School Days

School Days

1 min

First day of school is something to be great

In Which none of them fulfil their wish...

A wish to never go to school 

We Consider school is just like an injection.......

But what happened actually later we went, we went with our cried eyes. 

Starting days of school never be good, we meet new ones, some make friends, some sit in a corner, but at all of this we used to go school hesitationgly

But as days passed, we grew, we realize the importance of going to school, now this was the time when we go to school daily.. 

We enjoyed 

Fight over silly things, played games during lectures, all this was kinda a habbit for us to do that daily.. 

But we didn't did is study.

. We didn't concentrate what teacher was trying to explain however we use to memic of teachers.. These were the days.. 

But soon we reach into 12 standard now it's a time to concentrate on studies but as always there be also enjoyed, created memories, which at time we wanted to never we forget.. 

And that farewell day all speeches, all things we listen from our tecahers is like heaven to us.. 

More precious than their punishment 😃...

Now it's time to leave & said a good bye to our school, teachers & friends 

Promisjng to friends always meet.. 

No body's knows the trouble that visiting inside our's heart at that moment.. 

To 12 years - Unforgettable memories...♥

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