Walk With A Smile

Walk With A Smile

2 mins

Miles to walk,

An unstoppable clock, 

Rumpus in the dark, 

Pain as a block, 

Scare the heart

Where tells nothing but the noise

Inside as the only voice.

How far the dawn is?

To walk and sleep under the bliss;

But the darkness - what is for?

Fall down and struggled so far;

Baffled and no answer.

Sat on the lea for a while

And start to focus on the breath,

A deep breath;

A while with the calmness

Feel familiar with the darkness;

Where the eyes can see the stars

Where the mind steps aside from the wars.

The Moon is there in the sky,

The hope begins to grow high;

Where the rumpus, not in the dark

But, was in the heart,

Now the peace is, in all my heart;

Brings the smile on the face 

And for miles, I walk with a smile to face.

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