mine,

I could perhaps viciously stamp her irascibly writhing foot in glaring public; as she started to shed every bit of her integrity like the withering leaf; in the center of the jauntily crowded street,

I could perhaps uncontrollably kick her left; right and dead center; for deliberating sending me off on a unnecessary household errand; whilst she established new norms of infidelity; smooching every stranger she met; till unceremonious passions galore,

But no matter how angry was I on her; for not living up to my expectations; for not being the ideal wife I had perceived; for mercilessly violating my spirit of truth and egalitarian humanity; for this umpteenth reason or that; it was impossible to erase memories of those poignantly fragrant moments when we’d first met; it was impossible to erase those words of Immortal Love which we’d confessed while we courted; it was impossible to erase even a minuscule fraction of her from my passionately throbbing heart; for an infinite more destined lives and lifetimes .


The ultimate crown of my miserably impoverished eyes; was your eternally resplendent garden of symbiotically uniting empathy,

The ultimate crown of my diminutively impoverished brain; was your fantastically endless ocean of enchantingly bountiful dreams,

The ultimate crown of my ethereally impoverished eyelashes; was your timelessly unconquerable inspiration to exuberantly surge forward in every aspect of life,

The ultimate crown of my traumatically impoverished lips; was your vivaciously untamed rainbow of eternally blessed sensuousness,

The ultimate crown of my depravingly impoverished bones; was your inexhaustible temerity to fearlessly withstand even the most treacherous apocalypses of violent hell,

The ultimate crown of my parasitically impoverished fingers; was your inimitably unparalleled festoon of tirelessly majestic artistry,

The ultimate crown of my inconspicuously impoverished veins; was the poignantly indomitable flavor of your ubiquitously uniting blood,

The ultimate crown of my haplessly impoverished palms; was the brilliantly

enlightening sky of your royally infallible destiny lines,

The ultimate crown of my asphyxiatingly impoverished ears; was the impregnable ingredient of unconquerable oneness in the cadence of your selfless voice,

The ultimate crown of my preposterously impoverished throat; was the effulgently limitless sweetness of your Omnipotently ecstatic creation,

The ultimate crown of my waywardly impoverished footsteps; was the insuperably redolent path of Omnipresent righteousness; that you timelessly traversed,

The ultimate crown of my brutally impoverished intestines; was the fruits of

panoramically pristine creation that you blissfully assimilated; every single unfurling minute of your victorious life,

The ultimate crown of my impotently impoverished persona; was the countless

seeds of synergistically fragrant evolution that you sowed; as every night took heavenly control of the sweltering day,

The ultimate crown of my obliviously impoverished skin; was the torrential

rain showers of tantalizing rhapsody; that perennially promulgated from your harmonious existence,

The ultimate crown of my squalidly impoverished conscience; was the miraculously mitigating essence of your unassailably liberating truth,

The ultimate crown of my hedonistically impoverished soul; was your perpetually philanthropic spirit of timelessly coalescing with every fragment and sect of divine humanity,

The ultimate crown of my ephemerally impoverished shadow; was your unsurpassably Omniscient jewel of unconquerably godly honesty,

The ultimate crown of my grouchily impoverished nostrils; was your immeasurably sacred breath of astoundingly proliferating newness,

And the ultimate crown of my helplessly impoverished heart; was your immortally blessed beats of unconditionally holy love; love and beautifully ardent love .


It was the poignantly unparalleled empathy in your divinely eyes; that clean bowled the stumps of lecherously coldblooded insanity; in my miserably disoriented life,

It was the resplendently symbiotic flavor of your unconquerable lips; that clean bowled the stumps of manipulatively baseless prejudice; in my diminutively forlorn life,

It was the effulgently humanitarian caress of your Omnipotent palms; that clean bowled the stumps of sacrilegiously victimizing greed; in my inconspicuously staggering life,

It was the ubiquitously heavenly artistry of your blissful fingers; that clean bowled the stumps of maniacally debauch monotony; in my penuriously truncated life,

It was the mischievously pristine flap of your Omniscient ears; that clean bowled the stumps of morbidly contaminated remorsefulness; in my disastrously bedlam life,

It was the unassailably priceless bloodstreams in your perennial veins; that clean bowled the stumps of sanctimoniously crippling artificiality; in my sinfully extinguishing life,

