Night with my Knight
Night with my Knight
That creaking bridge over the river always beckoned me,
It’s my favourite hideout since childhood,
Happy or melancholic, accompanied or alone,
This bridge been my partner sharing my fickle moods.
Today was no less, both sad and elated I sat there,
Staring over the rippling waves, basking in the moonlight,
My heart felt joyful but feared too, I am not the same anymore,
Yet the twinkling fireflies, the breezy night mesmerize me.
A sudden gust lifted my spirits, transported me to an old me,
I felt his fingers twirl and play with few tendrils of my hair,
His mischievous glance ran down my shoulders till the length of my
My back tickled, my stomach churned, my heart paced and lips trembled.
Hand in hand we walked down the bank, with the Cupid behind us,
The hooting owls and the fluttering nightingales witnessed our Love,
A love free from earthly treasures, love unmatched, unsurpassed,
Nature blessed us with snow petals as we sealed it with an eternal kiss.
The morning glory peeped from the eastern edge paving way to a new day,
Painting the azure sky with myriad hues, it looked stunningly golden,
I returned with sauntered steps praying the dream wasn't a dream,
Looking at my empty hands I yearned for the lost warm touch and his kiss.