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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Kate Eddy



Kate Eddy


Scars aren't always a bad thing. It means you survived

Scars aren't always a bad thing. It means you survived

1 min

A family loses a mother one day,

As her mantle, the father must bear,

As years passed it became clear right away,

Responsibility his child would not share. 

A young girl had all she could wish for,

With her brother and his friends by her side

They had been on many an adventure,

But before she knew it, she had to say goodbye.

A young man held onto a particular dream,

To cook for his mother: a simple desire,

Yet such a thing fate would never deem,

For upon losing his arms that dream he did retire.

A community as close as could be,

For many years considered a haven to all,

Even with each storm they'd had to see,

They never imagined taking damage from a squall. 

In each case, there came a lack,

Sometimes a lack can leave you marred,

For while you want that thing back,

Instead, all you've received is a scar. 

There are some who feel they can't move on,

As that reminder can fade yet never leave,

While some realize that though that thing is gone,

They can move forward as they each believe 

That even though they were hurt,

Though that reminder may never fade,

They understand a scar's worth,

As it demonstrates survival after the price was paid.

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