It was the triumphantly righteous swirl of your Omnipresent feet; that clean

bowled the stumps of tawdrily asphyxiating corruption; in my impoverishedly livid life,

It was the inimitably mollifying enthrallment in your eternal voice; that clean bowled the stumps of vindictively insidious desperation; in my threadbarely evanescent life,

It was the unsurpassably compassionate ardor of your undefeated persona; that clean bowled the stumps of lethally wastrel nothingness; in my raunchily deteriorating life,

It was the unbelievably philanthropic devotion of your sacred soul; that clean bowled the stumps of tyrannically venomous deliriousness; in my waywardly idiosyncratic life,

It was the universally affable scent of your truthful perspiration; that clean bowled the stumps of pathetically isolated laziness; in my frigidly contemptuous life,

It was the unflinchingly fearless shadow of your impeccable ideals; that clean bowled the stumps of vituperatively slinking cowardliness; in my thoughtlessly recoiling life,

It was the magically eclectic power of your unshakable shoulders; that clean bowled the stumps of mundanely decrepit depression; in my sadistically cannibalistic life,

It was the inexhaustibly infallible utopia of your victorious creation; that clean bowled the stumps of ignominiously impeding infertility; in my criminally nonchalant life,

It was the miraculously symbiotic essence of your insuperable shadow; that clean bowled the stumps of penalizingly pulverizing confinement; in my ethereally solitary life,

It was the timelessly healing melody of your unbreakable grip; that clean bowled the stumps of carnivorously crippling lies; in my transiently feckless life,

It was the gloriously majestic truth of your unbridled conscience; that clean bowled the stumps of satanically sinister lies; in my despondently delinquent life,

It was the perennially life-yielding fire of your indomitable breath; that clean bowled the stumps of disparagingly meaningless death; in my lugubriously quagmire life,

And it was the immortally bonding love of your royal heart; that clean bowled the stumps of maliciously strangulating betrayal; in my despairingly egregious

and truculently tortured life .


People might say that you have a nose; that most consummately befits; only the senselessly braying and meaninglessly inane; donkey,

People might say that you have eyes; that most consummately befit; only the grotesquely blinded and horrifically screeching; bat,

People might say that you have ears; that most consummately befit; only the

preposterously corpulent and flaccidly wastrel; elephant,

People might say that you have a tongue; that most consummately befits; only the vindictively licentious and tawdrily snaring; lizard,

People might say that you have eyelashes; that most consummately befit; only

the laggardly ambling and desolately delinquent; camel,

People might say that you have palms; that most consummately befit; only the

rustically untamed and bawdily mimicking; chimpanzee,

People might say that you have feet; that most consummately befit; only the

diabolically parading and deliriously pulverizing; dinosaur,

People might say that you have a belly; that most consummately befits; only

the obsoletely obese and sluggishly slandering; tortoise,

People might say that you have hair; that most consummately befit; only the

irascibly hairy and unsurpassably leech laden; gorilla,

People might say that you have lips; that most consummately befit; only the

ominously excoriating and boundlessly victimizing; shark,

People might say that you have fingers; that most consummately befit; only the hideously rotting and abhorrently fetid; skeleton,

People might say that you have a voice; that most consummately befits; only the ludicrously discordant and importunately sobbing; frog,

People might say that you have a hindside; that most consummately befits; only the lividly squandering and miserably derelict; snail,

People might say that you have a brain; that most consummately befits; only the ephemerally living and infinitesimally non-existent; ant,

People might say that you have a shadow; that most consummately befits; only the ethereally stagnating and invisibly ridiculous; thread,

People might say that you have bones; that most consummately befit; only the

reproachfully invidious and spinelessly hissing; snake,

People might say that you have a temper; that most consummately befits; only the terribly petrified and slyly sinking; crabs,

People might say that you have a scalp; that most consummately befits; only the abysmally bald and lecherously ribald; egg,

People might say that you have thighs; that most consummately befit; only the frigidly lackadaisical and penuriously impotent; sands,

People might say that you have a personality; that most consummately befits; only the morbidly sulking and indefatigably cursing; graveyard,

People might say that you have breasts; that most consummately befit; only the amorphously cadaverous and forlornly deteriorating; carcass,

People might say that you have shoulders; that most consummately befit; only the surreptitiously indolent and mercilessly traitor; fox,

People might say that you have blood; that most consummately befits; only the libidinously groaning and gratuitously cold-blooded; parasite,

People might say that you have a signature; that most consummately befits; only the timelessly sinking and horribly failure; ship,

People might say that you have breath; that most consummately befits; only the inexhaustibly lambasting and apocalyptically bellowing maelstroms of; hell,

But irrespective of whatever anyone said or perceived on fathomless earth; for me you were the most priceless organism of the Omnipotent Lord’s Creation; as every beat of your heart tirelessly coalesced with nothing else but eternally symbiotic creation; tirelessly prayed for nothing else but Omnipresent goodness; tirelessly throbbed for nothing else but Immortal Love .


