Magic Wand
Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand
wand to drive away their sorrows
sorrows etched across their eyes
eyes that may never see tomorrow
If I had the power to heal
heal those wheelchair-bound
bound like friends inseparable
inseparable from the grinding sound
Abandoned in Old Age Homes
homes that have given them shelter
Shelter from the cruel world
World who forgot they matter
Kindly Nuns true to the
ir calling
Calling to serve these aged ladies
Ladies who were mothers to sons
Sons now finding caring too weighty
Christmas is synonymous with giving
Giving love, gifts, to the forlorn
Forlorn as a stray from the human race
Race we must to repair hearts torn
Two hours of quality time spent
Spent to spread Christmas spirit
Spirits uplifted with entertainment
Entertainment provided with our visit.