I'm Ekta and I love to read StoryMirror contents.
I came back to reality with a snap of a finger I came back to reality with a snap of a finger
The beauty to feel everything around me, this chirping of birds, this rhythmic sound my The beauty to feel everything around me, this chirping of birds, this rhythmic s...
Sarah always wanted to help people by listening to what makes them sad and their proble Sarah always wanted to help people by listening to what makes them sad and their...
To his surprise, the turban guy asked him to come to work in his shop from tomorrow. He To his surprise, the turban guy asked him to come to work in his shop from tomor...
His family couldn't believe how their only son survived the deadly incident. His family couldn't believe how their only son survived the deadly incident.
All of us at some point or other have experienced this fear of failing in an exam All of us at some point or other have experienced this fear of failing in an exa...
They had met through a mutual friend but now the meetings are without the mutual friend They had met through a mutual friend but now the meetings are without the mutual...
No matter how we treat her, she'll make sure our stomach is full. No matter how we treat her, she'll make sure our stomach is full.
Dear me, no matter how old the skeleton I behold becomes, the child that I'm deep inside, please do ... Dear me, no matter how old the skeleton I behold becomes, the child that I'm dee...
Sia lived with her family in the countryside. Sia lived with her family in the countryside.