Hasmukh Amathalal



Hasmukh Amathalal


No Illusion

No Illusion

1 min

It is naked fact

You needn't react

The world is the same

We need to live and not claim


Our birth is untimely, 

We have to meet death ultimately, 

How you live is your problem!

Live peacefully and tackle


We are no saints here

So live with fear

Fear of believing in the wrong thing

And trying to bring imagery or perception


You are living with a river that is in rage

Either face it and rewrite on the page

With the strong determination&nb


And not cursing with condemnation


Life is shadowed with illusion

What you see around is total confusion

You are not carrying anything at last time

So live with purity and not with the crime 


If you run madly after worldly pleasure

Your downfall is for sure

It shall invite the dark clouds

And speak loudly with thunderstorms 


We make it illusory

That is absolutely unnecessary

We are human beings with so many weaknesses

And face the fate

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