Ode To Summer

Ode To Summer

1 min

This is for the sweet summers breeze which blows.

Embracing me with pleasure and stealing away my sorrow.

For all those beautiful, doves, robins and even the crows.

Which I may not be able to see from tomorrow.

For the gracious green grass beneath my feet,

And for the circling eagles screeching in the sky.

For the twirling leaf which falls down in the heat,

And the kid who runs to make his kite fly.

For the cuckoo which sings,

The most mesmerizing melody I've ever heard.

For the ladybug who flaps her wings,

To catch the wind and fly amongst the birds.

For the vast blue sky which sets me free,

And the summer showers which make peacocks dance,

For clouds which appear to be boats adrift at sea,

And the naughty squirrels playing tag in the branch.

But all good things must come to an end.

And tomorrow's the day when I must part

With all the good things that call me a friend

As tomorrow's the day that schools start.

The last day of the sweet summer,

And I can already see the clouds closing in.

Why can't monsoon be a late-comer?

Why must I part with my beloved kin!

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