The Last Handshake!

The Last Handshake!

1 min

When I'm lost it will take a while for me to get back

Get back to all from which I've been so far for so long

Long may be not in terms of distance but in terms of time

Time that couldn't be gotten back

Back to what already slipped off my hand

My hands are bare- fingers are clenched, forming a fist

A fist because I'm stuck and If I will open it

It would be gone for never ever to come back again

Again I cannot afford to lose, I would hold on to it tightly

Tightly so as to

not loosen my grip over it

It is the last shake of the hand

I had with you

And I don't want that feeling to go away the way you are gone

I want to preserve it till eternity

For - you and me, is yet not known to many

We've preserved well, what others may feel uncanny

Uncanny because there's so much hidden beneath,

Oh, darling! This little secret of us, let it remain underneath.

For the last shake of the hand

Is all that I've until last breath I breathe.

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