An Adoption!
An Adoption!
***Having no child sometimes creates a deeper void in life.
This poem is dedicated to all those parents whose void in life gets filled when an unknown soul completes their family.*****
One amongst many souls
Were they the target of Brutal reality
Alas! The fearful luck when hit in bundles
Lost was their positivity
Out from the spectrum from afar
A cuckoo flew over the trees
Sat on their parapet and
In all directions added Its melodies
It's voice was no more
But a n
ew hope
It's sensational advent
To their life added a new scope
The love oozed
From the bosom of new father and mother
The pain lost it's battle
And mesmerising was now the new weather
The right thing happens
When it is least expected
Perhaps the golden moments arrive
When His magic wand is well directed
Beyond the brains of humans
The power is mystic and pure
Surrendering to His purity
There is no karma to endure..........