The tantalizingly seductive periphery of your lusciously crinkled lips; mesmerized me to only an infinitesimally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to suckle their unbelievably triumphant and harmoniously mellifluous sweetness; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The voluptuously rubicund contours of your fantastically nubile cheeks; enchanted me to only a diminutively fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to absorb in their charismatically robust and perennially bountiful luster; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The sensuously embellished fringes of your mischievously dancing eyelashes; stupefied me to only a parsimoniously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become every royally untainted wink that you uninhibitedly executed; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The ravishingly enticing swirl of your pristinely black hair; reinvigorated me to only an abstemiously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to intertwine each of my senses with their magically virgin tresses; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The stupendously fearless voice that wafted from your ardently melodious throat; enamored me to only a spartanly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to blissfully make each of your sounds as the sole elixir of my impoverished life; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The unbelievably gorgeous silhouettes of your fragrantly moistened belly; dazzled me to only a miserly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to make dwelling in its invincibly compassionate warmth; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The unconquerable tinkle of ornaments on your insuperably heavenly fingers;

enlightened me to only a nimbly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to revel in their majestically unhindered cocoons of original artistry; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The effulgently resplendent sheen of your bewitchingly emollient nostrils;

entranced me to only a restrictedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to euphorically bounce in their indomitably Omnipotent breath; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The oligarchic shapes of your unflinchingly parading feet; enthralled me to only an impoverishedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become every ubiquitously uniting step that they tread; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The fabulously golden shades of your victoriously holistic sweat; fascinated

me to only an inconspicuously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to bathe in its essence of emolliently honest perseverance; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The beguiling sway of your daintily adorned earlobes; spell bound me to only

a penuriously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to imbibe the spirit of truth that they timelessly heard; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The vivaciously effervescent flow of your iridescently humanitarian blood;

captivated me to only an ephemerally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to blend my soul with the countless ingredients of symbiotic humanity in it; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The profoundly enigmatic vacillations of your regally unfettered shadow;

mitigated me to only an ethereally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to timelessly siesta in its unassailably philanthropic serenity; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The kingly whites of your inexhaustibly dancing eyes; mystified me to only an infidel fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to tirelessly sight my reflection in their mirror of ubiquitously unparalleled righteousness; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The limitless fleet of goose-bumps on your excitedly exuberant nape; sublimed me to only a truncatedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to continuously maneuver to every of its passionate swirl; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The unlimited repertoire of actions that emanated from your sagaciously venerated persona; recharged me to only a fractionally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to mélange with every flow of priceless truth and humanity that they sprouted into; for an infinite more births yet to come .

The miraculously exquisite panic button in your indefatigably ebullient belly; pepped me to only a flaccidly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become the nexus of its blessedly altruistic existence; for an infinite more births yet to come .

And the unceasing throbbing of your perpetually fervent heart; impressed me to only a lackadaisically fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to bond my mind; body; and soul with the beats of its immortally unshakable love; for an infinite more births yet to come .


Our relation was just as profoundly perpetual as that between the Ocean and the Shores; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s pristine grace,

Our relation was just as celestially perpetual as that between the Sun and the Earth; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s fructifying grace,

Our relation was just as blessedly perpetual as that between the Lotus and the Raindrop; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s redolent grace,

Our relation was just as sacredly perpetual as that between the Tree and the Breeze; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s vivacious grace,

Our relation was just as emolliently perpetual as that between the Rose and the Bumble Bee; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s unadulterated grace,

Our relation was just as brilliantly perpetual as that between the Oyster and the Pearl; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s royal grace,

Our relation was just as unbelievably perpetual as that between the Soldier and the Sword; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s blistering grace,

Our relation was just as insuperably perpetual as that between the Grass and the Dew; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s blissful grace,

Our relation was just as indomitably perpetual as that between the Cow and the Meadow; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s venerated grace,

