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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Leslie Bush

Drama Fantasy


Leslie Bush

Drama Fantasy



2 mins

It begins with God

(by definition, singular)

After making everything

God said to himself

Something is missing

He created Adam

Out of Adam, Eve

To them, he said

This is a garden

Glorious isn’t it

All those colours

All those smells

You, Adam and Eve

Are my gardeners

I give you all this

In your charge

Thank you, thank you

Said, Adam and Eve. 

What are we? God blinked

Pardon, he said.

What are we?

Repeated Eve;

You’ve created birds

And fishes, lions and

Tigers and bears

(Eve thinks to herself

One day there will be a song

Of that title)

Lions & Tigers & Bears

Back to the question

What are we? Feathers, 

fur or plumage we lack

We walk upright

Have a straight back

Our appearance is different

Adam has baubles

I have balloons

What are we? A hairless baboon?

This set God thinking

An impressive sight

Thunder and lightning

And a few BOOMs

The climate cooled

Adam and Eve shuddered, 

Shivered. Embraced each other

Thought, a nice fit. Tactile senses

Smooth skin; like it! Where shall we

Begin? God meanwhile struggled

With Eve’s question, until finally

He cleared his throat and intoned

In a deep voice: you are human beings

Adam is a man; you, Eve, are a woman

Thank you, said Eve, always very polite

What do we do? Gardeners, what do they do?

God scratched his head, none of the other creations

Could talk, let alone ask questions

Adam, throughout this, is watching Eve

The way she moved, how she sounded

Tossed her hair in the wind; thinks to himself

This I like. God meanwhile harumphs and appears busy

You are here to enjoy the fruits of the garden

To feel in harmony with them, feel their energy

To learn that life is mysterious. Eve’s eyes flashed

“Mysterious? What be “mysterious”. Questions

Questions; Do you wonder why we always have “why’s”?

Even an all-knowing God can’t be expected to think of everything

And here he is getting the 3rd degree from his creation

Diplomacy works, he says to Eve, you will have many questions

To which I will share information gradually, in manageable chunks

Eve says thank you, unsatisfied; turns to Adam, who is ogling her

Any questions? She snapped. No. said Adam, I would like to see you 

Mapped. Eve tosses her hair and marches off to explore this garden


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