My Doppelganger
My Doppelganger

Double of me,
No! it cannot be,
Smiling at the end of the road,
There stands she,
How can it be?
Am I dreaming at this part of the day,
The sun is smiling in glee,
She looks quite a lot like me,
But she is not me,
She is wearing the same tee,
Walking towards me,
She asks " Do you like pea?"
" No", I sound canny,
She utters a 'me too' before pouncing on me,
She engulfs me in a bear hug,
Something shatters inside me,
Uniqueness maybe,
Then everything seems blurry,
I w
ake up with a start,
Sweat perspires down my cheek,
It was just a dream,
And not truth essentially,
My personality has been encroached upon,
I feel as if I have a copy,
" You are unique,
It was just a dream you see,
Meet my doppelganger in a dream, not my own,
Love yourself Chubby, "
It was my heart vocalizing,
You are my one Chatty, a Chubby friend,
My mind pronouncing,
" You are our favorite "
My mind and heart said,
And that was the cherry on the cake!