Michelle D'souza

Drama Children


Michelle D'souza

Drama Children

Teaching From Home

Teaching From Home

2 mins

Waking up each morning before the Sun was up, very often rushing off to school with our bag and coffee cup.

The days when we wondered if we could or should take a holiday but didn’t because of all the classes we would miss when we were away.

The sound of the bell that told me to wrap up and move on, the look of relief in my students’ faces knowing I couldn’t go on and on.

My gang of teachers with whom I could share my woes and joys since they’re the only ones who actually get what it’s like to teach so many girls and boys.

The free period when we ate, worked, prepped, gossiped, chilled and caught up on all the things going on in our lives while watching the clock coz we didn’t really have time to kill.

The big smiley faces, bright young eyes and naughty mischief mongers too that reminded us every day why we chose to do the job that we do.

The end of the day when the kids were gone and we could let down our guard and revel in the many battles we fought and won, some easy and others hard.

These and so much more are the things that I’m sure we all miss when we’re at our screens all alone, trying our best to impart knowledge while caring for our families and teaching from home.

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