Little one,
Do you see the road ahead
And the milestones to be reached
I have foresight and experience
Trust me, like I trusted my fathers
As they did, theirs
Little one,
Can you hear the clock
Ticking away, sixty seconds to a minute
I keep a watch on the hands of time
To match its pace
Like my fathers and forefathers did
Little one
Do you feel the pain
When I thrust the seconds down your throat
Minute by minute, ticking away into years
Millimeter by millimeter stretching from cradle to grave
And does all this sound meaningless
As it did to me?
Little one
Some say that time comes along with you
And milestones are motionless
Life is savored in moments
Rare, sweet and complete
Dear Little one
But I don’t get it, do I?
So as my fathers did
I'll compel you to see the milestones
Falling behind