Who is the Boss
Who is the Boss

Once husband & wife ,
decided to toss,
You are my boss or
Am I your boss?
Husband was certain
that he was, with a grin,
But little did he know,
What was the spin?
Wife thought over and
over for that fight,
Not getting solution
She chose to strike.
What could be effect,
You can just guess,
That Wife relaxing and
husband in a mess.
He tried to do l
but burnt his T-Shirt,
The house looked clumsy
scrambled one just.
Made an effort to clean
But it all looks crude,
Attempted in kitchen too,
but burn the food,
Begging or pleading in vain
she wouldn't budge.
He noticed her value,
not need to fudge.
With an empty stomach ,
in hunger at loss,
He came to conclusion ,
That She was the boss.