Kenny Pariseau

Abstract Horror Tragedy


Kenny Pariseau

Abstract Horror Tragedy

OverBarren Pain

OverBarren Pain

3 mins

Our family complacent for all our own reasons, 

A child so charming with a joyful soul reconciled, 

Baby with a heartfelt charisma resembling a daisy, 

I'm feeling accomplished while astonished to a feeling of completion, 

The wife in strife hoarding all of her treasons.

The house is skewed and incomplete with darkness in every corner, 

You could feel previous souls penetrating within to make you a foreigner, 

I felt the cold, but she would scold in honor to the horror, 

I was slowly losing my mindful armor with her Soulful slaughter.

Without reason, I'm believing how everything is gleaming, 

To this partnered season in matrimony believing, 

That this trusting faith I'm freezing is endowed with the promise I'm concrete, 

The cracks below creak, 

Splitting at the seams to reveal a leak, concussion of the mind fallen from traumas incomplete.

Soaking calloused feet from tears of the fallen I excrete, 

Lifting my heart up to the only fall for a straight week, 

She's arming the traps for a streak,

Holding my conscious hostage to keep me weak, 

Bleeding me dry so I won't shriek, 

Keeping me alive within her soulless mystique, 

Holding me in bondage to dwell in self preserved hell, 

This was her favorite technique.

The air is becoming grim with a touch of darkness consuming, 

Growing from the corners as her comfort starts blooming, 

I'm worried for the children now as the evil is looming, 

Overthinking to protect what's left, 

As she's undertaking to neglect while recruiting, 

I'm slowly surrounded by shells of hell in loveless bodies she's amusing, 

The danger is present to rescue the children she's abusing, 

To reclaim a direction within this lost lust that left me more than confusing, 

To decide where my heart really belongs as I'm slowly choosing.

Now I know that true love stabs you in the front, 

A lost metamorphosis to the mind control stunt, 

I now believe love is meant to be a womanhunt, 

A lost cause within a perilous treasure hunt, 

The pain has always been so blunt, 

The horror is where I always lived in thi

s battlefront.

My blinding generalization had my realization of the notorious nightmare,

I've crossed the overbarren Desert and climbed the overbarren Mountain only to perch upon this cliff, 

Inside this haunted house with the front boarded up by her isolation, 

She has gaslighted the only exit within reach, 

The backdoor to the edge where she had me wedged, 

Looking down the treacherous cliff I stand stiff, 

I'm destined to carry our seeds of hope with me and not quit. 

Her darkness consumed the house and with our children untainted times almost out, 

I must move as my veins turn black and the weight collapses my back, 

Fixated upon the only sunlight shining down past her consuming gaslight, 

I leap forward with both feet hearing a voice inside screech, 

I believe I'm to die while I hear everyone's cry, 

My memories flash for a second before a feel the crash, 

I scream as I'm anticipating to be holding lifeless seeds, 

Tears rush before they start to gush, 

But the fall had barely any pain at all, 

What I saw was a certain death so I bawl.

Hearing a faint voice saying Daddy why are you crying? 

I open my eyes to the gaslight that had no more denying, 

The fall was nothing at all, the sunlight around my children was outlining, 

The house was but a few feet away so gratifying.

I didn't jump down a cliff that was terrifying, 

Her lies had me believe the truth in front was horrifying, 

But my preference for the light was always guiding, 

My drive to protect the weak was now verifying, 

That the darkness consuming was falsifying, 

That I believed for a second to be spiritually alone exemplifying, 

The reason for my torment was now satisfying, 

To be with my true loves, to be loved back satisfyingly. 

The house behind had purification surrounded with no one to be found, 

She no longer has supplied and left without a sound, 

Leaving no footprints anywhere around,

Her soulless body would never touch the ground, 

Her control has been dethroned as she is uncrowned, 

I'm no longer impeded with misery since now I'm found. 

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