

1 min


My answer is exactly NO,

When someone asks me,

Do you want to tell only teenage romances,

Where a girl sees a cute looked guy with strong muscles and a nice crotch bulge,


My answer is exactly NO,

When someone asks me,

Do you want to tell only those adult quickies,

Where one satisfy their filthy fantasies in cars, lift, room and forests,

What do I want to tell?

I want to tell stories that have secrets that kept in your hearts.

Emotions which ar

e deeper than oceans.

Love which was eternal like rivers,

I want to tell stories which are buried,

I want to tell stories which no one is saying,

I want to tell stories which questions judgementalism,

I want to tell stories which makes you accept yourself with all the flaws,

I am a storyteller,

I garnish them with all emotions,

Of course huge bulges, big breasts, fantasies, eroticism,

Romances, Vampires, etc

Might be part of it.

Who knows what happens next?

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