The Paradox
The Paradox

Is it all an emotion of itself or a state of mind in itself?
This question will be pondered upon always by one’s self
Have you unearthed the indescribably addictive feelings of ecstasy?
Mania, a heightened ego of grandeur; unaware that I a living recklessly
I do not need much rest, nor do I want to sleep
Too many spectacular ideas which I desire to pursue and keep
Enclosed in a psychiatric ward with an abundance of time for activities
Yet somehow time seems to be lacking, I cannot encompass all of these festivities
It is all together futile to maintain attention on one task
My thoughts are simply racing, they are accelerating far too fast
My mind, body and soul, are completely out of unison
But the weight of depression is gone, a much yearned conclusion
Joy and motivation returned, although a muddled confusion remains
But letting it go on for far too long, medication leaves the body drain
My sociability comes back, which is followed by elation
But no concentration and irritability ends up leading to frustration
Racing chasing thoughts; my body cannot keep on pacing
Then back into depression is hopelessly what I am facing
I am irritated now by everyone and everything around
The whole vicious cycle spinning; it continues to go round and round
The only thing that I can write about now is how I am feeling
I cannot hide this paranoia and fear of myself that I have been concealing
Yet I do not distress and neither shall you as I will be back again
And when I come back and I am myself it will be me exactly the same
This roundabout I have got stuck on will eventually stop spinning
Then I will be back, back to the start, at the very beginning
There may be many battles to fight and possibly many more
But in the end, I know I am strong and thus I will eventually win the war