Sanyasi Nivas
Sanyasi Nivas

We wake up to rains of candy
but our tongue freezes at its taste.
Naked trees hiss as a reminder
that they bear no fruit that ain't a waste.
We walk, we stop, we run
and measuring every breath, we talk.
We tell them we're safe, not lost,
yet in our eyes, you can see the fear's lock.
When there's only a color
wherever your eyes wander,
the brain becomes a projector
of all the places it can ponder.
Weeks away from the cityscapes
you start to miss the freshness o
f concrete;
Proving time and again that wild is where
paranoia and thrill decide to meet.
Pulses throb louder with every meter
we stray away from the ocean,
Nerves cease of pain with every inch
of snow, we feel deepen.
The Himalayas they say is the
home of saints,
A Sanyasi Nivas open to
those who dare to unconstraint.
We questioned life after the glimpse
of a path so pure,
9 days of isolation simplified the meaning
of life into something we can surely endure.