To My Offsider

To My Offsider

1 min

Meeting you was our fate but staying together was the choice we made always.

We never expressed our love nor claimed but self realization is beautiful on its own ways

From laughing at my lame joke to teasing me unreasonably from strangers we became amigos

Giving an ear to my blunders and never-ending gossips handled my weird mood without blasé

With words of motivation in period of difficulties and being constant supporter you never left a stone to awe me

To the one who never judged me and my instinct instead corrected and lo

ved unconditionally despite of stupidity I may be

In beautiful journey of life your entrance made it super dramatic and perceived me that unexpected friendship are perfect

While other paved way out of life amidst all dark scary night you were the twinkling star that shined and glowed and stayed erect

Scorching the demons in me and my verve you have been prodigy and treasure created sense of relief

No matter whatever be the season of life crossed the path we complete each other's octet of electrons in outer shell of life.

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