Neutralization; A Revolutionized Theory
Neutralization; A Revolutionized Theory
Yes, the mind travels a thousand places-
From the enraged burning in the iced ice,
To the cold warmth in the firing fire;
Unusually real and square.
But then there is my adrenaline that says otherwise.
It questions, the unquestioned-
What is so prejudiced that it can't be even?
What is so bent, that it can't be woven?
But here is what my deviant spirit replied...
"There are never just two opposites
For what is, therefore it is.
For what was, therefore will be.
They would always combine,
To find a balance
To oppose the avalanche...
For all the answers find their way to you."
Still confused, yet bewildered,
I question, the unquestioned-
What's so crippling that it wouldn't mix with the remaining?
What's so impassive that it wouldn't make us sane?
But here is what my withering soul re
"There is never just one side,
If there is one, there would be me too;
If there is me, there would be one too.
Wilted relations to faltering deviations,
From the same cluster would it split?
Opposites of eternity, the doubts would quit;
For all the answers find their way to you."
Still misjudged, yet curios,
I question, the unquestioned-
What's so humble, howbeit it resists the other?
What's so corrosive, howbeit it cools to smother?
But here's what my distressed existence replied-
"There is never just a division.
If one's ready to explode, it finds an atom of stability,
If it finds the atom of stability, it's ready to explode.
Tired of the derivations being too chaotic;
A hydrate would form beneath the volcanic bed.
The second would follow what was said,
For all the answers find their way to you.