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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

parag mehta

Inspirational Drama


parag mehta

Inspirational Drama

To Infinity And Beyond!!

To Infinity And Beyond!!

1 min

To infinity and beyond

For every single round

I will pass this test

Giving my very best

Trust me for the effort

Will take care of the dirt

But maybe just a thought

Let's try stirring the pot

What if I need the same

I too care about the fame

Commitment from your side

Will open the gates wide

For just about another level

Amazing moments to travel

Maybe I'm getting greedy

Trying just to be too speedy

Maybe too much to hope

Maybe too much to cope

Better getting back here

Atleast you can do some cheer

While I get to my task again

To this just one way chain

But then you do matter a lot

So without giving more thought

With this new energy found

I shall continue to infinity and beyond

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