The Unfaithful Illusion
The Unfaithful Illusion

Numbers, what are they?
The tiny little frameworks, that we assume are the gateway,
Oh dear God, when will we wake up from these horrifying assumptions,
these misleading conclusions,
and these unfaithful illusions.
Look into the eyes of the most innocent,
pinned onto one fragment,
they try to find an escape, a cure to endure,
but sadly in the end, it contaminates their soul,
for now even the most innocent are not pure,
they still try to escape, they try to run,
until they realise that they have become ‘it’,
what is done is done,
as they quietly listen to the dew on the petals,
sliding down and evaporating into the heat,
drip…drip… drip..,
but all they hear is one… two… three.
Numbers, what are they?
the tiny little frameworks, that we assume are the gateway,
Oh dear God, when will we wake up from these horrifying assumptions,
these misleading conclusions,
and these unfaithful illusions.
This has led to labelling, segregation and discrimination,
we didn’t even leave behind something beyond our three dimensions - Time.
If only Time was just the past, the present and the future,
we could have been free,
but now even Time is a prisoner,
as it is
labelled - twelve o’clock, one, one thirty!
Numbers, what are they?
the tiny little frameworks, that we assume is the gateway,
Oh dear god, when will we wake up from these horrifying assumptions,
these misleading conclusions,
and these unfaithful illusions.
A man was assassinated on January thirty 1948,
it was the saddest day India experienced after loosing an individual so great,
People lost their minds, discussed for hours,
blamed whatever they could, even fate,
you can try to convince me, the best you can,
but I don't see any importance in this date,
for now dear friends, brothers and sisters, please understand,
the Date is just a number,
all I wanted and needed to know was that he...was a very brave and kind man.
Numbers, what are they?
the tiny little frameworks, that we assume are the gateway,
Oh dear god, when will we wake up from these horrifying assumptions,
these misleading conclusions,
and these unfaithful illusions.
Only if time was just the past, the present and the future,
and not numbers,
then my dear friends,
if I die today,
I will be the past of the future,
the future of the past,
and at present nothing more than a humble ghost.