Parinita Sareen



Parinita Sareen


The world of books

The world of books

1 min

To a world of books

She does belong.

In this domain she

Can't do anything wrong.

Reading gives her pleasure

Reading takes away her pain

Reading keeps her alive

Reading keeps her sane.

In a world of books

She does thrive

Reading all genres

Romance, thrillers or crime.

Shelves to her right;

Shelves to her left.

Shelves beyond mortality;

Shelves beyond theft.

In a world of b


She seeks friends

Donne, Milton, Shakespeare-

communication never ends.

Every book she wants to read.

Such a pure Intellectual greed!

Living many lives in just one

She craves for books like plants for sun.

In a world of books

She finds solace

One character after the other

Her Complexities amaze.

Beyond time, beyond life

Ages, She transcend

Upheavals yet descends

Ages, she transcends.

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