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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

sunil saxena



sunil saxena


Mahadevis – Divine Ra

Mahadevis – Divine Ra

4 mins

Mahadevis – Divine Ra

Mahadevis, mahadevis

Divine Rae, Divine Rae

What will you do with a nikhtoou like me

Good for nothing

Just sitting in your lap

Sucking my thumb

Just Looking out of the window

In the train that you will make for me

To travel around the world

To travel the vast stretches of land

Just meeting people just shaking my head like silly

every time people say something to me

with you doing all the talking

because I won’t know what to say

with no filth and wisdom

I feel I am born in wrong times

Just sitting quietly in your lap

Sucking my thumb like a baby

What will you do with me Divine Rae

What will you do

O’Divine Rae what will you do

You think, I l’oove you, more than others

When I ask for you

I am just lying to you

I am just asking for you, to flatter you

So you can hide me behind your slender curvaceous back

Because you will hit me the slightest if I flatter you the most

O’ Divine Rae what will you do

With me Divine Rae

what will you do with a nikhtoou like me

Divine Rae beware of me

think twice, thrice, four times, five time, many times

before you grab me by my hair

and claim me for yourself

I just lie to you with an open heart

Divine Rae, Divine Rae, what will you do with a nikhtoou like me

Wrapped around your little finger like a sissy

Beware of me

You know I am the liar

I am the deceiver

I am the pretender

You will call me beiman sawariyan

The one who cannot express his love

Who can only look at you longingly lovingly all the time

Hide my true feeling for you

Even when you have opened your heart to me

What will you do with me mahadevis

What will you do with me Divine Rae

You know why I flatter you the most Divine Rae

You know why I hide behind your back Divine Rae

You know me Divine Rae

Or do you

Or do you know me Divine Rae

Just tied around your pallu

What will you do with me Divine Rae

When I can do nothing more, than just yawn, sitting in your lap

You will get bored very soon Divine Rae

Thinking, what will you do with me, Divine Rae

Then you will dump me for your many Romeos

Then what will I do Divine Rae

Behind whose back will I hide then

Divine Rae, Divine Rae

You will make all my flattery to you in vain

Behind whose back will I hide then

Who will hit me the slightest then

Divine Rae

Beware of me, BEWARE OF ME

I am the heart of stone

I am the deceiver

I am the pretender

I am the lair of liars

You never know all of me

Which you like to think, that you know all of me

I will trouble you still

Even after I am in your embrace

Even after you can touch me at you own will

Even when you can say anything to me, anywhere, anytime

I will still be your headache

You will still wonder how to hold me down

Despite me in your lap

Despite me tide around your little finger of your left hand

Despite you treating me like your baby

Your eldest and the youngest

O’Divine Rae

What will you do with the heart of stone

What will you do

What will you do with me Divine Rae

Why don’t you run around with your many Romeos

So I can run around, with a beach full of beauties

And you will just put up the pictures of the beach full of beauties

And say, these are all I will ever get close of getting the beach full of beauties

Then what will I do, Divine Rae

what will I do, Divine Rae

what will I do

just tied to your pallu

O’Divine Rae, what will you do with me

How will you manage me

If I come in my element

Divine Rae, Divine Rae,what will you do with me

What good am I for you

What if I only want to lust you

Lust you, that is all I will do

With you sitting in my lap

With me on top of you

Playing with your lips of passions, intoxicating my senses

Then you will say, I only have one thing in my mind

Divine Rae ko satanna

That is the only thing I will do with a true heart

Without lying to you

Without being a pretender

Without being a deceiver

But, with a heart of stone, still

Because I will say, I love you, every time I am on top of you

reeling in pleasure, playing with your lips of passion

What will you do with me

Divine Rae divine Rae

What will you do with me

What will you do with me

You know, I am the heart of stone

And you, the Queen of Hearts

But do you rule my heart

Divine Rae, do you

Are you sure

Divine Rae, Mahadives

Divines Rae, Mahadevis

What will you do with me Divine Rae

What will you do

O’Divine Rae, what will you do with me

Life is still long

Life is still lot to be lived

With me finally in your hands

In your embrace

In your touch

What will you do with me

What will you do with me

Life is still long

O’Mahadevis, think again and again

Before you come to claim me

Think again

Beware of me

You know me

Think again, what you will do with me

What will you do to me

O’Divine Rae

Divine Rae

Divine Rae

O’Mahadevis and Devis all

Fairest of all

Lovelier than the loveliest

Sweeter than the sweetest

Charming than the most charming

Cutest than the cutest

Sexier than the sexiest

Melodious than the melodiest

You have the world at your feet

Your word is my command

You are Mahadevis you are Devis all

O’what will you do with me

Mahadevis and Devis all

Mahadevis and Devis all

Mahadevis and Devis all

And Divine Rae

Divine Rae, Divine Rae…


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