The Womb
The Womb
The unexplained eruption discharged the sperm of protons
And electrons which got intertwined, to frame life in the trivial probability.
The era led to the evolution, as the twilight propelled the specks
And the solemnity framed attraction.
The crusade between the two brigades generated enormous energy!
Where there was no winner, as all ended in a composition.
The conflict ensued in enclosures of galaxies reproducing themselves all around the womb.
Some became stars, being the midst of leadership.
Some choose to be a planet with heart,
Some remain neutral and propels the black matter, giving rise to stems.
Whereas other expedited towards the black hole and white dwarf
by developing Alzheimer's where nothing escapes.
Does the womb bestow life?
Does it house identical twins?
Does it have an embryo capable of giving birth to nonidentical replicas?
What are its limitations and what is its maturity of this dark womb?
How far they get connected, with telepathy and get quoted?
As time travel through the parallel universe, Only the juncture can answer, what a womb can process!
Modest elements, occupying periodic table gave life with interactions, and serendipity happened.
No clue, if fume ha
s emotion, but intelligent life form should have it.
Protect the vitality that appeared with serendipity when we don't have a choice in birth,
why quit and dictate extinction through self-harm, terrorism, and crime?
Be it the sperm and egg of God,
Be it science dealing with attraction and repulsion.
Everything has a purpose for existence.
Let's be pure, as we were once in the womb even at the time of darkness and
were determined to face the unknown world of light with time.
Respect all religions.
Respect all life.
Respect other's beliefs.
We are related and need to appreciate individuality.
Let the juncture direct our fortune, as the galaxy formed in the womb called the universe,
We got formed within the womb of Galaxy.
Focus on an allure called profound affection.
The life of the universe, wouldn't have existed without attraction.
Respect forces of life, as we are just a speckle of the cosmos.
This poem shows how cohesion against barriers leads to life formation,
If a similar analogy gets applied to life, the world will be better placed to live.
An analogy can be the future way of learning to address the issues we may face.
This poem is dedicated to Sir Abdul Kalam and Stephen Hawkings.