Our relation was just as truthfully perpetual as that between the Peacock and the Monsoon; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s enamoring grace,

Our relation was just as symbiotically perpetual as that between the Clouds

and the Horizons; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s eternal grace,

Our relation was just as infallibly perpetual as that between the Desert and the Mirage; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s silken grace,

Our relation was just as unshakably perpetual as that between the Moon and

the Night; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally

loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s enchanting grace,

Our relation was just as fantastically perpetual as that between the Crop and the Soil; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s burgeoning grace,

Our relation was just as mellifluously perpetual as that between the Breast and the Milk; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s Omniscient grace,

Our relation was just as interminably perpetual as that between the Mind and

the Dream; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally

loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s adventurous grace,

Our relation was just as sensuously perpetual as that between the Nostril and the Breath; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s poignant grace,

Our relation was just as divinely perpetual as that between the Martyr and the Mud; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s altruistic grace,

And our relation was just as ubiquitously perpetual as that between the Heart and the Beat; which never ever could marry and become one; but yet immortally loved each other; couldn’t stay an instant without each other’s benign grace .


Just because somebody calls the compassionately breathing rose a pathetically dilapidated gutter; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its stupendously perennial fragrance,

Just because somebody calls Omnipotently dazzling Sun a cadaverous hell of abysmal darkness; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unconquerably blistering flamboyance,

Just because somebody calls the impregnably luminescent mountains an inanely frigid mosquito; doesn’t mean that they wholesomely lose all their indomitably endless temerity and unflinchingly peerless strength,

Just because somebody calls the majestically fathomless deserts a lividly wounded traitor; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its blazingly coruscated and timeless splendor,

Just because somebody calls the seductively dancing nightingale an acrimoniously ballistic thorn; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its enchantingly everlasting and poignantly mesmerizing melody,

Just because somebody calls the voluptuous cloud an evaporating graveyard of abhorrently insipid nothingness; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses

all its unprecedented whirlpool of heavenly sensuousness,

Just because somebody calls the mystically undulating wave a prison of disastrously truculent monotony; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its vivaciously exhilarating and unfathomable tanginess,

Just because somebody calls the wonderfully titillating and emolliently crafted poetry an infinitesimal trash can of hyperbolic adjectives; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses its ubiquitously everlasting essence of unfettered friendship,

Just because somebody calls the unbelievably pristine pearl a tawdrily molested corpse of unthinkable profanity; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all

its royal resplendence and exotically titillating charm,

Just because somebody calls the flight of uninhibitedly untainted freedom a maliciously lambasting chain of hedonistically perverted slavery; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its celestially altruistic fortitude,

Just because somebody calls the lap of the unconquerably sacrosanct mother an insidiously gratuitous carcass; doesn’t mean that that it wholesomely loses all its perpetually subliming effulgence and inimitable glory,

Just because somebody calls the vividly ebullient rainbow in the boundless sky a lackadaisically venomous scorpion rotting in the dungeons of bizarre isolation; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its regally unsurpassable ocean of timeless enthrallment,

Just because somebody calls the wind of beautifully egalitarian symbiotism an indiscriminately cold-blooded eunuch tyrannically marauding every conceivable trace of life in vicinity; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its pricelessly bountiful religion of humanity,

Just because somebody calls the wails of the immaculately wailing infant an apocalypse of murderous doom; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its

spell bindingly insuperable innocence and godly mischief,

Just because somebody calls the united fabric of eternal living kind an orphaned stone forlornly fretting on the vagrantly obsolete streets; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unshakably Omnipotent aura and undefeatable companionship,

Just because somebody calls the iridescently blossoming seed a curse on the trajectory of this eclectic planet; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unassailably ecstatic freshness,

Just because somebody calls the silken sensuality of paradise a devilish ghost invidiously permeating the hindside; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all

its indefatigably vibrant aristocracy and inexhaustibly Omniscient aura,

Just because somebody calls the sword of patriotically unchallengeable truth a dolorously disparaging coward retreating back into his egregiously worthless shell; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unceasing bravery and Omnipresent exhilaration,

Just because somebody calls the chapter of endlessly bestowing life an amorphously stuttering oblivion of treacherous death; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its astoundingly indomitable and miraculous proliferation,

And just because somebody calls our unequivocally immortal love a manipulatively sinful compromise; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its perpetually bonding beats and magnetically humanitarian swirl .

The End .

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