'Monday' Kind Of Love
'Monday' Kind Of Love

No, I don't need the 'Sunday' kind of love.
Which ends before you really feel it started.
Yes, I need the 'Monday' kind of love.
One you feel is never going to end kind of love.
No, I don't need the 'Diamonds' kind of love.
They are so mainstream and affordable.
Yes, I need that 'Soul Binding' kind of love.
That burns every distance between two souls.
No, I don't need the 'Attachment' kind of love.
For it is painful, anxious and timed.
Oh yes, I need that ' Stars in the Sky' kind of love.
Twinkling when visible and still together when not.
No, I don't need the 'Beaches' kind of love.
Exploited, e
xplored and reachable.
Yes, I need that 'Island' kind of love.
Pure, secluded and uninvaded.
No, I don't need the 'Logical' kind of love.
Property going down, bullion going up.
Yes, I need that 'Dreamy' kind of love.
Bucket lists, mauve sky, and mellow kisses.
No, I don't need the 'Getaway' kind of love.
Who will you get away from? Yourself?
Yes, I need the 'You' kind of love.
Gentle, unassuming and forgiving.
No, I don't need the 'Human' kind of love.
Which gets pimpled, wrinkled and fades away.
Yes, I need the 'Immortal' kind of love.
That makes your soul feel so full of GOD kind of love.