Pinkal Rajane



Pinkal Rajane




1 min

Mangoes, the fruit of the summer season,

The hotter the summer, the sweeter these mangoes.

The favorite of every child,

The king of the fruits.

As soon as the summer began, my mom got me the juicy mangoes,

I was the first person to eat as she knows I like it more.

No matter how costly they were, I used to get it every day.

My mom didn't eat, not sure if they were costly or if she didn't like it?

Now as I am a mother,

The summer arrived,

>Mangoes came from the market,

I was mouth watering,

I remembered how my mom treated me.

My husband offered it to my son,

First time, I remembered my mom,

I realized,

It would be her favorite too,

But she didn't eat.

I asked myself why?

Then realized,

May me my father could have offered it first to her,

She equally deserved what I did,

It is not about mangoes,

It's about treating her as the real Queen then a princess of a Queen.

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