Ajay Amitabh Suman



Ajay Amitabh Suman


Reward Of God

Reward Of God

1 min

In the shadow of hill, and Bank of a River,

Father and Son were,Treading together.

Gentle was air though, Forest was thick,

Rabbits were playing, A hide and seek.

Saw the son, birds, Chirping in rain,

Flowers were flowing, In beautiful terrain.

What a dusky cloud, And rainbow by chance,

Exclaimed the father, And begun to dance.

Tears flew through eyes With gratitude and Joy,

Bow down to Gardener, Father said to the Boy.

And boy was surprised, In such forest and rain,

Where is the Gardener, In such man-less plain.

Why he would take, such fruitless task.

Whom to show this and Still hidden in mask.

Who is here to enjoy, The flower and rain,

And what is award, Boy asked with disdain.

Not able to watch, Not able to touch,

Why such a puzzle,Throw you so much.

Smiled the father, Replied to the boy,

No body is required, To celebrate in joy.

He cares the plants, With water through rain,

gives sunlight to grow, And makes beautiful plain.

Food through soil, And thorn to protect,

Shelters the flowers, Can not you detect.

Can not we touch him, Can not we watch,

But he is surrounding, Where ever we walk.

He is prevailing in, Fragrance you love,

Blossoming of flowers, And Cuckoo of a bird.

And Son you are asking, What is his award,

This dance of nature is, making him to laugh.‎

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